
Do You Deserve to Share the Magical World With Me?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Voldemort is slightly weaker than Dumbledore with the Elder Wand, to be sure.

Otherwise, Voldemort's arrogant nature would not have deterred Dumbledore from invading Hogwarts when he was at the height of his power.

Of course, it is not so easy for Dumbledore to defeat and kill Voldemort, so the two men are in some sort of balance.

He himself was the key to breaking the balance, and being on either side was enough to turn the tide.

Ivan, however, showed little interest in Voldemort's proposal, shaking his head and saying, "I would advise you to drop these attempts at sowing discord, Voldemort."

"Really? You think Dumbledore will side with you? He might not tolerate your actions in Knockturn Alley if he knew…" Voldemort sneered as he looked around at the Regulators surrounding him.

He saw Ivan as one of his own kind, seeking power and recruiting in order to gain control of the wizarding community.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, would never tolerate such a person's existence, and the only reason the two have yet to have an argument is because Ivan is better at pretending than he is, and has yet to be seen through by Dumbledore…

"If you join the ranks of the Death Eaters, you will be my most trusted right-hand man and successor, and when Dumbledore is dealt with, we will rule the wizarding world together!" Lord Voldemort enticed.

Ivan sneered but did not reply. He did not believe a word Voldemort said.

If he agreed, then everything he did at Knockturn Alley would be in Voldemort's favour, and he would not only be under Voldemort's control, but he would also have to watch out for Voldemort's attempts to poach him and disrupt the order of Knockturn Alley.

More importantly, it is unknown whether Dumbledore will even live to see the beginning of this year, so the situation is not the three-way balance that Voldemort imagined, but a real two-way battle.

When the news of Dumbledore's death came, the non-existent alliance would crumble, and the growing Death Eaters would become another of Voldemort's trump cards against him.

Ivan gave up on the idea of escaping.

He understood that he had to fight today!

Even if he could not re-form Voldemort, he would have to make him fear his own power, so that when Dumbledore died, Voldemort would not act rashly, and he would gain enough time to grow.

The decision was made, and Ivan's fearful expression was replaced by a mixture of arrogance and contempt.

"You think too highly of yourself, Tom. Who are you to share the wizarding world with me?"

As Ivan spoke, he took the initiative to approach Voldemort, and red dragon scales appeared on his skin, covering his exposed skin.

Under the influence of his dragon-form, Ivan's aura became more and more imposing, and everyone in the square felt as if they were facing a great enemy.

"I'd rather kill you here, and then find a chance to kill Dumbledore… The wizarding world only needs one ruler!" Ivan declared, stepping in front of Voldemort.

"You do not know what is good for you, and you seek your own death!" Lord Voldemort laughed in anger, and he could no longer hold back his raging killing intent. He met Ivan's imposing manner, and the two were almost equally matched.

The law-enforcement officers on the scene were in trouble. They felt like small boats sailing on a huge wave, in danger of capsizing at any moment…

"Together, kill him!" Alicia shouted.

In order to not distract Ivan, she suppressed her worries and did not interrupt their conversation. Now that Ivan had made the decision to kill Voldemort, she naturally would not refute it and immediately called for everyone to attack together.

She did not believe that so many wizards present could not defeat Voldemort alone!

At Isiah's shout, only a dozen of the forty or so law-enforcement officers responded at once, their wands glowing in various colours. The rest of the wizards were either slow to react or too scared to move.

"Stand down! Don't spoil my fun. You're no match for him. I'll deal with him myself!"

Isiah and the others were about to attack when Ivan interrupted them.

The enforcers looked at Ivan in surprise, unsure of what he meant, but he waved them off and ordered Alicia and the other enforcers to back away as far as possible.

Unless he didn't care about these people's lives at all, ordinary wizards were no different from burdens in a battle of this level…

Especially with Alicia there, it would be a disaster if Voldemort attacked her and forced her to turn around.

Upon Ivan's command, the enforcers retreated to the corners of the square, relieved that they had been saved.

Alicia, on the other hand, was looking at Ivan worriedly, as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself. She knew very well that Ivan was no match for Lord Voldemort.

However, seeing Ivan's confidence, Alicia hesitated and took a few steps back with the others, knowing that she could not help and could become a liability.

Voldemort paid no attention to the actions of the law-enforcers, as if they did not exist, and only watched in fear as the dragon scales covered Ivan's body.

If he wasn't mistaken, this was the third bloodline magic that the other party had displayed!

The way Voldemort looked at Ivan gradually changed from fear to greed, merging three bloodlines at once without losing control.

It was clear that Ivan had mastered the art of merging multiple bloodlines, something he had always wanted!

"You seem to have a lot of secrets … but soon I'll rip them out of your head!" Voldemort muttered fervently.

"Compared to this, I advise you to think about how to escape from me…" Ivan said sarcastically and thought to himself.

Protective mode, activate!

The five Legendary Points vanished, and an indescribable sense of power surged through him. The magic that had been dormant in his body instantly became active, and every brick and tile within a hundred meters was within his grasp.

Unlike in the past, Ivan did not initiate the protection mode to fuse new bloods.

He only had one thought in his mind, and that was to kill Voldemort!