
Chapter 59: He's been Invited.

As per the prior agreement between Minoru and Lina, they meet at a nearby bar from Shuchi'in.

"To think you kicked out all the customers and changed the bartender with your assistant. Something classified?"

Lina nodded. "You could say that. Wait, how did you know she was my assistant?"

Minoru looked at the woman in front of him. "Nothing fancy. I just saw her before in the schoolyard while she was with you."

Lina slapped her face in disappointment. "Damn it! I was hoping for an element of surprise. Well, I shouldn't have expected any less from Professor Moriarty."

The woman in the bartender's uniform smiled awkwardly at Lina's tantrum.

"As you suspected before, I'm Lina's assistant. My name is Sylvia Mercury."

Minoru nodded. "James Moriarty. And do me a favor. Tell your superior that this woman is not suitable for the job."

"WHAT? You can't mock me like that, James!" Lina then grinned, "Huhu, you might not have known this, but recently I met with the President and got my own mission from him—" Lina said proudly, but then she shut her mouth as if it should be something top-secret.

"Exactly. Rest assured, I won't divulge a word of it," Minoru assured, while Sylvie sighed and Lina blushed furiously.

"Ahem! This talk might be long, so how about a drink first?" said Lina.

"My pleasure…" Minoru looked at Sylvie, "… a dry martini."

Sylvie nodded respectfully. "Yes sir—"

"Wait," Minoru shocked Sylvie with his voice, "Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half of Kina Lillet, shake it over ice, then put a slice of lemon peel."

Lina was dumbfounded by his order, as was Sylvie. "Y-Yes, sir," she said, afraid she might mess up his drink order.

"Uh, I think I want that as well, Sylvie. So…" Lina said with a faint smile, "It's been a while, isn't it? If not for Twitter, I might still be trying to find your whereabouts. Why this place, though?"

"Nothing special…"

"Well, I won't pry. But I didn't realize you were skilled in cattle roping," Lina remarked, arching an eyebrow.

"You could say I'm good at roping someone."

"Are you implying you're a criminal? That's some amateur mistake, I tell ya," Lina's expression turned serious, her eyes narrowing.

"It's not a crime since they enjoy it, though."

"Enjoy it, you say?—"

"Li-Lina! Enough! Stop asking him any further!"

Lina looked at the blushing Sylvie. "Why should I stop if he's doing something like that? What if he really killed someone—"

Sylvie just came to her side and whispered something.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! I didn't know you were that bad, James, you animal!" Lina said as she blushed hard.

Minoru kept his composure. "So, what's this meeting all about?"

Annoyingly, Lina slammed down a file then pushed it aside to Minoru with a flustered face, and Minoru just learned that she was innocent even though she was legally allowed to drink alcohol.

"Potential Global Pandemic. I see…" Minoru flipped to the first page, "…you're here to recruit me."

"Haha, your confidence annoyed me. Uh, why don't you read to finish first?"

"I didn't have to since I already know about it."

When he said it, both Lina and Sylvie had the same expression.

"Wh-What!? How could you? You didn't bluff, did you?"

"Since you say something stupid like meeting the president, then it doesn't hurt to tell you mine."

"So mean…" Lina's shocked expression turned into shame as Minoru continued.

"A few years ago, I was tracking down the person with the first chase that led me to a nun on the outskirts of Mexico City, and later I found the virus already spread around orphans under the lonely Church."

Minoru continued to tell them the story of his research regarding Coronavirus years before.

"That happened in Mexico City?" Sylvie looked at Lina.

"Yes, hm…" Minoru hummed as he understood the sudden change of atmosphere, "I heard that you both destroyed a big cartel and killed the lord himself—"

"Don't believe people when they say he's dead. He's still alive. Somewhere…" Lina grits her teeth in frustration, "Uh, I'm sorry. Please continue."

"Nah, it's alright. If that's what happened, then I can't trust the news these days, huh?" Minoru said as he took a sip of his drink, "So, do I have to be careful about this guy?"

Lina became somehow solemn and decided to tell him what kind of man she was chasing. Everyone told themselves that she was destroying a big cartel in Mexico City led by a man called the Lord of Drugs, Pablo Escobar.

She always remained skeptical about his death in that big explosion. After looking around for clues, the man she pursued that night in Mexico City was not that simple.

He also had another famous identity: a famous mercenary called G.O.B. in the Iraq war, Baba Yaga, the hitman that led to one name, a code name 001 from a squad of super soldiers called the Numbers.

"We might also think that this pandemic might be something they're planning to create another crisis in the world."

Minoru took a sip of his alcohol, "I see…"

"What do you think about this?" Lina said as she looked at him.

"So... this person called 001 is something like the Napoleon of crimes who controlling the world from behind. That sounds ridiculous to my ears. Of course, this is dangerous when you're the one who telling me that."

