

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

LaLisa05 · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"No Talia!!" Lucky screamed out, as two guards walked toward Natalia.

A minutes before they could get to her, an arrow flewed into the room, sinking into the hearts of one of the guards, holding Natalia.

He fell down dead.

The second guards looked at the direction it's come from, and another arrow was already aiming at his tummy but he was quick to dudge.

It's met his hand instead, and he was force to let her go.

"Aargh" He groaned and went down too.

The person face came to view, its turn out to be Grinder.

"Where the f**k are you taking her?" She yelled, angrily.

"The boss ordered for her to be taking to the Snake Den" The guard replied,painfully.

"He said that?" Grinder asked, again.

The guard nodded in pain.

"I'll talk to him, Take him out and treat him..He might still be breathing"

He helped the lifeless guard up, and they both left.

Grinder bent in front of them, and dropped the aid box.

"Are you both okay?" She asked and Lucky nodded fearfully.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, I mean no harm...Just that your friend here remind me of someone" Grinder said, cleaning Natalia wound.

Lucky just nodded, and Natalia only stared at Grinder.

She finish treating her wound, and stood up from her.

"Try not to get to his bad side, He can really kill anyone he pleased...I have to go now, I'll be back" Grinder picked her bow and arrow, before leaving the room.

"Talia, Are you okay?" Lucky asked, and Natalia nodded.

"I think you should stop being stubborn for once, We came here so you could get what you want right? Tell me how you'll get it with this your act...You have to think of something else...like a bait or something.."

"Fine, Stop scolding me...I almost died right now, let me rest huh"

Lucky sighed.



Vincent was smoking when Rusty came in.

"What did you want?" Vincent asked, and Rusty chuckled lightly.

"You haven't changed a bit Vincent, You know you can hide it from anyone but not me" Rusty smiled,taking the cigarette from him.

He dropped it in the tray on the table, before facing him.

"What did you mean?" Vincent rolled his eyes.

"You're still a weakling but you acted tough in front of everyone, I wouldn't be surprised if a girl like her talk back to you"

"Stop!! I've had enough of Grinder, She's really getting on nerves this days. How can she f**king go against my wish" Vincent said, coldly.

"I think she's right.." Rusty said, and Vincent looked at him.

"What did I even expect from you? You won't take my side if its concern her" He scoffed.

Rusty only smiled.

"So now you're agreeing you like her?"

"Bullsh!t...You know I'll never like anyone except Valerie" Rusty muttered.

"You still miss her, Huh?"

"Of course,  You know when you bring her here last year. I never thought I could fall for her so much...Too bad, she's no more here..."

"Don't tell me, you're gonna cry" Vincent teased.

"It's not funny" Rusty rolled his eyes.

"Well, I don't f**king know what love is...How did you expect me to f**king know how you feel?"

"I really hope you fell in love one day, That way I'll get to tease you too...I can't wait for that day to come" Rusty smiled.

"Keep dreaming.."Vincent said, and Rusty chuckled.

"I came here to inform you there will be a party tomorrow night...

"What party?"

"Since we went to the last mission..We haven't been able to celebrate and cool off our heads, I really need a h*le to f**k badly" Rusty said.

"What's there to celebrate when some weak girls beat you to take the money? And when will you stop f**king around?"

"Never!! Its keep me living...I still can't believe how much you're suffering,  You have a lotta b*tch here to f**k as you please. They are badly wishing to be under you but you choose to be virgin. Sh!t who does that?" Rusty scoffed.

"Enough! You want to party right? You're free to throw a party, Leave now, Will you?"

"I want to spent time with you" Rusty made to hug him.

"Wanna die?"

"I just felt sorry for you, Let's hug huh"

"Arrgh, You and Lotus are my greatest headaches" Vincent groaned.

"That's because we love you the most" Rusty smiled.



Apple came in, and excitement shone on Tomcat face immediately.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, as she walked to him.

