

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

LaLisa05 · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Fucking You Right Now


Apple was smoking loudly while seated outside the party room. She had just returned after changing her clothes.

As she thought back at what Natalia had done to her, her fist frequently folded. She wished she could the chance to shoot her in the head right now.

Then the opportunity come.

She noticed Lucky attempting to enter,while the guard's stopped her. She immediately recognize her as Natalia's friend and A quick idea popped up in her head.

She stood up and walked to them.

"What is going on here?" She questioned the guards.

"We caught her trying to sneak in, she said she's looking for her friend,and we've never seen her!!" One of the guards said.

Apple faced Lucky.

"You're looking for your friend right? She's inside. I'll take you to her..." She smiled, and Lucky remained unmoved.

She's evil, How does she expect her to fall for that.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, Trust me. I'm a changed person... we're both friends now, what's her name again?"

"Talia!" Lucky replied.

"Yes, Ta..lia. she asked me to bring you to her if we crossed path!!" Apple smiled, and Lucky fell for it.

"You'll take me to her?" She asked, childishly and Apple forced a smile as she took her hand, taking her in.

The party was still going on, and everyone seems to be busy with one thing or the other, so none of the mobsters saw them coming in.

Apple smirked, and pulled Lucky to a dark area, then she made her seat.

"Where is Talia? Is she going to come here or we're going to...." She was cut short when Apple raised a gun at her face.

"F**king guess what? You're going to be dying before your boss,you know what you are? A stupid fool who just fell for a f**king lie." She yelled, aiming the gun at her head.

"Please don't pull the trigger!! I'm really sorry!!! Don't kill me please!!!" Lucky broke into tears.

"And why will I do as you said? Seeing both your annoying faces around make me hate myself so much and I'll have to get rid of you, this minutes!!" Apple smirked, ready to pull the trigger.

"Apple!!!" A voice suddenly shouted, from behind and she turned, Tomcat got to them and grabbed the gun from her.

"What the f**k are you doing?" He yelled and Apple just hissed.

"What does it look like?"

"Are you really that heartless to kill a child now?" Cat asked, and Apple snarled.

"A child? Her face is deceiving!! She's not a f**king a child and I don't give a damn even if she's one" She pushed him out her path, and left the place.

Lucky was still sniffing, her tears. She's trembling as she stared at the gun.

Tomcat dropped the gun in his hand and walked closer to her.

Lucky swallowed.

Her back against the wall as different thoughts filled her head.

He stopped right in front of her

"Are you new here? Why haven't I seen a face like this before?" He asked and Lucky kept blinking on a spot.

Her eyes remained shut.

"I'm not like her,don't worry I won't hurt you." He smiled.

She raised her head and looked at his face.

"I want to go to Talia! Do you know where she is?" Lucky spoke and Cat looked at her in wonder.

"Talia? You mean the girl that fought back at Apple a while ago is Talia? Are you among the two girls we brought from the mission? The culprit who stole the money?"

Lucky slowly, nodded.

"Whoa...you're cute, I have to say!!" He said, flirtingly.

She didn't say a word to him.

"I can take you back to your friend if you want?" He grabbed her hand, and she took it back.

"Are you that scared of me? I'm not going to do anything to you..." He tried to hold her again, but she refused.

Tomcat chuckled.

"What are you doing to her?" Eight suddenly rushed to the scene, and pulled Lucky away from him.

"Nothing." Tomcat winked.

"I'll be a fool if I believe that from a f**ker like you" Eight rolled eyes.

"I'm a f**ker? Have I f**ked you before?" He said, laughing.

Eight ignored him, and took Lucky out with her.

"Bye Cutie!! See you around!!" Tomcat waved as he watched them leave.

"Fool... There won't be next time" Eight mumbled, finally leaving the place with Lucky.



Natalia woke up to a terrible headache. She tried to sit up but she was just too weak to.

"Aargh!!" She yelped, staring at the ceiling. That was when she took time to reflect on what had happened the previous night.

"Wait a minute, how did I get back?" She asked, no one in particular.

Her hands ran through her hair as she recalled all she said to Vincent. She remembered all at once.

"What the f**k!!!" She screamed before she knows it, and Lucky woke up too.

"What is the matter Talia?" Lucky asked, half awake.

"How did I get here last night? Don't tell me he brought me here? Did he really bring me hete? But why will he? He didn't right? How? Just what happened after I blanked out? I need someone to tell me what happened after that?" She ranted, and Lucky gave her a confused look.

"I don't know how you got back either, when I come back you were already here!!" She replied.

Natalia sighed, storming out of the room.

She was planning to go to his room to ask. But how is she going to start it. She halted and made to turn back but she suddenly saw Vincent and Rusty coming.

