

Romansa Anak Muda
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What is HISTORY!!

Read ‘HISTORY!!’ Online for Free, written by the author Lalita_Ichtiarrani, This book is a Romansa Anak Muda Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Warning: Irregular updates at this point in time. Overview: ~[Millennnia ago a star fell from the sky, blessing the lands and illuminating the dark, and the people rejoiced and thanked the star. However, there was a section of land where the star's light couldn't reach. While the people's hearts were lit up, their minds were not; they were easily swayed by the ungrateful voices and soon turned on the star. Lonely and betrayed, the star cursed the lands, saying, "You creatures, so easily tainted by the minds of others, do not deserve my light," and with that, the star fled to the sky, taking its light with it. As the star looked down from the sky at the horrors of the earth, it wept tears for the tainted souls; as these tears reached the land, they burst into flames and burned the land around them; as the land burned, the people's souls and minds were purified and cleansed. Exhausted, the star crashed to the ground, shattered, and as the star shattered, mana flowed out of it, blessing the land for the final time.]~ A powerful mage, destined for tragedy and cursed by his demonic blood and a lonesome boy with a past shrouded in darkness, despair and cruelty. When these two young men have their paths come crashing together, they will find themselves intertwined with the future of their planet’s history, will they be able to tweak their very fate to stay together, or will destruction drive a heart-shattering wedge between them? [BL] Discord server for all of my books: https://discord.gg/uBjM8vUZ77

Sageist · LGBT+
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