"I want you...Is been long we f**ked,How come you didn't miss me?" She got to him and trapped his neck with her arms, kissing him hard.

He smirked into the kiss and grabbed her @ss quickly, squeezing it roughly as the kiss continued.

He literally tore off the shirt he's wearing, and her hands went to his bare chest, caressing it madly.

Tomcat pulled off her crop top, and since she's wearing nothing beneath, her big b**bs fell on his palm.

"F**k, Cat...More hard please, More harder" She moaned, loudly against his lips.

He only smirked again, pressing it's hard as as wanted, and her moans keep increasing.

He suddenly broke the kiss, and her face formed a frown, she badly want them to continue.

"W..why are we stopping?" She asked breathlessly.

"Nothing, is just that...Uhm..." He muttered, pointing at her face.

"You're worried about my face?" She asked, and Cat gave a nod.

"You don't have to worry, I'll soon get a surgery done. The bruise will be gone forever" Apple said, and thier lips met again.

Tomcat pulled her bum short down, and he kissed her p*ssy.

"Cat..." Apple gasped, and he stood.

He grabbed her @ss directly and they fell on the bed and she climb on him.

He squeezed her @ss as she pulled down, his pants. His enormous d*ck pointed right at her face.

"Large! Just like I wanted..." Apple smiled shamelessly, rubbing his d*ck cap with her tongue.

"B*tch" He groaned.

She smiled excitedly, licking his d*ck body like some ice cream.

That alone, has already turned him on like f**k, and he really can't wait to f**k her wide h*le anymore.

He tossed her over and widened her leg, she never took her mouth away from his size, she licked, sucked and rubbing at the same time.

He brought his face down to her p*ssy as he started eating her up.

"F**k yes"

"Keep going"

"My f**k, Cat!!"


She threw her head back and fought as the tongue lasted, for 15 minutes.

His mouth parted from her lips and he inserted, three fingers into her.


"I love you, Cat!"

He kept smirking as his fingers move in speed insanely inside her, and her c*m started wetting

She released down thier and his shoved his size inside her without mercy.

Her p*ssy became hotter than a flame fire as his thrust continued.



"Yeah! F**k!!"


"More, please!!"

"Harder Cat!!"


"Don't stop"

"Gawd dammit!!!"

Loud slamming filled the room, as the pleasuring filled the room.

He pulled out and went though her back too, Giving her @ss numerous slaps as the slamming continues.

"Oh my!!"


"You're the best!!!"



Luca walked out of his room, his face down as he made his way to the computer lab.

It's been long,he last visited.

He got to the lab, meeting Butthead and Venus.

"Hey! Cute face.." Venus waved at him, and he smiled.

"I'm cool and you?" Luca asked, sitting next to the computer beside her.

"Fine...Just that I miss you" Venus pouted.

"Stop joking around"

"I'm not joking...I really do"

Butthead cleared her throat,  and Venus rolled her eyes.

Luca smiled, concentrating back to his computer.

Grinder suddenly came in, and Luca looked up immediately.

She went to butthead and placed a device in front of her.

"Can you help me locate the owner of this address is?" She asked.

"Of course! I'll get back to you in the evening" Butthead said, and Grinder nodded.

That's when she felt someone's eyes on her, she looked up and her eyes locked Luca's own.

He look away from her quickly, and she ignored it and walked out.

"Are you guys fighting?" Butthead asked, noticing the air between them.

"No..." Luca replied.

"Why would the fight when they are not even close?" Venus chirped in.

"Right?" Butthead muttered.

Venus looked back at Luca, and smiled lightly.



Trigger came in with Lotus, and Vincent immediately dropped the cigarette in the tray, before him.

"You can go" He said and Trigger bow and left.

He went to take her hand,and made her sit on the couch. He then bent in front of her.

"I heard you've been crying for hours, What's the problem? You didn't even touched the food I ask them to make for you" Vincent asked her.

"Can't you release the victims, and let them go?" Lotus asked, and Vincent sighed, softly.

