

Hi everyone! My name is Kason, and I'm writing a book about time travelling. This is my first time doing this, so pretty please, be easy on me! Anyways I'll get to work on it!

KasonNg · History
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning

It's a revolution. Tear gas, bullets, molotov cocktails...there was just so much going on in the campus of the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. Many brothers were arrested, others tried their best to survive. One of them who is trying to survive is a brother named William Chan.

William Chan is a student, age 14. He was mostly Chinese and somewhat British, as it was known that his grandfather Joseph, had married a British woman. William loves Hong Kong, he always hoped that that city would get the freedom and democracy that it was supposed to have after the handover in 1997. At first, he wishes to strive for it using ways that are more peaceful, stating that he doesn't want to hurt anyone. As time goes by however, nothing...absolutely nothing. The government doesn't listen, the government doesn't see...the government doesn't even care. At last, William snapped, he figured "If peacefulness doesn't work, I have no choice but to do this." And there he is on the college campus.

Many brothers who survived were injured. Some were in bandages; some were gasping for air seemingly to try breathing after getting thrown a tear gas; some were even in a stage where they didn't even have any consciousness. William tried his best to help, he took out a clean towel that he shoved in his backpack earlier and pressed it tight on a brother's bleeding forehead. The brother held onto the hands of William, and said with a weak voice "Brother, it's over for me, run if you can…"

William shook his head in disbelief, and said "No, no one's leaving behind. Everyone will survive, everyone!" As he said this however, police have already sealed up the exit of the campus in order to force the protestors to surrender. As the police sealed up the exit, protestors barricaded the entrance and continuously threw molotov cocktails in order to prevent the police from entering. William carried the injured brother, and tried to find an alternative exit to escape.

Fortunately, there are motorcyclists on the other side picking up protestors that can't escape. William told the brothers "We have an injured one here! Pick him up first!" The injured brother thanked William "Thank you, kid. Here, this might seem useful to you." He handed William a bottle of molotov cocktail. William doesn't want it, but still took it just to be respectful. He put it in the bag and continued the rescue mission.

They took the injured brother down the building using climbing ropes, the brother on the motorcycle successfully scooped up the injured brother and escaped. As the motorcycle went, the injured brother shouted "Thank you for not giving me up!" William felt relieved, his body turned from being as hard as ice, into being a piece of soft marshmallow.

As William waited for the next pick up, a brother in charge said "Brother, unfortunately that was the last rescue bike for now. The next ride would come in about an hour."

"An hour?" William thought, "The police would come in at any minute now, and we don't have any rescue until another hour?" As he was thinking about escaping, William tried finding places to hide. He went into an empty storage room, and locked himself inside. William thought to himself in hopelessness "It's over, there's no way of exiting, I'm done for. Goodbye mom...Goodbye dad..."

After saying goodbye to his parents, William took out the wallet from his pocket and revealed a vintage photo of what appeared to be a young couple, a chinese man and a british woman, standing together and smiling. The photo had two names written down:

Joseph Chan

Maria Elizabeth Robinson

He sobbed and said "Grandpa and grandma, thanks for existing. The stories that my dad told about both of you, is what motivated me to live bravely. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have such courage to fight back..."

Once again, William said goodbye to everyone "Goodbye, my family...Goodbye, my friends...I'll see you on the other side…"

As William was crying with desperation, waiting to be arrested, suddenly, a tunnel that seemed to have white light shining all over it opened out of nowhere. William thought to himself "Wow, so pretty..." He reached his hand towards the tunnel and got sucked in forcefully by it.

Immediately, the moment he got sucked in, he realized that he was in a place where it wasn't of this world. The tunnel had so much light that it almost blinded him, and he actually felt like he was falling into oblivion. After around 15 seconds of falling, he reached the ground. When he got up, he realized he wasn't on the campus anymore.