
HIStory 3-Trapped, A Collection

The daily life snippets of the boys of HISTORY 3 TV series. The show must go on, even after the original show is completed.

Yukichi69 · TV
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27 Chs

Make Our Days Count 04-Second Christmas (Hao Ting x Xi Gu)

Make Our Days Count


Second Christmas (Hao Ting x Xi Gu)

"Xi Gu, what are you still doing here?" Xi Gu looked up from his inventory list and was surprised.

"Zhi Gang ge? What are you doing back here so soon? I thought you are with Sun Bo?" Xi Gu took one last glance at the shelf and kept the check board away. Zhi Gang sighed and glanced his watch.

"I just realized I forgot my present for Sun Bo, that's why I came back to get it from the office and you are still here, 2 hours after I left. Why? I cleared your schedule for the night," Xi Gu's eyes bulged and he quickly glanced at the clock right behind him. 9.00pm.

"Oh no...," Xi Gu gasped and touched his pants pocket for his phone. Not there. Xi Gu looked around and found his phone under the cashier. Battery dead, he quickly charged his phone. Not surprised, full of missed calls.

Panicked, Xi Gu looked at his brother figure who sighed all knowingly.

"Just go now, don't worry about the inventory, I'll have Jacky do it after closing," Zhi Gang assured Xi Gu who thanked him profusely. He changed out of his uniform into his usual casual wear with jacket and beanie hat and clocked out.

The weather that night was chilly. The streets livelier than usual since it's Christmas Eve and with fancy illumination decorations everywhere he, saw couples walking hand in hand and families with laughing parents and children. No time to stop and admire other people Xi Gu thought, since he forgot his appointment with his one most important person.

"The number you are calling is currently not in reach. Please try again later," Xi Gu cut the call off and hurriedly scanned the code for a rental U-Bike and began pedaling. Usually if he had the time, he would rather walk but tonight, it's much too slow if he had walked.

It's all he fault. He finished his work way early and thinking he had some time before meeting Hao Ting at the secret place they went on a date to last Christmas, he thought he should do some inventory check. He was too engrossed and forgot the time and did not realize his phone battery dying. Xi Gu felt guilty thinking how Hao Ting would be waiting in the cold for more than two hours for him. Xi Gu took out his phone to call Hao Ting one more time. Again, the call wouldn't connect.

Not concentrating properly, Xi Gu lost his balance and fell off the bike, scraped his hands a little when he tried to brace the fall impact. When he got up, he noticed he was around the corner of their meeting place. He stood the bike up and rushed to their spot.

All he saw when he reached the balcony overlooking the city view was the gentle yellow glow coming from the decorative lights around the balcony railings and small cup candles lit emitting gentle glows and a soft scent of vanilla.

But, no Hao Ting.

Xi Gu felt his heart dropped. Perhaps Hao Ting was so upset he left and refused to pick up his calls? Xi Gu walked nearer to the balcony, not even noticing the cool chilly air brushing against his flushed sunken cheeks from all the running.

Hao Ting.

All he wanted now is to see Hao Ting and apologize. He turned and there stood the only one person he wanted to see.

"Hao Ting...," Xi Gu whispered. Hao Ting was smiling. Xi Gu immediately jogged over and hugged him.

"Babe, you are here," Hao Ting returned the hug tightly. Xi Gu detached himself and leaned up to kiss Hao Ting on the lips. He doesn't care if there were anyone around now. Hao Ting cupped his face to deepen the kiss.

"I'm sorry....I really am sorry, I didn't realize the time and I am sorry I forgot to charge my phone and-," Hao Ting put a finger on his lips to silence him. Hao Ting's eyes were so gentle on him.

He smiled, "You don't need to say sorry. I know you were busy, so it's ok," Xi Gu swallowed but shook his head. "Really, it's fine. When you didn't pick up the calls, I know you must have forgotten to charge again so I got through the store and they said you left. I only saw your return call when I charged my phone. My battery went dead too,"

"I'm sorry I am late for our date...and you did all this...,"

Hao Ting brought him to his chest into a hug again. Warmth. Xi Gu loved the broad chest always protecting him.

"Actually, I am glad you came late. You know why? When I tried to do the set up, I realized some lights were spoiled so I got time to buy them and I even bought your favorite cake and goodies, so really it wasn't that long of a wait," Xi Gu sighed. He can't win Hao Ting in making excuses.

Hao Ting smiled and lead him to the balcony again. Only then he realized a picnic spread at the corner. Xi Gu smiled. Everything looked cosy.

"Thank you Hao Ting, for preparing all these," he smiled brightly to his boyfriend, while admiring the simple spread. Hao Ting hugged him from behind.

"No, thank you for coming all the way to meet me. See, you even scrapped your hands. You fell of the u-bike didn't you? Because you were rushing?" Hao Ting gently felt Xi Gu's hands and checked it. Only when he was satisfied there weren't major injuries did he let go of the hands.

Xi Gu let Hao Ting guide him to the spread and covered them with fluffy blankets. Everything was comfortable and perfect. Hao Ting fed him roast ham and cakes. Xi Gu fed him hot chocolate in return. They chatted about whatever. Hao Ting played soft jazz for mood. It was pure bliss.

Soon, Hao Ting begged to be allowed to lie down on Xi Gu's lap while he leaned against railing. It's a few more minutes of midnight.

"Xi Gu?"

He looked down Hao Ting face. From this angle, Xi Gu's thought Hao Ting's eyes looked bigger. He brushed away some stray bangs.

"I love you so so so much," Hao Ting sat up to face Xi Gu.

Xi Gu wondered if he will ever get tired of hearing this expression of love from Hao Ting. He brushed away some stubborn bangs again covering the forehead. He cupped the big face and brought their foreheads together.

"Hao Ting, I love you, so so so much too," Xi Gu said. He kissed Hao Ting on the nose gently.

Then the fireworks shot up the sky in the distance, signaling the change of date. Both of them looked at the fireworks, hands entwined.

"Merry Christmas Xi Gu,"

"Merry Christmas, Hao Ting," Xi Gu said, adjusting their position so he could rest his head on Hao Ting's shoulder.

"Let's celebrate again Christmas again next year and many many years to come ok?" Hao Ting said, as he brought up their entwined hands and kissed Xi Gu's hand.

Xi Gu squeezed Hao Ting's hand in affirmation.


Xi Gu mentally note to himself for next year and many years to come, he will take the day off. He wouldn't miss moments like these ever again. Because with Hao Ting, every moment was worth it.


Xi Gu deserves many many more Christmases with Hao Ting. This is only one example. Happy Christmas everyone. Everyone deserves a festive cheer. Xi Gu is alive and well here. I'll protect him with Hao Ting, we will all protect him with Hao Ting.

Yukichi69creators' thoughts