
History's Strongest Tour Guide

Magical Realism
Ongoing · 30.9K Views
  • 9 Chs
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What is History's Strongest Tour Guide

Read History's Strongest Tour Guide novel written by the author I_Eat_Dragons_Too on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Magical Realism stories, covering adventure, system, comedy, weaktostrong, mystery. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


In the parallel world called Blue Sphere, there were rumors of a certain service store that specializes in unimaginable tours. --[The Mysterious Adventure Guide]-- Such a name was already famous across the world. Yet it had no fixed location. However, every trip was so jaw-dropping that even the top wealthy people in society wanted to squeeze in for the trip. One by one, the mysteries of the Blue Sphere were unearthed. The world was going crazy, and many regarded the owner of this shop as a legend! . Glen Chu woke up to find himself in a strange world with an adventure system and an additional sister.  What? Do you think being a tour guide is boring? Heh.  Glen Chu rolled up his sleeves and went to work.  With the system by his side, he would be history's strongest Tour Guide! .... For new works and chapters, visit my Coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dragonstoo

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Started reading this, and I have to say it's looking good. thee writing pace is great and every chapter makes me look forward to the next. For now I'll reserve my comments until the author updates more.


I'm actually really liking this story much more than I initially thought I would. there are a few spelling errors the more you go on but that can be easily fixed and edited. the writing quality got much better the more you read. I can't wait to see how far this story goes. as long as the author can maintain the good qualities of this novel I will continue to read and update my rating.


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