
Chapter 9

Something electric moved through Adam’s blood. “Do you two…often have evidence to hide?”

Sasha glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, before navigating onto a narrow strip of road. “Not anymore. One of the perils of parenthood, unfortunately.”

On his other side, Scott shifted, angling his body so that his hand settled on Adam’s knee. “You don’t mind keeping us company tonight, do you?”

Adam stared at Scott’s hand with relief—finally contact that could not be ignored. “You’re not talking about having a few drinks and chatting about the weather and the price of oil these days, right?”

“Well, the drinks were a valid offer.” He tilted his head to gaze past Adam at Sasha, a hungry gleam in his eyes. “Weren’t they?”

Adam barely noticed as they pulled into a wide driveway, leading up to a two-story white farmhouse set away from the road. He was too busy watching Sasha, and the answering smile that curved her mouth.