
His To Marry

“Do you, Tay Payne, take Olivia Ferguson as your lawfully wedded wife?” Olivia Ferguson is perfect in the eyes of the public but she is weeping on the inside. Best selling author yet unknown. Parents who will do anything to look good in the media. Olivia just graduated from the Universityof Johannesburg and is set to marry a successful entrepreneur Tay Payne. She is instantly attracted to him on the first meet but she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically because she has a devastating past and only living because she opened her eyes in the morning. Tay Payne is a young powerful billionaire, the eligible bachelor of Sandton and he knows it. His brothers are everything to him. She is a puzzle to him and he is determined to complete the puzzle no matter what but he is not without his faults. Join the world of secrets, lies, passion and betrayal

PearlMampetlana · Urban
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39 Chs

chapter 20

We are now in our room. Tay is standing in front of me. He lets my hair down and caresses my cheekbones. I wait in anticipation of what he is going to do; I can't believe that I trust him with my body. He leans in and our lips collide. The kiss is slow, gentle, passionate, and full of love. He is showing his love through his kisses, and that he won't do anything I don't want. He buries his hands in my hair and I moan and move my hands to his neck, and his hand tugs my shirt up. He breaks the kiss and pulls the t-shirt over my head, exposing my half-naked body, and I'm glad he doesn't look at it. I have never been half-naked in front of a guy willingly before and also, I don't have the confidence to show my body because of the scars I have. They are disgusting and I wish I could wash them away. He sucks in a breath and buries his hands in my hair, kissing me senseless as his body guides me to the bed without breaking the kiss. I lay on the bed with him hovering over me, trying not to quash me with his weight. He pulls away, his eyes burning into mine. He pulls his t-shirt over his head in one swift motion, revealing his hard, built-up chest and throws it aside. His eyes travel down my body, and he pulls his boxers down my legs and throws them on the floor, too.

I place my arm over my torso to cover up my scars.

"Don't; don't hide your body from me." I take a shaky breath and capture my bottom lip between my teeth. He parts my legs with his and positions himself between them.

"These scars," Tay roams his fingers along the scars on my stomach, "Are scars of a strong woman. Don't hide your strength, your victory," he softly says and molds our lips.

I run my hands through his hair and he moans. He buries his other hand in my hair, and I bite his lower lip. Our breaths have become one, our lips moving in sync. He trails kisses down my jaw, leaving a burning sensation behind. I clench and unclench my hands on the bed sheets; stars appearing behind my closed eyes. He sucks my neck, biting, then kissing it.

"Tell me to stop if you don't feel comfortable, okay?" Tay says, looking at me through his lashes, and I nod. He looks at me for a moment, then takes my nipple in his mouth and I gasp.

"You okay?" Tay asks and I nod, as I seem to have lost my voice.

He sucks in my nipple, then caresses the other with his hand. I throw my head into the pillow, trying to control the burning sensation building in the pit of my stomach. It's like I'm on cloud nine and don't plan on leaving soon. I tug the roots of his hair, and he moans against my nipple. He trails kisses down my stomach, his hand still caressing my breast. He stops on my abdomen, then looks at me for permission, and I nod.

He sucks my inner thighs going to my sex, and chills run up my spine.

"So wet," Tay informs while his fingers run down my folds and I release a shaky breath.

"And I have done nothing to you yet." Tay's deep voice says, looking at me with so much lust I have never seen in his eyes.

His phone rings and he growls. He lets it go to voicemail, but the phone rings again. He pulls himself away from me.

Why do people have the worst timing ever?

Tay answers his phone, panting, and I try to grab my t-shirt from the floor with my foggy hands. I put the t-shirt on and sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm on my way," Tay says, then hangs up.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Some shit happened at the office, and they need my attention. We have to go." Tay informs me.

"Okay," I say, slightly disappointed.

Why? I asked myself. I should be grateful that nothing happened.

"Once I sort this mess up, I will be all yours," Tay informs me, and kisses me on the forehead. I dress up in Tay's boxers, put on my sneakers, and grab my backpack. Tay is already dressed up, and we walk out.

