
Hitman with a Badass System

"In a world of shadows, I am the darkness they fear." In the shadowy realm of international espionage and contract killing, Michael was a legend. His deadly precision and a flawless track record had made him the stuff of nightmares in the underworld. However, his life underwent a complete transformation during his latest assignment. As Michael pulled the trigger, a mysterious, otherworldly light enveloped him, and he suddenly found himself in a different realm, inhabiting a foreign body equipped with a system. To survive in this treacherous new land, Michael had to embrace his inner alpha predator, for the system embedded within him was none other than the aptly named "Badass System." This system rewarded him with "badass points" whenever he displayed acts of sheer badassery. Yet, Michael soon realized that every twist and turn in his path was no accident; a grand design was at play, woven by higher beings with ulterior motives. In any compelling story, the quality of its villains is crucial. Thus, the question arises: who are the antagonists that will challenge our deadliest assassin? Will Michael overcome these intricate schemes to emerge victorious? Can he unravel the secrets concealed within the Badass System? Jump right into the book and you will not be disappointed...It's a guarantee... Anti Hero with a Symbiote System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/anti-hero-with-a-symbiote-system_23401860706535005 Dictator with a Badass System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/dictator-with-a-badass-system_24476949205615505 discord link: https://discord.gg/xWacJDwazf Join my wonderful circle and be part of the book!!! Schedule : Everyday 2 Chapters on Mon, Tue, Friday, Sunday 1 Chapter on Wed, Thu, Sat

don_offl · Action
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1342 Chs

The Pirates Cove

"What are you working on?" Gaya entered the captain's cabin to see Michael leaning back on his chair fiddling with nuts and bolts. 

"I just have to calibrate a few things" he was too focused on the project as he failed to notice Gaya looking at his world over his shoulder. She could see it kinda look like the grappling hook they were using but instead of hooks, she saw him place multiple syringes on a gauntlet. The gauntlet was smaller than the grappling hook. 

"Oh you're here" Michael finally noticed Gaya.

"Give me your hand"  He didn't even wait for her as he just took her right hand. With her hand on his hand, Michael grabbed the gauntlet before gently placing it around Gaya's wrist.

"It's gonna sting a bit" 

"What? Ouch!" She felt a sharp pain in her wrist. It was like a couple of bees stinging at the same time. She looked at the gauntlet to see the syringes plunging themselves into her wrist before completely disappearing.