

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

LaLisa05 · Urban
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14 Chs

Hot Steel Burnt.

"You know it's won't be easy to get to his Clan right? I can get you in there if you want" Franco, said with smirk.

"I will pass" Natalia declined, immediately.

"You don't believe me, do you?" He brought his face closer, and she stepped back.

"Why will I?"

"Should I prove to you?"

"How?_" Natalia asked, hotly.

"Are you doubting my capacity? Come to Italy with me first and I'll show you"

Natalia thought for a while, before returning his gaze to his face. She then nodded slowly.

"You in?" Franco smiled.

"Yes, but I have to bring my friend along....I'm the only one she has, I can't leave her on her own..." Natalia said.

"It's okay with me..." He snapped his finger, and two guards runs in.

"Boss..." They both echoed, with a bow.

"Get me Grim" He ordered and they left, Grim was brought in and they guards went back to thier position.

"Fra...." Grim entered, all smiling. Thinking he brought her here to f**k, Her smile disappeared when she saw Natalia.

"Boss!!" Franco yelled, meanly.

"I'm so...sorry, Boss!!" Grim, immediately went on her kneel, rubbing her palms.

"Stand" Franco said, and she stood.

Natalia scoffs aloud, trying to hold her laugh as she watch the drama.

"She'll escort you to your friend, You can bring her with you"

"Do you think I'm going to run off?" Natalia asked.

"Of course not, it's for your safety ok?" Franco smiled.

"Stop smiling, it's doesn't suit" Natalia rolled her eyes.

"Your pretty face is enough to make me smile, It's killing" Franco said, smiling again.

She continue rolling her eyes.

Grim fold her fist, as she stared hard at Natalia.

"Take here, with you!!" Franco said, and Natalia followed Grim out.

As they walked out the building, Natalia can't help but notice Grim constant staring at her, thier eyes locked suddenly, and Grim blinked.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Natalia asked, and she blinked again.

"Uhm...No!" Grim denied.

"I don't think so"

"Are you and Boss....

"F**k, Don't even finish that word, I know it's mean to say this but his face disgust me more than disgust itself..."

"Oh" Grim mouthed.

"Be rest assured, that fool is all yours...I have nothing to do with him" Natalia said, and Grim smiled slowly.




"Yes yes.....oh!!"

"Choke me with your d*ck!!"

"Yeah yeah!!!!"

"Right there!! Yes!!"

"Don't stop please!!!"

The b*tch moaned as Rusty f**ked her like no other, He gave a last one deep thrust and she screamed.

"Ouch!!" She groaned as he pulled out of her honeypot

She immediately went down on her knees and grabbed his c**k carefully with an hungry look on her face

"Stop wasting time b*tch" Rusty shoved in his d**k into her mouth roughly,hitting her throat but he cared less.

He didn't even allow her to cough out, before grabbing her hair, choking her with it.


He reached his tip and brought out his d**k from her mouth,before releasing everything all over her face.

The b*tch smiled shamelessly, before licking the cum off while Rusty wore his pant

That minutes, the door opened and Grinder came in.

"Holy sh!t" She gasped at the sight, and turned her face.

"What the f**k!!" the b*tch yelled and stood up, covering her nakedness.

Grinder turned to her angrily, taking an arrow from the bow.

"Did you just f**king yelled at me?" Grinder asked, wanting to shoot at her.

"No!! I didn't mean it, pardon my rudeness" The b*tch pleaded, at the point of tears.

Her eyes went back to Rusty, who has another shirt on already.

"Leave!" Rusty said to the b*tch.


"Go!!" Rusty interrupted her and the b*tch immediately packed her dress, rushing out stark naked.

Grinder dropped the arrow in her hand.

They both stared at each other for a while, before Rusty broke it.

"Why did you come in just like that? Can't you knock?"

"I pressed the alarm,but I guess you was too busy" Grinder rolled, her eyes.

"Why are you here?" He asked, lighting a cigarette.

She kept quiet and continue staring at him.

"Hey!! Why do you keep pacing out?" Rusty brought his hand her face, bringing her back.

"I guess you forget, about Valerie" Grinder said, and Rusty bright face turned cold.

He dropped the cigarettes too.

"Do you always have to mention her?"

"Of course, She's my best friend...And to even think you get over her within a short period, that means you never loved her"

"It's been a year Grinder, you don't expect me to keep leaving in the past...I have to move on"

"Move on?" Grinder scoffs.

"Stop!! You can leave now if you have nothing left to say, You can see I was busy before you came"Blade glared at her angrily

"Boss want you to be in the power room, you'll be leading us in tonight mission" Grinder finally said.

"I'll join you in a bit" He said and she walked out, without turning back.