"You know I can't do that"

"Why? You've been keeping them in that horrible room for days. I wonder if you're even gave them something to eat...That's bad brother" Lotus said, folding her arms.

"So you cried because of them? Really?" Vincent asked, in disbelief.

"Not because of them, It's because of what you're doing....This isn't you Vincent, When did you become this evil and never cared about others?"

"Stop!! Reminding me all that won't make me change my mind. They can't be release, You know how much those b*tch stole from us?" He yelled, before knowing it.

Lotus burst into tears.

"F**k, Stop the tears...Will you?" Vincent said calmly, holding her chin.

"I won't stop until you release them, I'll cry all day and night...Untill you do" She said, admist tears and Vincent ruffled his hair.


"You're going to do it?" Lotus asked, wiping her tears.

"Yes, But they are not leaving this place untill they find my money"

"I'm fine with it, As long as they will be out of there" Lotus smiled.

"They better stay out of my sight till they get my money, or else I don't know what I might do to them...Especially that parrot" Vincent said and Lotus smiled again, rushing out.

"Aargh...Why did I even allow her to come back?"



"Natalia...I'm hungry" Lucky groaned painfully and Natalia looked at her.

"I'm sorry, its all my fault" Natalia said, stroking he hair.

"Don't blame yourself,  It's okay" Lucky smiled.

The door suddenly opened, and two guards came in.

"Come with us" The guards said, and Lucky hugged Natalia in fear.

"What are you planning to do to us? Did your boss's order you to kill us again?"

"Not at all...He asked us to release you" One of the guard said.

"What!!!" Natalia exclaimed in shock.

"He really said that?" Lucky asked.

"Yes...We wouldn't dare if he didn't said so"The other guard said.

The finally untied them, and led them outside.

"Wait! Are we going to leave this place?" Natalia suddenly asked

"Sadly No, we prepared a room for you both already" They both answered.

"Oh" Natalia mouthed, as they were being led to a room.

They opened the door, and they both walked in.

"Here is the key" The guard hand them the key and left.

"Whao!! Is this a room or a palace?" Lucky gushed, running around.

She giggled and fell on the bed.

"I don't ever want to leave this place?" Lucky said, and Natalia sighed.

"Aren't they supposed to give us food if they let us out? I think there's a party going on..Everywhere is roudy"

"Think so too, That means everyone is busy" Natalia asked.


Natalia suddenly pulled up her skirt, and brought out a phone.

"You still have your phone with you?" Lucky asked, shockingly.

"Of course" She smiled.

"Don't tell me you've been keeping it in your...

"Yes so stop talking" Natalia rolled her eyes.

"Wait! I've to call someone" Natalia said, dialing a number on the phone.

"Franco?" Lucky asked, and she nodded.

"Why is there no network here?" She mumbled, bitting her lips.

"Why don't you try again tomorrow, Let's find something to eat first"

"No...I've to contact him tonight, I'll just go out and find network somewhere"

"Wait!! It's dangerous, what if you ran into him?" Lucky said, but she already left before she could landed.


"Finally!!" Natalia smiled, immediately she was able to contact Franco.

He didn't picked at first, but she tried again and luckily he picked the second time.

"Whao, you remembered me tonight"She could imagine him smiling over this phone.

"Shut the f**k, I'm not in the mood for your silly joke" Natalia rolled her eyes.

"Why haven't you been in contact? I thought he killed you or something?"

"Are you doubting me? He wouldn't dare? He his scared of me" Natalia smiled, proudly.

"A whole Vincent, Why don't I believe you?"

"You don't have to, I'm running out of time..What do I have to do next since I successfully got in?" Natalia asked, looking around.

"Seduce him..."


"I heard he his asexual, but you can charm him somehow. You have to do it if you really want to get your revenge..." Franco said.

"How do you expect me to seduce someone I hated so much? What are you...

"Who are you speaking with??" A husky voice asked behind her.

Natalia frozed at that minutes.