I watch as Tay drives away from our farmhouse. I didn't even have time to ride a horse. Tay is speeding like a mad man busy telling someone on the phone to organise a suit for him. I lean against the window and close my eyes to sleep.

"Olivia?" a voice says, and I groan. What's with everyone waking me up?

"Olivia, we are here. I have to get to the office," Tay's voice says, and I groan. I hear a sigh of defeat and I relax going back to sleep again, but that only lasts for ten seconds until I am held in firm arms.

I open my eyes and look at the familiar building. We are walking into Future's apartment building.

"Put me down," I tell Tay, but he ignores me and continues walking up the stairs.

Tay opens the door without knocking and that was a bad idea on his side. Andrew and Future were doing it on the couch.

"Put some clothes on," Tay says, causing Future to yell at the top of her lungs, and I bury my head in his chest.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Andrew asks.

"Have you ever heard of a bedroom?" Tay fires back.

"You can look now," Tay whispers in my ear, and I open my eyes.

He puts me on the opposite couch. "I will see you later," Tay says, and kisses me on the forehead.

"Lock the door next time," Tay says and runs his hand through Andrew's hair.

"Asshole," Future yells as Tay walks out of the door.

"I missed you so much," Future says, crashing me into a hug and I giggle.

"And here I thought I was the only one you miss," Andrew whispers and Future throws daggers at him.

"So, how was the farmhouse? Did anything happen? I want details." Future rambles questions.

"Girls!" With that, Andrew walks to the kitchen.

"So?" Future asks impatiently, and I tell her everything Tay told me about his past, minus the bedroom details.

By the time Future and I finished our girl talk, it was noon. "Shot!" Future says panicking.

"What?" I ask.

"Today, it's Nate's game. You know the one he was practicing for the last few weeks?"

"I totally forgot," I say. If Nate comes to know that we almost forgot his match, he will bury us alive.

"We have to get ready. I just hope Tay didn't forget," Future says, and we both go to our respective rooms to get ready.

I dress up in black jeans, a white t-shirt, denim jacket, and put on black sneakers.

I eat the pizza I found in the fridge while I wait for the lovebirds to finish what they are doing. I finish my pizza, then dial Tay's number, but it goes straight to voicemail.

"We are ready," a voice says, and I snap my head up from the phone. Future is wearing skinny jeans, and a hoodie, Andrew in ripped jeans, and a black dress shirt.

"At last, I thought I would have to drag you guys out of the apartment," I told them, and we walked out.

The drive to wherever the game is held is short; I'm in the backseat listening to Future's giggles. The car came to a halt, and we slid out. The lot is already packed, teenagers roaming around the stadium holding red cups, some going in.

The stadium is big. I have never been to one before. We sit in a private area. Tay hasn't arrived yet.

"Here," a voice says, and a bag of popcorn is given to me.

"When did you get the time to buy popcorn?" I ask Future.

"When you were busy daydreaming," Future says and I swat her arm.


"Sorry I'm late," a voice says in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

He sits next to me looking all glorious. He changed his office clothes to black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket and a cap written Nate, so cute.

"The game hasn't started yet," as if on cue, the speaker announces that the game is starting.

We watch as Nate plays, he is excellent. His brother's cheer for him and many people really love him as half of them were wearing shirts with his name and picture on it. The game is ending in a few seconds and Nate's team needs to score one more time to win. We all sit at the edge of our seats, our fingers crossed. We watch as Nate hits the ball with his bat, and it goes to the crowd. Resulting in a full score, people cheer, and we watch as Nate's team celebrates, hugging him for the good job.

We make our way to the cars to wait for Nate. Music is blasting again inside. After a while, Nate walks out of the stadium with a white bag on his shoulder. He runs towards us, me, mostly.

"I missed you so much, sister-in-law!" Nate says, lifting me up, and I chuckle.

"I missed you too!" I say as he puts me back on the ground. The brothers do the bro hugs.

"Where to?" Future asks.

"Blue night club," Nate says and makes his way to Tay's car.

"Oh, hell no! You are not driving my car." Tay rushes to his dark grey Bugatti.

"But I deserve a reward. We won!" Nate whines.