Rusty sat back, he put the cigarettes in his mouth and lighted it, He inhaled a bit but he coughed out immediately and dropped it in a tray.

He rushed to his bathroom and coughed into the zinc, he looked at the mirror in front of him, His eyes were all red.

It's not new?? That's how it has always been whenever he tried to smoke.

He knows he his allergic to it, but still try it.

He was unaware of when, a tears dropped from his eyes.

"I miss you so much, Valerie...I really missed you Val" He muttered,tears rolling down her eyes



Venus was trying to take of her clothes, but it's seems stucked.

"Aish!" She hissed, angrily as she tried to pulled it off again but it's just tangled.

"Let me help you" Butthead suddenly said, as she entered.

"No!!" Venus shouted, but she already got to her, and was already helping, to remove it.

"But...." Venus bit her lips, trying to hide her upper body.

"Whao, Ven...All this b**bs are yours? How come?" Butthead gasped, staring at them.

"Stop talking sh!t and just help me, Hurry!!" Venus snapped.

Butthead smiled, and removed the button from her hair, Venus sighed and fling the shirt madly.

"I'm never going to wore that again" She muttered, walking to the closet to pick a new shirt.

Butthead rushed to her.

"Now that I think about it, We've been friends for a year now and I haven't seen your b**bs before but you've seen mine"

Venus looked at her, and Butthead face caught a black mark on her right b**bs, since the bra was revealing.

"What is that?! A birthmark?" Butthead asked, and Venus quickly covered it up with the shirt she is holding.

"No..no, it's a tattoo, I already had it before I came to the clan" Venus said, rather quickly.

"But why is it different from every gangsters tattoos?"

"It's not a must I used the same as other" Venus replied.

"Oh okay, Let's go to the power room!" Butthead said.

"Right behind you" Venus quickly threw on her shirt and they both walked out of the room.

They came across Tomcat,Gaspipe and Luca on thier way.

"Butt brain!!" Cat waved and Butthead rolled eyes at him.

"You don't like it? What about Butt skull?" Cat said again, and Butthead stood on her toes, and smacked his face.

"ARGHHH!!" Cat screamed, and the others laughed.

"Try me next time and you'll experience loosing your teeth" Butthead scoffed.

They all got to the power room, and was all surprised to met Vincento and Rusty, already waiting with the others.

"Why are you all just coming when I called for minutes ago? Don't you love your life's anymore? You suddenly have a death wish?" Vincent yelled, his husky voice echoing the whole room.

"We...are...sorry...it won't... happen again!!" They all echoed, trembling with fear.

"I think I have been too lenient with you all, Right?! How dare you take me for granted?" Vincent shouted, again, grabbing his gun.

"They said, they are sorry! Calm down Vince!" Rusty took the gun from his hand, and everyone heaved.

Apple smiled, from where she stood.

"We've a change of plan regarding tonight's mission, Franco is as smart as his g*n head of a father. He can't be trapped easily..." Vincento said, and listen attentively.

"So what did you suggest, we should do?" Apple interrupted, and Everyone turned to her.

"Can you let me finish?!!" Vincent glared at her and she rolled her eyes secretly.

"They changed clan already, and we don't know where they are...But I suspected the guinness money is still in the clan, We just have to get it, I'm sure he will come for it once he knew we took it" Vincento completed.

"Alright... Boss!!" They whole room echoed.

Vincent left the room, and Trigger followed.

"Everyone...." Apple suddenly said but Rusty interrupt her.

"Since I'm back, I'll be the one giving the orders and not you" He said.

The rest laughed, Since it's Rusty and not Vincento, they are permitted to laugh.

"Stop laughing all of you!! And what's so funny?" Apple snapped.

"I just said, I gave the orders here and not you" Rusty said, again and another laugh evaded the room.

Apple matched out of the room angrily, but the laugh continues.

"Let's just go without her" Grinder interrupted.

"I bet it will be more fun" Scar smiled.

"And more peaceful" Jerry added, beside her.

Pipe eyes went to them, and he slowly fold his fist, glaring dangerously at Jerry.

"Alright, Gather around and lets come up with a plan" Rusty finally said, and they did as he said.



Vincento entered his suite, and Trigger entered with him.

"You can go!" Vincento said, and he bowed and left.

His eyes met Lotus on the bed, and he sighed.

She's still unconscious??

He picked a pack of cigarettes from the table and lighter one, He began smoking aggressive as he sat, watching her.

"Bro...ther!! What's happening to Dad and Mum? Why is the house burning? Let's save them Vince!!" He could still recalled how three years old Lotus cried, so much the night thier parents died in the most gruesome way ever.

He folded his fist on the chair, as he smoke madly.

