

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

LaLisa05 · Urban
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14 Chs

Seduction Gone Wrong.

Grinder grabbed her arrow tighter, staring at the big wall in front of them.

They had to jump out of the compound.

She turned to Rusty and Luca, who was still following her.

"I'll go first" Grinder said, but Rusty grabbed her hand, before she could start climbing.

"What?" She asked, looking at the hand, he was holding.

"I f**king told you not to jump in, why are you so stubborn?" Rusty yelled.

"I didn't ask you to follow me, I can handle myself" She threw his hand off, and began climbing.

"I'll go first, You pass her to me" Rusty pulled her back, and climb fast since he his a pro, he jumped in and lucky enough none of the guards was in sight.

Grinder declined Luca's help and climb the wall,she didn't jumped allowed Rusty to helped her down, either.

Luca also jumped in. They turned left and right.

"Back door" Rusty pointed and led the way.

They kept on hiding from the numbers of guards parading and finally they got outside.

To thier surprise, Apple was already back with Paramour, Venus too.

"I was told you left to look for me? When will you stop acting so foolish Grinder? Stop acting without thinking...Cos if it was you, I wouldn't do the same" Apple said, laughing.

Grinder was about to reply her, but Rusty interrupt.

"No more argument, Is everyone here? We have to get going" Rusty snapped.

"Butthead and Tomcat are still in" Scarface announced.

"What!! I f**king made it clear that no one should go in" Rusty shouted, angrily.

"She followed Venus in, but she didn't returned with her" Jerry chirped in.

Rusty turned to Venus with a dangerous glare, and she blinked, guiltily.


The guy walked closer to her and grabbed her hair.

"You wanna prove strong right, I love girls like you ? Sadly, you're dying tonight" he said and started bringing his sword close to Butthead tummy.

He shoved it right into her belly and the sword came out from her back.

She started gushing out blood, immediately.

Actually it's was her illusion, the sword was just getting closer to her tummy.

The guy smirked, and made to shove the sword in her tummy but she grabbed it tight with her right hand.

"Argh" she help as the sword, penetrate into her hand brutally.

The guy removed the sword from her hand, and she started bleeding badly, he made to shove it into her belly once more but...

Almost immediately,the door broke open and Tomcat came in.

The guy turned back and Tomcat grabbed his head angrily,throwing heavy punches on his face without giving him any room to breathe,his mouth and face was destroyed within a minute.

He took the sword from his hand and shoved it in his right eyes.He removed it and shoved it into the left ones.

He went blind immediately, and hot blood gushed out constantly as he groaned in agony.

Tomcat removed the sword from his left eyed and shoved it right into his belly and the sword came out from his back

The guy fell to the floor,blood coming out from his mouth till he died.

Tomcat turned to Butthead who was already trying to stand up,her face all bloody from the punch and others.

"Why did you even followed her? It's obvious she didn't even care about you " He yelled at her and Butthead shifted back.

"I can't leave her....."

"But she can come out without you, What if I didn't come? You'll have been dead by now" He said seriously, and Butthead blinked repeatedly.

"I'm okay, why are you being serious here...Not like we're dating or something" She tried to tease him, but he didn't even laugh at all.

"You still have time to joke around, I should have just stayed back" He rolled his eyes, walking out of the room.

"Wait for me, I can't walk..." Her hand was still bleeding and the pain were stinging her.

She suddenly winced and he stopped walking and faced her.

"Wait a minute!!!" He suddenly grabbed her jacket and tore a small piece from it.

"What are you doing?"

"Stay still.... You don't expect me to tear my clothes instead" He replied, and tied it around her bleeding hand.

"Scumbag" Butthead rolled her eyes.

"I'm a scumbag, but you owe this scumbag your life, if not for me....

"I know, let's just go already...You talk too much" She heaved and Tomcat smiled.

They didn't run into any guards till they got to the exits, the rest of the gangsters were already in thier cars so they join them, and they drove off quickly.



The cars stopped in front of the compound, and all the gangsters came down.

They started leaving for thier respective room, immediately.

Butthead got down from the car, and Venus came in with her.

