
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

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70 Chs

Welcome to Hachimitsu Academy

Within the room, a young boy was at his desk. The boy had short brown hair that reached shoulders. He was wearing a white t-shirt, wearing headphones, humming along a tune that was playing against his ear. 

The boy was drawing in his sketchbook, all while getting into the groove, completely oblivious to the voices that were calling out to him. 

"Matsuri," Called out a woman's voice from the other side of the door. "Matsuri! Matsuri!"

"..." The boy now known as Matsuri was still minding his own business. Sketching away at his book.

Opening the door, a little girl about average height at her age. Her hair was black with a streak of red in the front of her face. She wore a pink and red dress that reached towards her ankle. The girl had a sneaky grin on her face as she approached the pre-occupied boy who was still oblivious to his surroundings. She rushes towards him with hands stretched out in the air. With all her strength, she slams the palm of her hands onto his back.

"BIG BROTHER!!!" She yells with excitement. Earning a scream of the boy.

The boy whips out his headphones, looking at the little girl behind him. "Don't scare me like that Ritsu!" He said with a wary voice.

The girl laughed at her brother's reaction. "You should see the look on your face! It's like you've seen a ghost!"

Matsuri groaned at his sister's teasing. Before he could get a response, a woman came into the room.

The woman was at least average height. In her 30s, had long black hair that reached at least to her back. With some of her hair tied in a ponytail and laid on her shoulder. She wore a white apron, underneath it was her casual wearing. She wore a pink shirt with frills and a long white skirt that reached to her feet. 

"There you are," Said the woman, giving Matsuri a hard look. "You're not even ready are you."

Matsuri had a rather sad look on his face, he looked at his blazer that was hanging on the wall. The blazer was blue, matching his blue pants and the white shirt underneath.

The young man looked on at the uniform. Ritsu looks at the uniform as well with curiosity, wondering what got her brother attention on the wear. 

"H-Hey mom…" He said with uncertainty in his voice. "Does it have to be at this school...are you sure there's no other school I can go to?"

"We've been over this Matsuri ," She said with a firm voice. "Your father is very close friends with the chairmen of this academy and he was generous enough to allow you into this school. And lucky too, this is an all-girls school from what I gathered. Thanks to the chairmen, he and the teachers were able to change the policy and allow boys into the school."

"I mean sure...t-that's good and all but it's an all g-girls school," He didn't mind, but why an all-girls school. "I don't know about this. What if I make myself look like an idiot."

Ritsu laughed. "You always make yourself look like an idiot." She teased. 

"Hush you," The mother lightly scolded the younger sibling. She gave her son a sympathetic look. "Matsuri , you're not gonna make a fool of yourself. Just be yourself."

"R-Right…but I can't help but to have this feeling that I'm bound to just screw up." He said with a downcast look.

His mother sighed, but gave off a small smile. She cups her son's cheeks with her hand, following her silent direction, he looks up at her. 

"Matsuri , you need to have confidence in yourself," She said, getting her son's attention. "I know this school is different, but think about it like this. This could be the start of a new life for you. A new adventure. You can do that, right?"

Matsuri still wore a face of uncertainty. His eyes wandered over towards his uniform that hung against the wall. His mom was right, he can't just run away with the tails between his legs, he needed to tackle this head on.

His hand curled into a fist. Turning towards his mother with eyes of determination.

"I'll try."

"That's my boy," She said as she gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Now get ready, I have breakfast ready and you want to get there early for the orientation. Come along Ritsu." She beckons the younger sibling to come along. 

The two females left the room. Leaving the brown hair boy to himself. Collecting his thoughts. He got up from his seat and walked over to his uniform. When he was in range, he grabbed the uniform, giving it one more look at it. 

He took off his casual clothing and into his new school uniform that he will be wearing for the school year that is to come. 

He buttoned up his white collar shirt and next put on his blue blazer jacket. He then slips into his pants and shoes. He looks at himself in the mirror. 

If his mom and dad were to see this, they possibly say that he looks handsome in it. His sister would possibly make fun of him but it would be just for fun.

Nothing malicious. Matsuri however, donned a rather timid and not very confident look on his face. He gave his body a turn around, twisting his hands from one side to the other. His face remained the same. 

"Well...here we go."


The family were driving through the city, on the route to Hachimitsu Academy. Matsuri was riding in the back, his head propped up against the windshield, with his head phones over his head. 

Inside the car with him was Ritsu, who was humming while messing with her doll's hair. In the front seat was his mother who was sitting on the passenger side. Sitting on the driver seat was an older man. 

The man looked to be about the age of Matsuri and Ritsu mother, had puffy brown hair with a hint of gray in the mix in his strands. He was wearing a sweater that mixed along with his blue jeans. 

Matsuri wore a somber look on his face as he was being taken to his new school, listening to his music during the ride. He watches the many people walking down the street, having conversation amongst each other. 

While looking onward, he noticed a large number of females with brown and white uniforms, walking along the sidewalk. He took a deep breath. Knowing that his destination was close. 

"Oh my, look at all of these students." The mother said with a surprised look.

"Well they weren't kidding," The older male said.

"Hachimitsu Academy really is an all-girl school."

"Waah! They all look soo pretty!" Ritsu said with sparkles in her eyes, looking out the window next to her brother.

