
HIStory 3-Trapped, A Collection

The daily life snippets of the boys of HISTORY 3 TV series. The show must go on, even after the original show is completed.

Yukichi69 · TV
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27 Chs

Make Our Days Count 07-Xi Gu's Diary 02

Make Our Days Count


Xi Gu's Diary 02

Dear Diary,

I don't know if I should be mad or relieve or find it funny about what happened today.

I was making Hao Ting study as usual and he wasn't progressing because he was busy trying to...jump my pants. I mean, this dude, has too much unnecessary stamina while I am the one always left tired but that was not the incident which upset me today.

When I ignored him for being mischievous, out of the blue, he clutched his chest and started complaining of chest pains. I was so afraid because there he was, all huffing and puffing like he was short on breath and then he fell to the floor, unconscious.

I was scared out of my skin! When I started crying and only almost ran out help, he miraculously got up and caught me and started laughing. This rascal, started, laughing. He played a trick on me, by pretending to be sick and fainting.

I was so mad I pushed him and ran off his room and out and all I did was cry all the way. I didn't even notice I bumped into Auntie on the way out and I was so rude not to greet her.

Somehow, I reached the nearby park to calm myself down.

Really, what Hao Ting did was more than mean. How could he find these sort of trick funny? The actual thought of losing one more person who matter in my life again, was so terrifying. I already lost mom and dad and to lose Hao Ting? I can't put my words to how I was feeling.

Eventually that silly head found me and begged for my forgiveness. By then I have calmed down a bit but I was still really mad and said nothing even though he made funny faces or puppy faces at me. He apologized over and over again until I eventually relented and followed him back.

When we got home, Auntie immediately came over and hugged me. Then she continued scolding Hao Ting for making me cry and for playing the mean trick. Hao Ting could only hung his head in shame, serves him right. When Yong Xing and Uncle came home later, Auntie told this incident to both of them and in the end, Hao Ting got another two more rounds of scolding. Now I feel bad for him.

After dinner, Hao Ting sent me home. Usually I don't let him stay over because we all know he wouldn't let the night pass off peacefully but just tonight, just one night, I wanted Hao Ting by my side. I needed his presence by my side.

Hao Ting, please don't ever, never, ever play this kind of tricks on me again. Please.

-Xi Gu

Note from future Hao Ting: We DIDN'T GET to do anything that night. Xi Gu wouldn't let me. In conclusion, do not prank your wife. Sometimes it comes with dire consequences. Xi Gu wouldn't let me touch me for weeks after that.

Note from future Xi Gu: Served you right. Now stop scribbling on my diary entries, it's embarrassing.


I hate sick fainting tricks like these. I don't have anyone around me playing this trick but I do have a close uncle getting warded for a surgery tomorrow. We all pray for his speedy recovery. Stay safe everyone. 

Yukichi69creators' thoughts