"Let me help you" Venus grabbed her head, but Butthead threw it off.

She shot her a glare, and began limping back to thier room.

They didn't say a word to each other till they got in.

Butthead went to bed immediately, and turn her back on her.

Venus bit her lips hard and went to squats on her bad, guilt covering her face.

"I'm sorry....

"Keep your f**king sorry to yourself, if I had died will your sorry brought me back to life? You want me to stay away from you, I'll give you what you want" Butthead snapped and Venus sniffs.

She went back to her bed, and lay down, guilty eating her up.



Natalia eyes parted slowly, and she sat up on bed, she cried to sleep the previous night.

Lucky suddenly, groaned from her sleep and she rushed to her.

She met her holding her tummy, almost in tears.

"What is wrong with you? Lucky? Wake up...Open your eyes and look at me...Luc...ky" Natalia shaked, her fearfully.

"I'm hungry Talia, I'm so hungry...My stomach can't hold it anymore" Lucky cried.

Natalia sighed, knowing fully she got her into this and she can't even provide for her.

She hasn't eaten except the night, they were released.

They might be friends but Lucky is way younger than her and she tend to act up sometimes.

"I'm sorry...This is all my fault" Natalia begged, as he helped her sat up.

Lucky sniffs.

"I'll get us something to eat okay?" She assured her, and run out.



They gangsters are done eating and are drinking together now.

"Who else think there's in spy among us?" Tomcat suddenly said, and they all faced him.

"I was thinking the same, coz how did he know we're coming there if not that a traitor informed him in advance" Gaspipe answered.

"But who could that be" Scarface asked.

"Who knows" Jerry said, beside her.

"I'm suspecting Apple, she's the only one that can do such" Luca suddenly said.

Venus gulped, chewing her chicken slowly.

"I don't think it's her" Tomcat replied, shocking them all.

"Cos she's your f**k mate?" Gaspipe laughed.

"She's truly evil but I don't think she'll betray Boss, You know how close she and Grinder is"

The door opened, and Apple came in that minutes. Everyone went mute immediately.

"You're gossiping about me again, isn't it?" She asked, but none of them reply her.

"F**k you all" She hissed, and walked out.



"Is this enough?" Grinder asked, as she packed food and a lot of chicken for Natalia.

"Thank you, You don't know how much this means to me...I can't bare to watch Lucky in so much pain" Natalia sniffs.

"No more tears okay, Were friends right? You can ask me anything from now on" Grinder smiled.

"You look pretty when you smile" Natalia gushed.

"Really? No one has ever tell me that"

"It's true, But you always frown whenever I saw you" Natalia muttered.

"If it's makes you happy, I'll start smiling"

They both walked out together.

"You'll do that for me? Why do you seems to be into me so much?" Natalia asked, curiously.

"I told you before, You remind me of someone I missed so much... I lost her to death last year"

"Who is she?"

"A friend of mine, She's the most sweetest thing that happened to me. Even though she was force here, I became friends with her easily and she told me everything about her family. She always talk about her sister. I promise to help her look for her sister together....

"I also have a sister but she's dead" Natalia muttered, sadly.

"So sorry, it's must have be hard for you"

"I'm okay, It's been years anyway"

Grinder nodded.

A long silence followed, before Natalia spoke again.

"Can I ask something?" She asked, biting her lips.

"Of course"

"How do I seduce someone?" She said, nervously.

"You wanna seduce someone?" Grinder asked, surprisedly.

Natalia nodded.

"Is it Vincent....

"No...no!! I mean yes...the thing is...I...I...." She started stuttering, finding a right word to complete it.

"Do you like him?"

'Like my foot, Like is far from it' She said inwardly,but suddenly thought of a plan.

"Actually yes....can you help me?"

"Apple was only a stripper before we met Vincent, I think I remember how she does it cos I followed her to club sometimes" Grinder said.

"That b**tch? Does that mean you guys are related?" Natalia exclaimed.

"She's my twin"

"What!!! I'm sorry...

"You don't have to be sorry, she's truly a b**tch" Grinder said, and they both laugh.

