
Chapter 15

“You feel amazing,” Scott rasped.

Sasha finally broke from the constant kisses to look over Adam’s shoulder. “Wait until he’s fucking you.”

Both men shuddered at that. “Okay, I’m going to try moving now.” Scott rested his free hand on Adam’s hip, though his other still kept him propped up so that Adam was pretty much trapped between their perfect bodies. “I’m not completely sure I won’t shoot fast here, though.”

Adam didn’t care. He would take anything he could get and feel greedy and ungrateful if he asked for more. He tried to move with Scott, but his muscles were quivering and useless. Scott kept his strokes short and shallow, as though he couldn’t bear to pull out of Adam for even an inch. After the third one, Adam began to move against him, thrusting into Sasha’s waiting body each time Scott pulled out of his.