"Why should I reward you for doing your job?" Tay asks as he slides into the driver's seat.

Nate pouts like a little girl and gets into the backseat.

The drive to the Blue night club is short, the place is already packed. People waiting to get in. We all make our way inside.

"Hey, Isaac!" Nate greets the bodyguard as we enter.

We make our way to the VIP; three bottles of red wine are already on the small coffee table. Andrew sits next to Future, I on Tay's lap despite my attempts, his arms wrapped around my torso and his head on my shoulder. Nate is busy gulping the wine down his throat.

"Do you own this club?" I ask Tay.

"Yep, but I didn't buy it willingly. Nate blackmailed me into buying it," Tay informs and I chuckle, picturing Nate extorting his brother into buying a club.

I spot a figure trying to get through the horny teenagers dancing on the floor.


"Is that Rachel?" I ask aloud.

"Your publisher?" Tay whispers, and I nod.

I wave my hand to catch my attention and she sighs when she spots me.

"Sister-in-law, don't do that." Rachel is already walking towards the VIP area.

"Why not?" I ask.

"That woman attracts trouble wherever she goes." I frown. I thought Nate and Rachel didn't know each other.

"Hey, you don't know how relieved I was when I saw you," Rachel says and takes a seat on the leather couch.

"Ah! The liar," Rachel says, looking at Nate.

"Are we missing something here?" Future asks. Rachel helps herself with the wine.

"Your brother is the most coward person I have ever met in my life!" Rachel says looking at Tay and later takes a large gulp from Future's glass.

"Don't you dare!" Nate says through his teeth. Rachel ignores him and continues, and what she said next had everyone laughing like crazy.

"A dog was chasing me, and Nate was in the area. He was over the moon when he saw me running in his direction, ready to hug me. He thought I was a fan, but once he saw the dog behind me, he ran for the hills. He climbed a tree and left me behind to deal with a dog." we all erupt in laughter.

"But I saved you!" Nate says.

"By saving me he means he shooed the dog away with his shoe while he was on top of the tree," Rachel says, shaking her head.

"Nate!" Future says, amused.

"What! I had to think about my children!"

"You don't have any children, Nate!" Tay and Andrew say in unison, amused, and we all laugh.

"I'm too damn handsome to let myself be killed by a dog and besides, I'm not Romeo or Jack!" Nate says, and I laugh at the top of my lungs.

"I give up," Tay says, shaking his head.

"So, you seriously ran and left her behind!" Andrew asks, still not believing that his little brother actually ran from a dog.

"Um, yeah! I'm not ready to die for anyone yet." Nate shrugs and I resist the edge to laugh again.

"Even me?" Tay and Andrew ask in unison.

"I love you guys, but not to that extent. Nope," Nate says and I laugh out loud, causing nature to make its way to my bladder. I will pee at myself if I continue to laugh too much.

"Where are you going?" Tay whispers at, holding me down.

"Restroom," he lets go.

"Hey, sister-in-law, can you grab a martini for me on your way back?" Nate asks and I nod.

"Sure." I make my way to the restroom.

The restrooms are full, and I have to wait to get in. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally got in. I do my business, wash my hands, and walk out. I make my way to the bar to get Nate his martini.

"Hi, can I have a martini please?" I inform the bartender.

"Sure." He mixes whatever they mix.

"What is a pretty lady like you doing here alone?" the guy asks.

Why does everyone think a girl is alone just because she is getting a drink by herself?

"I'm not alone. I came to get a drink for a friend," I say.

"Sorry for being forward," he apologizes, his cheeks red.

"Don't worry about it,"

"Here you go. It was nice to meet you." the guy says as his fingers brushed against mine.

"What is your name?" a voice asks. I turn around to find Tay glaring at the bartender.

"Um...Peter?" the guy says.

"Peter...how long have you been working here?" Tay asks.

"It's actually my first day!" he beams.

"And it's your last too. You are fired,"

"What!" I say, shocked.

"He is just joking. You still have your job." With that, I take the martini and drag Tay along with me.

"What was that for?" I ask as we make our way to the VIP.