"So can you help me?" Natalia asked.


Vincento and Rusty entered the torture room together, Vincent turned to Rusty who have been quiet.

He ignored it and grabbed a gun.

Two guys are there,hanged and at the point of death.

"I wonder why I'm still keeping you" Vincent said in his deep voice.

"Please ....let.....let us...go" One of them pleaded.

Vincent scoffed

"Really?" He chuckled, evilly.

"Please!!!! We're sorry!!!!" the second one said

"I hate that word....a lot" Vincent frowned and fold the gun tightly in his palm.

He turned back to them and shot the two dead at once.He then faced Rusty.

"Are you okay?" He asked

Rusty only, nodded.

"I don't think so" Vincent said and dropped the gun in his hand

"Wanna have a drink?" He added and smiled.

"Since when did you start drinking too?" Rusty asked.

"I guess you don't want it" Vincent roll his eyes and made a move.

"Let's get a h*le to f**k instead" Rusty stepped in his way, and Vincent pushed him away lightly.

"Not interested" He walked out, and Rusty followed him.

"I saw the feisty girl who talk back at you" Rusty said, laughing.

"Is it funny?" Vincent face expression changed.

"It is, I think she and Grinder became friend just like when you first bought Valerie here last year. She was the first to get close to her" Rusty smiled.

Vincent said nothing.

"Now that I look at her closely, She's actually pretty....I bet her p*ssy tasted like her face" Rusty smirked.

"Are you planning to f**k her?" Vincent asked, without thinking.

"I'll have wanted to but she's definitely not my type, I like bursty girls....

"Grinder isn't bursty either" Vincent teased.

"I hate you!!!!" Rusty rolled his eyes.

"Same here!!!" Vincent rolled his eyes too.

"Since it's mutual, let's grab a drink to celebrate it"

"I don't think I can handle alcohol..What if I...

"You'll be fine" Rusty interrupted, pulling him along.



Vincent was busy smoking when Trigger entered.

"Boss" he called and Vincent turned from where he was facing.

"The culprit demanded to see you, She said it's urgent...." Trigger said

Vincent looked straight into his eyes, and he began trembling.

"I just tell her to leave" Trigger made to move but his voice brought him back.

"Let her in" He said, surprising Trigger.

But who is he to questioned his order??

He bowed, and quickly rushed out. He came back with Natalia and left afterwards.

She's dressed like the other time, but this is completely breathtaking, compare to the last one.

She was putting on a bum short and a different top this time, showcasing all her asset.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I only come back here because I forget something the last time i..." She stopped talking when Vincent looked at her.

She stared at his nak*d chest since he had no shirt on.

He had one hand tucked in his pocket while he had a smoke in the other hand.

She was able to see the tattoo on the lower part of his chest clearly,it's a snake.

A cobra.

She raised her gaze and looked at his face again.

Vincent dropped the cigarette in his hand and walked closer to her.

"I told you not to dress like a slut in front of me again, but you always wanna prove stubborn, is that it?" He asked, and Natalia swallowed.

Why is always nervous and lost herself when he's with him??

Her back against the wall as different thoughts filled her head.

What should she do next??

She looked around, and her eyes landed on a hairpin under the bed.

"I came back for this...Yes...My hairpin" She rushed to it, and bent to pick it.

No matter how hard he tried not to get hard, She's too s*xy right now, and for many years he f**ked.

He felt something move in his trousers.

Natalia stood up, after picking the hairpins.

"See...it's mine" She smiled, nervously.

But he wasn't even looking at her, Is face was glued in her exposed b**bs.

Vincent stopped right in front of her

"Are you really here to clean?" He asked

Then he said, The unexpected, The most difficult 5 words.

"STRIP!!!" Came his husky voice.

"What!!!!" Natalia snapped, shifting back.

"You want me to f**k you right? That's why you're doing all this?"

She said nothing, only staring at him with wide eyes.

"I...think I have....to...go...now?" She made to leave but his fidgeting deep voice made her halted.

"It's not a wish, it's an order...I'm not repeating myself again.....STRIP!!!!!"

What the hell???