In less than a minute, the room was already filled with smokes.

"Bro...ther!!" Lotus suddenly coughed out, from her sleep.

Vincent spranged up, rushed to her.

"How are you doing? Are you okay?" He asked, with so much concern in his eyes.

One will denied, it's the same Devil a while back.

"Are you smoking?" Lotus snatched the cigarettes from him, throwing it on the floor.

"Are you okay? How is your back faring?" He asked instead, and Lotus smiled.

"I'm fine but, You're smoking again" She muttered, like a kid.


"You know how much the smoke affect me, I hate the smell"

"Stop! If you're going to keep acting like this...I'll sent you back to Cali" He stood up.

"I don't want to be away from you again"

"Then, behave yourself...This place is not a joke Lotus!"

"Do you still involve in those evil act? Are you still killing someone?" Lotus asked.

"No! Stop the question please! I bet you're hungry, What did you want to eat? I bet you're hungry" Vincent heaved.

"Anything will do!!" She giggles, and He smiled for the first time, she left a year ago.


<9PM >

"Get your filthy hands of me!! Will you! I told you guys we're not a thief" Natalia shouted, at the guard pushed both her and Lucky off the car.

"We weren't trying to steal, believe us!" Lucky fakes tears.

"Maybe they are right, We shouldn't have brought them here" Grinder muttered.

Natalia smiled, secretly as she saw their mob logo on a board in front of the entrance.

A big giant black cobra was designed on it. It's indeed "BLACK COBRA"

The same tattoo, she saw at the back of the devil's right arms, the day he murdered her whole family.

"You weren't trying to steal but we caught you with the bags!!" Venus interrupted, and Natalia rolled eyes.

"Enough with the talks! Take the both of them to the torture room, and wait for Vincent's order" Rusty said and left.

Two guards grabbed Natalia and Lucky's hands,taking them in.

"Let me go!!!" They kept screaming as they took them in.



"What!! How could they brought two strangers in without my permission!!" Apple shouted, after Paramour finished narrating thier whole mission.

"Rusty said they have to wait for Boss order!!" Paramour added.

"WTF! I'm the boss lady here! Why do we have to wait for his order before we killed them?" Apple yelled, walking out.

"Apple!!" Paramour rushed after her.

"Apple! Apple!! Apple!!!" Paramour called, as she plead her not to go.

Grinder, who was just heading out from her room, say them and immediately followed.

Apple matched into the torture room, and walked in with a evil look.

Natalia and Lucky's were tied down, on the floor and thier eyes were blindfolded. Not like they can't fight back, they allowed them to have thier ways since she already got in as she wanted.

Apple smirked and went to pick a metal steel, already in fire, She walked back to where they are tied and squatted in front of them.

"Apple!" Paramour rushed in.

"Shss" Apple hushed her, and took off the blindfolds from thier faces.

"I'm impressed, You both are beautiful..." Apple smirked, touching the metal steel a bit.

"Argh, it's hurt...too bad the pretty faces will be gone tonight"

"I can't wait! But can you untie us first?" Natalia said, and thier eyes widened.

Even Lucky was surprised.


"Are you deaf? Untie me, I'll go first...We deserve to die like you said, Just untie me huh" Natalia burst into fake tears.

To her sure, Apple felled for her charm, she went to back and started untying bee slowly.

"Don't do it Apple!" Paramour warned.

"Don't tell me what to do? B*tch" Apple snapped.

"Don't even tried to escape, Or else I'll shoot you in the head" She said, and Natalia smiled when she finished.

"Done! Your face?" Apple asked, foolishly.

Natalia broke into a mockery laughter.

"What's funny?"

"I've always read about Mafia's in books but I've never came across a foolish, and stupid gangster as you! Tell me why haven't you went to collect the world most foolish girl?" Natalia asked, folding her arms.

"F**k" Grinder mouthed, surprisedly from where she stood. She has been watching.

"What!!" Apple shouted.

"You heard me right, I'll come with you to claim it. We'll even snap photos to keep for memories" Natalia said, again.

That's it, The rest of the patient left inside Apple flew off, as she grabbed the hot metal steel, wanting to burnt her face with it.

Natalia dugded it and the steel met the ground instead. Before Apple could get to it again, Natalia pulled her back with her hair and pounced on her.

She began hitting her so hard, as if to beat the shameless act out of her, not giving her any room to fight back.

"You want to see how a hot steel burnt looks on the face right? I'll give it to you for free" Natalia said grabbing the steel.

"Nooo!!!!!!!!" Apple screamed as Natalia placed the steel on her left cheek, her face started burning immediately.

"Who on earth is she?" Grinder laughed, hard leaning on the wall beside her, so she won't fell.