She immediately ran to hide in a big pole, not far from her, they both walked passed her and she stared at them all through.

She turned to another route but she bumped into someone. Immediately she looked up and saw who it is.

A smile covered her face.

"Are you going somewhere?" Grinder asked, and she found herself nodding.



"Where you looking for me?" Grinder said, and she gave a nod.

She smiled, and they started walking together.

Natalia wanted to asked if she brought her in last night or not, but she kept silent as they walk.

"About last night...." Grinder suddenly said, and she looked up.

"You took me to my room right? I knew it!" She cut her off, with a smile.

"I didn't" Grinder stopped walking.

"What!!" Natalia gasped.

"I and Eight went looking for you, since you were drunk but you weren't anywhere to be found" Grinder explained.

"I guess...I went back myself!"

Grinder nodded.

They got to the pool side, and Grinder suddenly stopped walking, gazing at a direction.

Natalia traced her eyes, and it landed on a guy, sitting at the edge of the pool. He was shirtless and no doubts he is so freaking hot.

"Who is he?" Natalia asked, bringing Grinder back to earth.

"Luca?" Grinder said, more like a question.

Natalia nodded.

"You like him?" She grinned.

"I don't like anyone!!" Grinder blinked.

"Are you sure? Why are you staring at him like that? You obviously do!!"

Grinder said, nothing.

Did she really like him?? No way!! She's just bothered cos he's avoiding her. She assured herself.

Venus suddenly appeared from no where, and joined Luca.

"Who is she?"

"Let's just go..." Grinder cut in, walking off fast.

Natalia followed.

"Can I seat with you?" Venus said, and Luca looked at her.

"Why asking when you already did?" He replied.

Venus smiled, staring hard at his bare chest.



Tomcat, Pipe and Scar were the only one present in the dinning hall.

Jerry came in, but didn't talk to anyone.

"Guess what guys?" Cat said, and everyone looked up.

"You were at the party last night right? When a sudden girl poured drink all over Apple's face?"

Butthead entered with Venus. Though they only ran into each other at the entrance, they're still not talking.

"Yes, the pretty girl?" Pipe asked.

"If you think she's pretty then you haven't seen her friend." Cat smiled.

"Whoa...I wanna meet her." Pipe smiled.

"Seriously? Is she prettier than me?" Butthead chipped in.

"There's different between a cold bird and a cute face." Cat replied, and almost everyone laughed.

Butthead rolled eyes.

"But seriously...She's cute." Cat said, smiling.

"That's enough...allow us to eat in peace." Scar snapped.

"I smell jealousy here...Cos she's cuter than all the girls here." Cat teased.

"Ignore him, to me you're the cutest" Pipe told Scar.

"You're the most handsome too" Scar replied.

"Keep deceiving each other,both of you are ugly..."

"Can you all stop talking! Don't you have manners at all? This is a dinner hall not a chat bar!!" Venus suddenly stood, and left the black.

"The f**k...I've had enough of your friend." Cat hissed, and Butthead just smiled.



Trigger entered Vincent office, and Vincent turned at once, noticing his presence.

"Boss!!!" Trigger called, with a light bow.

"You called for me"

"The girl who came in last time without my permission...

"Natalia?" Trigger interrupted.

"Get her for me..." He said, and Trigger blinked, wondering what he meant by that.

But who's he to questioned his orders. He bowed and left.

Soon enough, Natalia entered alone. She wasn't smiling at all, since she knows what he called her for.

She didn't meet him in his room so she took a seat, waiting for him.

Her eyes suddenly went to something on the wall, and she rushed to it. It's a family frame of four.

A middle aged couple were standing at the back, with two kids in front of them. A boy and a girl.

She assumed, the boy should be Vincento definitely, it's him. Even though he aged so much, the face is still there.

She made a funny face at the picture, and her eyes went to a marker on the table. Without thinking, she grabbed the marker and immediately started drawing on his face.

Totally forgetting herself, she laughed so much as she draw.

By now, little Vincento picture was already redesigned to a clown.

"What are you doing?" His deep voice suddenly asked, from behind and her eyes widened at once.

She quickly hid the marker in her hoodie pocket before seizing her breath. She then turned to him.

She kept standing by the frame, stylishly covering her head with the nonsense she did.

"Move away from that spot!!!' he ordered, and Natalia shrugged.

"I feel like standing here... I..."

He began walking to her, and she started starmmering.

Vincent ignored what she's saying,his eyes are somewhere else on her body as he watched her standing in front of him.

"Why did you call for me? It's late? I have to leave..

"You ain't leaving."

"What! ! Are you serious right now? What are you talking about?!!"

"Cos I'm fucking you right now"