"He was flirting with my wife. It's disrespectful." Tay says.

"You are crazy, literally crazy!" I say, handing the martini to Nate.

"Come with me," Tay says, as I'm about to take a seat.

"Where?" He doesn't answer me, and we make our way to the door at the end of the hallway. He opens the door to reveal an office.

"I want to talk to you about something," Tay says as I lean against the desk. My hands tapping at the edge of the desk. He stands in front of me.

"I have to fly to Scotland in a few hours and I want you to come with me?" Tay informs me.

"No, I'm not going to Scotland. Not happening and it's too many hours to get there! I don't have the patience." I can't just up and go. I have never been on a plane before and I know better than to get into one too. I have seen it explode in movies. I never travelled with my parents because I'm afraid of dying in an explosion. I have never even left Gauteng and besides, I have a job.

"It's only for a week. I won't be able to work knowing I left you alone," Tay says.

"Your brothers and Future will be here with me," I tell Tay. He can't just expect me to go with him whenever he goes on a business trip.

"So, there's nothing I can do to convince you?" Tay asks, and I nod.

"Even this?" he asks as he leans in and attacks my neck, catching me off guard.

I gasp.

"Come with me?" Tay says against my neck, and I shake my head as I don't trust my voice right now. My body parts always betray me.

He goes for my earlobe, knowing it's my weakest spot. Goosebumps erupt in my stomach and I close my eyes, feeling the sparks.

"Still refusing to come with me?" he asks again and sucks my earlobe. This man knows how to get what he wants, but I'm not that week. I push him off me.

"I'm not going with you," I said, panting. He looks at me, amused and lifts his hands up in surrender.

"Let's go. I have to be at the airport in an hour," Tay says, offering me his hand. I take it, and we walk hand in hand to the others.

"We are leaving, guys," Tay informs them. Rachel must have left because she is not here anymore.

"Us too," Future says and stands on her feet

"Nate?" Tay asks.

"The night is still young for me," Nate says, and gulps down his drink from a bottle. Tay sighs and searches his jacket's pockets. He takes out his car keys and tosses them to Nate.

"Don't scratch my car," he warns Nate.

"Bye!" Nate says, and the four of us walk out. Making our way to Andrew's car. The drive to the mansion is short, listening to music.


Tay is showering, and I help to pack his clothes. I changed into shorts and a dress shirt, my hair hanging down over my shoulders. Tay walks out wearing a black jean with a sweater and converse sneakers.

"Still haven't changed your mind about coming with me to Scotland?" Tay asks and I shake my head. His phone rings on the bed, and he makes his way to it.

"Yes?" Tay says, and I zip up his bag.

"What do you mean you were arrested?" my head snapped up. I wonder who got arrested.

"Nate was arrested; I will leave from the police station." Tay says and grabs his bag, and we both make our way to the garage.

We slid in his BMW, and he sped to the station. I wonder what Nate did this time; Tay has said nothing and looks really pissed. Minutes pass and the car comes to a halt. I look through the window, seeing the police station. We climb out of the car and make our way inside.

"Hi, I'm here to see Nate Payne," Tay tells the woman at the front desk. She checks something in her book.

"This way," the woman says and guides us to wherever they are keeping Nate.

"Brother, thank God!" Nate says as he spots us. He is in a one-person cell, a small bed in the corner.

"What do I have to do to get out of here?" Nate asks.

"Pray," Tay says, and I resist the urge to laugh, as this is a serious matter.

"Brother, I'm sorry," Nate says.

"I will deal with you when I get back from Scotland. I don't want you to drive any of my cars or use my credit card. I will sort this out at the front desk. Olivia will take you home," Tay informs Nate.

"I will be back soon," Tay says, and kisses me on the forehead. He turns to look at Nate, then walks out.

I sit on the plastic chair next to Nate's cell; he looks hurt by his brother's words. Tears roll down his cheekbone, and he quickly wipes them off. If someone wasn't observant, as I am right now, they wouldn't have seen the tears.

"Are you crying?" I ask in a soft voice.

"No, I have a stick in my eyes," Nate says, and a smile forms on my lip. At least he still has his sense of humor.