Matsuri , on the other hand, had similar thoughts, but that didn't stop his negative thoughts. 

"They do look cute and all but…" He adored a downcast look, thinking up some past thoughts. "What will they even think of me?"

His thoughts were interrupted when Ritsu set her hand on his shoulder. Earning a flinch from the boy. 

"Don't worry brother. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Y-You really t-think so…'

"Sure! I mean, you look like a girl anyways so you'll fit right in!" She said with a laugh at the end. 

Matsuri's face donned a hurtful look. "S-Seriously!? I-I thought you were being sensitive for the first time right there!?"

Ritsu looked hurt by that. Her hands on her hips. "Excuse me!? I'm always sensitive about your feelings."

"No you're not!" He retorted back. 

Ritsu did not appreciate him accusing her. Crossing her arm and pointing her head upward, away from her brother. "Brothers are so troublesome."

"You're the one being troublesome! Bringing up words such as that!"

The two parents couldn't help but to chuckle at the two interactions. It was nice to see that Ritsu was still caring for her brother.

"*Sigh* I'm sure gonna miss this." Akari said with a sad look on her face. She then turns to her husband. "But Kenchiro, are you sure Matsuri will be okay at this school, I mean I know the chairmen changed it to allow boys in, but will he-"

Her talking was stopped when her husband set his hand on her shoulder. "It's fine Akari, Matsuri is a smart boy, he won't get himself into any trouble...at least he shouldn't."

"Kenchiro…" She said with a blank look.

"B-But don't worry. Matsuri is smart! He's not gonna get into trouble! I promise that!" He quickly reaffirmed with a thumbs up.

"Just because you gave a thumbs up at the end of your sentence, doesn't lighten the mood." She said before turning her head to Matsuri , who was still arguing with his sister. "Alright sweetie, you're ready?" She said, getting his attention.

Matsuri looks back outside, where the mass crowd of female students were minding their own business, walking inside the school building.

"Um...y-yeah I guess. B-But are you sure there isn't any other school I can go to."

"Come on Matsuri , give it a shot. You may just come to like it. And besides, you're not the only male here, there'll be others. Five I think it was."


"Yup. You'll do just fine. Just remember Matsuri ," His father gave full attention to his son. "Always treat women with respect. Not do any sort of invasion of their privacy or any sort of act. Keep your head high. And most importantly...stay calm and breathe."

Matsuri let those words from his father sink in, remembering them so he doesn't forget or make himself look like a fool. 

"Right…" He said as he steeled himself. Matsuri brought both his hands to his face, then proceeded to slap his cheeks together, smush his face up. "I got this."

He reached for the door handle and opened it wide. Once he took the step outside of the car, all of the female students at the front gate immediately stopped in their tracks, all of their eyes were on the boy that was already shaking. 

Complete silence, just small whispering, awe and curiosity from the female students. Matsuri was already regretting this.

"I don't have this." He thought to himself. 

Ritsu was laughing to herself, holding her stomach in the process. "LOOK AT HIS FACE! HE'S SO SCARED OUT OF HIS MIND!!!" 

"Oh dear, I knew this would happen."

"That's Matsuri for ya." Kenchiro chuckled. 

Fortunately, Matsuri was able to steel himself back into form. He shoved aside any negative thoughts and focused on the task at hand. He grabs his bag from the car seat, swinging it over his shoulders. He faces the crowd of whispering girls again. He calmly breathed in and out.

"Right, here I-"

"Hold it there mister!" He was stopped by his mother's voice. Before he could face his mother, his face was shoved into her bosom. His face flushed red.

"Gah! M-Mom!"

"I'll miss you my little Matsuri ." Akari cooed. 

Matsuri struggled to get out from his mother's soft bosom. "Mom! C-Come on! Not in front of the school at least!" He exclaimed from his position. 

"I'm your mother Matsuri , it's my job to embarrass you." She said with a smug look on her face. 

"MOM!" Matsuri yelled. 

His eyes turned towards the crowd of females who were having a giggling fit. He even swore he saw some of them with their phones out, taking snapshots of the scene.

Matsuri's face became completely red by this point. Trying to maneuver out of his mother's grasp. The poor boy was able to slip from under his mother's arms and tried to run, but his mother was quick and grabbed him around the neck.

Forcing him back into her bosom. 

"Mom, come on! Seriously!" 

"Just a minute." She said,

The moment was interrupted when Kenchiro cleared his throat. "I think you made your point dear."

"Oh alright." She pouted as she released her son from her grasp. 

Matsuri tries to catch some air, grasping his chest trying to calm his heart. He turns to his mother. "I'll make sure to write to you guys."

Akari gave her son a satisfied smile. "Good."

He waves his family a good-bye and walks towards the school building. The girls were still giggling at the boy after the display of affection his mother gave him. Matsuri's eyes kept forward with a blush on his cheek. He heard some of the girls whispering to each other while looking at the boy. 

"Not even the first day and I'm already making myself look like an idiot. Stay calm, just stay calm and focus on your future."

Just as he was about to reach the doors, he heard the car honked behind him. All of the students face the front gate. Seeing Ritsu leaning out the car window. 


His blood stopped. His face once again flushed with bright red, the female students around him had blushes on their cheeks while others were giggling louder than usual.