"Well, that person is real and he might be planning something dangerous. So, I'll capture him dead or alive." Lina said with a serious face.

"Yeah, let's talk about this pandemic, shall we?"

Lina and Sylvie calmed themselves and tried to focus on him. They just stayed still and listened to him about the virus.

"Thankfully, the nun understood that it could be a disaster if they made contact with people. So they locked themselves and the children of the orphanage. But I managed to prevent it from spreading and cured most of them."

Lina gulped, "Most of them?"

"Of course, I couldn't save everyone when I was working alone and there was a lack of equipment back then," Minoru gulped his drink in one go, "But thanks to them, I gathered a lot of research data in case something worse happens."

"Professor, then why didn't you tell everyone about it?"

"That's right… you might be nominated for the Nobel Prize too."

At Sylvie's question and Lina's naive imagination, Minoru chuckled faintly.

"Lina, you seem to forget what major I'm applying to."

Lina widened her eyes, "Ah… that's…"

"You get it now that I'm an outsider. Even though they call me Professor Moriarty, they would laugh to their death when I published medical research out of nowhere. Of course, I'm giving them a warning, but you know what they said?"

Minoru looked at them with a faint smile.

"…They say, 'You might need a lot of monkeys, so I suggest you start collecting them.'"

In this reality, they both thought in silence.

"Also, I'm not the hero type."

"Then why were you trying to save them before?" Lina said.

"I have money… and I didn't want to lose it either. The world would be in trouble since the time the US was in a monetary crisis."

Lina sighed, "I see… that's okay, I guess. But I already knew that you're a good person," she said with a smile, appearing happy.

Minoru didn't answer because he knew he wasn't.

But he told them the truth about wanting to save his money. After all, if the pandemic happened, it would cause bad things for him, and the fact that he had invested a lot in Eileen for the sake of his survival.

In his previous life, both of his parents died when he was young due to the pandemic happening worldwide. This knowledge was thanks to his grandma, who happened to be someone researching the pandemic and the vaccine. Somehow, he was thankful that he had been raised by good grandparents.

"James—no, Professor Moriarty..." Lina turned serious. "As the representative of the United States, we want to recruit you to handle this pandemic."

Lina said as Sylvie handed him some documents.

"Professor, it doesn't mean that we come to you empty-handed. If you become US citizen, the country will take special care of you. We will welcome you with a red carpet as a hero."

Minoru just read what they offered him; there was something like tax-free and so on.

"No, I'm afraid I don't want to become someone's puppet. I'm confused too; you can just have an agreement with me. But it feels like the US wants to secure something for the future…"

Lina sighed, "I can't say no to that; you're right. We are also afraid that someone as strategic as you will be in our enemies' hands, and we can't afford that to happen," Lina said thoughtfully.

Minoru also expected this to happen because now, he accidentally just changed world history when the new faction called the West European Alliance, the countries of ex-NATO led by that woman, Eileen, has become the US's new rival.

"As NATO is now weakened by the Westalis, we are currently assessing who has the potential to become an enemy of the state. And that includes you, Professor Moriarty."

Minoru wondered if he could be a good guy, but no, as his public name was now being suspected as well.

"I see… thanks for the warning."

Lina's tone softened. "But since you have a good friend like me, I'll do my best to keep them from monitoring you too closely. Just promise me you won't do anything foolish like joining the Westalis. And take your time before deciding to join our side."

Hold up, Westalis? Ah, the tendency to give nicknames to their enemies remained unchanged in his second life. He was confident that Eileen wouldn't appreciate it either.

"And you know…" Lina became somehow shy, "You can stay at my place too. I didn't say that I-I care about you or anything. It's just, I have great enemies that I've been trying to capture. They might be targeting people I care about—no, I mean! So-Someone who will become a country's strategic asset like you." 

"So... you want to protect me? I'm speechless."

"No, that's not what I mean! I just want to protect the country's important assets! Yeah! I didn't say anything wrong here!" Lina said as she slammed the table many times.


Time passed and Minoru didn't accept that offer in the end, but he promised to help with what he could do. Now, there were only Lina and Sylvie in the bar.

"Lina, are you sure he's trustworthy?"

Lina looked at her as she drank another glass, "Of course. I can put my trust in him. Do you still somehow doubt his story?"

"No, without a doubt, he's a genius, even though he's so young with such achievements, and the fact; he didn't try to exploit it..." Sylvie paused, "Maybe you're right. If he wanted to, he could have let the pandemic happen long ago and receive a lot of profit from it."


After some time, Minoru arrived home with a deep sigh.


As he stepped out of the elevator, Ruby called out to him and started running towards him.

"Did you bring food?"

Minoru smiled at her. "No, I didn't. But alright, alright, I'll make something good."


Despite his fatigue, seeing her run like that somehow gave him an extra burst of energy.

"Ah, Minoru-kun, welcome back," Ai greeted as she appeared to be chatting with Mai.

