
Historical Repeat

"historical repeat" is a captivating novel that delves into the stories behind humanity's most transformative innovations. In this novel; you can find the actual real, and first founder, or creators of things that are useful back then, and still exist and still useful till now. Support this novel if you like history, if you don't, then idc. Just enjoy it, no refunds.

GinerBlivion · History
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39 Chs

Chapter 2: The Road to Simpleness

today's historical Moment is....The founder of vehicles!

In the early 19th century, the world was on the cusp of a transportation revolution. The concept of personal mobility was about to be redefined, and a man named Karl Benz was at the forefront of this profound change.

Born in 1844 in Karlsruhe, Germany, Karl Benz had always been captivated by the idea of moving from one place to another with ease and speed. His fascination with mechanical contraptions led him to pursue engineering, and in 1885, he unveiled his magnum opus - the Benz Patent-Motorwagen.

The Motorwagen was a groundbreaking invention, the world's first true automobile. It was a peculiar-looking three-wheeled vehicle, powered by an internal combustion engine. It was a remarkable feat of engineering, but it was met with skepticism and bewilderment. People of the time couldn't fathom a machine that could move without horses.

Undeterred by the skepticism, Benz set out to prove the world wrong. On a summer day in 1886, he took his Motorwagen out for its first public drive. The sight of this contraption humming down the streets of Mannheim was nothing short of revolutionary. It was a moment that marked the birth of the automobile.

As news of the Motorwagen spread, it caught the attention of Bertha Benz, Karl's daring wife. She saw the potential of her husband's invention and decided to embark on an audacious journey, one that would change the perception of the automobile forever.

In August 1888, without Karl's knowledge, Bertha took the Motorwagen on a 65-mile road trip from Mannheim to Pforzheim. It was a daring adventure filled with challenges. There were no gas stations, so Bertha had to stop at pharmacies to purchase ligroin, a cleaning fluid used as fuel. She had to clear blocked fuel lines with her hairpin and even used her garter as insulation.

Bertha's journey was a testament to the reliability of the Motorwagen. Her determination and bravery not only showcased the practicality of the automobile but also drew attention to the need for better infrastructure, inspiring the construction of better roads and fueling stations.

The success of the Benz Patent-Motorwagen opened the floodgates for innovation. Competitors emerged, and soon, the streets were filled with various automobile designs. Henry Ford introduced the assembly line, making cars more affordable and accessible to the masses. The automobile industry was born, and it was transforming society at an unprecedented pace.

As for Karl Benz, he continued to refine his invention, and his company eventually merged with others to form Mercedes-Benz, a name synonymous with automotive excellence to this day.

The first automobile had rolled onto the scene, and it was a harbinger of a new era. The world was forever changed, as people embraced the freedom and opportunities that personal transportation offered. The road to innovation was paved with determination, risk-taking, and a vision of a world where distance was no longer a barrier but a mere inconvenience. The age of the automobile had begun, and Karl Benz was its pioneer, and he knew he would make a change, a world where travelling is easy. instead of walking 500km away, you just have to get on a automobile and learn to drive, and also don't hit citizens or else you'll get jail time. dumbass.