
Ding! Your Headmaster Dumbledore is on his way to assist you

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light hit Ivan where he had been standing, and a deep, hoarse voice filled the hall.

With his superior dynamic vision, Ivan was able to duck before Voldemort could swing his wand.

Perhaps because of the blood fusion, Ivan felt that his physical strength and other physical attributes had increased, and his body seemed to have become much lighter.

Voldemort, possessed by Quirrell, waved his wand in disappointment and was about to cast another spell when Harry charged towards him.

Lord Voldemort, disfigured beyond recognition and with not a scrap of flesh on his body, kicked Harry away.

If he had been in perfect condition, Voldemort might have been in the mood to enjoy the desperate expressions of the two young wizards in front of him, but his body was in so much pain that he had lost all patience.

Harry, who had been hit so hard that he almost threw up his lunch, clutched his stomach and tried to get up. He vaguely saw his other self lying on the ground behind Voldemort in the Mirror of Eris, blinking at him as he placed a stone-shaped object of irregular shape into the pocket of his wizard robe.

Harry felt a hard object appear in the pocket of his wizarding robes, and guessed what it was, but before he could check, he saw Voldemort raise his wand and aim it at him.

"Fiery!" cried Ivan, as he recovered and cast a Fire Charm at Voldemort.

Flames rose out of nowhere and engulfed Voldemort, but Ivan, a spell-caster, was not amused.

Because events had spiraled out of his control, Ivan was unsure if he could best Voldemort in his weakened condition.

The Fire Charm was only able to delay Voldemort for less than a second, and a large cloud of black smoke rose from his broken body, extinguishing the rising flames.

Voldemort's face was contorted with rage.

"The Fire Charm… It's you!"

Previously, he felt that Ivan's voice sounded familiar, and now he was even more certain that this young wizard in front of him was the one who had caused him to be in such a miserable state!

"Would you believe me if I told you it was an accident?" Yvonne asked sheepishly.

He was met by another flash of green light, and Harry was not faring any better, as the black fog that had been spreading around Voldemort was closing in on him too fast for him to escape.

"Ivan, catch him. I'll hold him off. You run!" Harry gritted his teeth and threw the stone at Ivan, forcing himself to his feet.

He knew that Ivan had ingested a large amount of Fireproof Potion, which would last a very long time, and that he was the only one of them who could pass through the black flames again.

Yvonne instinctively caught what Harry had thrown at her, and when she did, she saw that it was the Philosopher's Stone.

Looking back, Ivan saw that Harry had passed out from the effects of the black mist and was lying on the ground, unconscious. Voldemort did not even try to kill him.

Harry, you tricked me!

Ivan was so angry that he wanted to curse. His main fighting force had fainted, leaving him alone. How could he fight?

At that moment, the system's warning tone sounded…

[Ding, obtained the Philosopher's Stone. Mission to snatch the stone has been updated…]

Objective: Hold for five minutes or kill Quirrell (Voldemort)

Task Reward: Alchemy-related knowledge

Task Tip: Your headmaster, Dumbledore, is on his way to help. It will take… five minutes…"

"Dumbledore, f*ck you, will it kill you to f*cking teleport over to help!" Ivan finally couldn't help but curse.

Ivan wanted to cry when he thought about how Dumbledore was treating him after he had worked so hard for the school these past few days…

Upon hearing Ivan mention Dumbledore, Voldemort was so shocked that he looked around in fear, not bothering to snatch the stone.

Voldemort's face darkened when he realised that there was no one else around.

And, if Dumbledore had been around, he would have been dead…

"It seems Dumbledore did not tell you that protective enchantments were placed on Hogwarts and that no one could use Transfiguration here." Voldemort mocked Ivan for his ignorance.

Ivan rolled his eyes, thinking how naive Voldemort was to believe Dumbledore's nonsense. It was no wonder that the future was such a mess.

How about that old bee, Transfiguration? It will be used more than once at Hogwarts in the future, and it will be the kind that will bring people along with it.

After all, Dumbledore was Headmaster of Hogwarts, and had privileges that others did not have…

"Hand over the Philosopher's Stone!" Lord Voldemort demanded, reaching out with his scorched, withered arm and closing in on Ivan, who was hiding behind cover. The five fingers on his palm were covered with a thin film of skin that connected to the bone.

The broken body made it impossible for Voldemort to run, or even to walk fast.

Ivan shook his head firmly and did not reply. He did not think handing over the Philosopher's Stone would spare him.

Lord Voldemort lost his patience and pointed his wand at the stone in Ivan's hand.

The irregular stone quivered in Ivan's palm, but to his surprise, it only quivered twice before it stopped.

Voldemort had not thought of this either, but was immediately excited, as it suggested that the Stone contained more magic than he could ever have imagined, or it would not have resisted his Flight Charm at such close range.

Therefore, the power of the stone might be able to revive him!

"A flock of birds!" Ivan shouted, taking advantage of the moment when Lord Voldemort was stunned. He waved his wand, and the rubble beneath him transformed into a flock of birds that flew towards Lord Voldemort.

The flock of birds were merely Ivan's means of restricting Voldemort's movements, followed by a brilliant purple light…

Unfortunately, as wisps of demonic flames surged out from the tip of Voldemort's wand, the flock of birds were burned to ashes, and the brilliant purple light was blocked by the thick black mist around Voldemort…