"Yeah, I'm back," he said as he put down his bag. "Ai, could you help me if you're not busy?" He checked the refrigerator.

"You just got back and you're already heading to the kitchen. Are you even human?" Ai joked as she started helping him.

"Of course, I need to feed my daughter," he replied while recalling his recent conversation with Lina.

The impending pandemic made him worry, even though he had already prepared long ago. But now, with a family to care for, his concerns deepened. Moreover, the world seemed to be asking him to choose sides.

"You know... Mai-san has decided to join our agency and won't continue in her mother's agency," Ai informed Minoru. "Hey, did you hear me?" she asked, seeking his attention.

"Yeah, I heard you. As long as the problem is solved, I'm fine with it. That reminds me... where's Aqua?"

"Aqua... He said something about observing the bookshelves again."

"I see…"

A silence hung between them before Ai broke it by speaking once more.

"Hey... what do you think if I meet with Mom again?" Ai said, sounding a bit sad.

"Hm... I know that you both are not on good terms, but she's still your mother," Minoru replied, pausing. "I think you should meet her, at least."

Ai smiled. "Well, let's talk about it later. But somehow, I wonder what my mother-in-law and father-in-law think about me." Ai stopped chopping something as she noticed Minoru's sudden change. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you about them—"

"It's fine. I'm not sad or anything. I just remembered something—shit…"

He wondered if he should tell Ai whom he was thinking about. Since Ai was talking about her mother and also his, Minoru began to remember that person who would come for him. It wasn't his real parents, as they had died in an airplane crash, but she was something like a mother figure.

It could be said that when he was still a rookie, he almost died because his team back then wanted to kill him; they felt threatened by his potential, so they decided to beat him up, the genius newcomer.

And that woman saved him when he was about to die. Until now, he hadn't repaid the favor she gave him, as she refused to accept any repayment. Fate also seemed cruel, as she was Eileen and Teresa's mother figure. She must be lecturing Eileen now, or maybe she had finished lecturing her, and now he was next.

"Minoru-kun, is this something I should be worried about?" Ai wondered why he sounded troubled.

"Yeah, probably."


As the newlywed couple with two kids joyfully cooked together, high above in the sky, a private jet soared towards Japan.

"James Moriarty... that boy, how can I persuade him to marry either Eileen or Teresa and start a family? He really ought to quit that job and settle down. Sigh... I long for my grandchildren."

Within the jet's cabin, a stern woman in her late forties peered at her phone, observing 'her son' riding a horse and garnering considerable fans.

"What a wayward boy. I can't fathom why he became a teacher. Perhaps it's his mission? He needs to realize he may break someone else's daughter's heart, I suspect he already has. Wait, maybe... he'll develop an affection for one of his students."

Rachel paused, knowing it to be unlikely since he had never taken a liking to anyone, not even the Queen of Luxemburg.

"Ha... in your dreams, Rachel. But it looks like... I may have to force him towards marriage." she paused then, "Amelia..."

She beckoned her maid, her most trusted confidante.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I need a list of single, eligible women in their twenties with respectable backgrounds."

The maid bowed, "As you wish."

Unbeknownst to them, the impending scolding from his 'adoptive mother' and the pressure for grandchildren were looming. To Rachel, despite his prowess in the world of crime, he was merely a lost boy adrift in the river, in need of rescue.


Today is Tuesday, and another day has passed. After finishing his morning workout and showering, Minoru was greeted by Ai.

"Minoru-kun! Finally, we're back to normal again!"

"Morning, sensei," Mai said with a smile.

"Good morning, that's good to hear," he replied, glancing at unusual Aqua. "Good morning, Mitsuha."

Taken aback, Aqua responded, "Ah, yes. Good morning, Yanagi-san."

Minoru simply nodded, 'accustomed' to seeing Aqua act like a girl.

"Daddy... mowing," it was his daughter.

Despite it being just another day, Minoru felt uneasy. He carried on with his routine, teaching his classes at school as usual. As the day progressed without any issues, he attributed his unease to fatigue from multitasking.

'I should start thinking about Aqua and Mitsuha's problem too,' Minoru thought as he walked to the parking lot.

The sky was darkening, and the spring wind carried a chill. Lately, he had been neglecting his son, and the daily body-switching between himself and Mitsuha only added to his concerns.

Arriving at the parking lot, he noticed a two-door Rolls Royce parked beside his G-Wagon.

"I remember you didn't enjoy working in the office much," a voice called out.

"Rachel..." Minoru saw a middle-aged woman with grey hair peering out of the car's window, "...what are you doing here?"

The woman smiled. "Good to see you too, James," she greeted warmly. Then, her expression turned serious. "Since I've come here directly from Europe for you, you should spare some time to talk with me, son," Rachel insisted, her tone firm.



Bruh, didn't even realize it's over 3000 words.

Hope you enjoy it.


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