
Chapter 20

“Not quite. I mean, New York is great, and it’s the only home I’ve ever known. But after my mom passed on, I looked around and realized if I didn’t do something drastic, my life would never change. So I took the money I had, and decided I was going to see if I couldn’t find the change I needed.”

Her gaze was unwavering, and not for the first time, Adam wondered at the agelessness hidden behind her eyes. “I’d be sad, too, if something happened to my mom. Or Dad. Or Gram.” Her fine brows drew together, as if a new thought had suddenly occurred to her. “Does that mean you don’t have any other family?”

“No, I don’t. My dad disappeared when I was much younger. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. And I never knew my grandparents. So it’s just me against the world right now. Maybe one day, I’ll start my own family.”