
Chapter 1: Daddy's Little Princess

Rosanna's POV

I sigh as I flip through my photo album for the hundredth time. Most of the pictures were of my mother. God I miss her, we all do. She was murdered when I was ten, I'm sixteen now. My mother was the most beautiful woman on earth and ever since she died my father and older brother have become extremely overprotective of me. They've always been protective of me because I'm deaf, so I tend to need help with certain things. But it's gotten out of hand. Ever since she died I've been homeschooled, and I don't go out much because they're worried that whoever killed my mother will be after me too. You see my father is a very successful businessman tycoon. He owns Winters Medical Care, the biggest medical industry in the world. He's a billionaire and he's one of the most famous people in America, which means a lot of people want him and his family dead.

Anyway I was flipping through my photo album, trying not to cry when my door opened and my brother Theo walked in. ���Rosanna I've been calling you for ten minutes, what are you doing up here?" I check my phone and see I have five missed calls from him. "Nothing Theo I'm fine," I sign, smiling at him. "Ok, come on princess, dad wants to see us," he says, holding out his hand. I take his hand and stand up. I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. He leans down and kisses my head. He got his height from our father while I got mine from our mother. He's 6 '2, broad shouldered, with blond hair and light green eyes. I on the other hand am 5'0, with a slight build. I have green eyes just like Theo and blond ringlets that flow down to my waist.

"Are you alright Ro," he asks, tapping me on the shoulder? "Yeah now come on let's go see dad," I replied. "Hop on," he says smiling. I grin and jump on his back. "Hold on tight," he yells, before he runs towards dad's office at full speed. When we get to dad's office, Theo knocks on the door and waits till he hears our father yell, "come in," from the other side. "Hey guys," he says, when we walk in. I'm an expert at lip reading so I can follow a conversation. But I don't talk. I use sign language instead. "Hi Dad," I signed. "Come here sweetheart, I need to talk to you." I walk over and climb onto his lap. "So I've been thinking and since you're sixteen now, I think you should start private school in September. What do you think?" "Oh my gosh really," I sigh super fast. He nods and chuckles. I grin and hug him tightly. "Thank you so much dad!" "Your welcome Princess. Ok so you'll go to school with Theo, you have to have your phone on you at all times, you'll have a full guard detail-``''A full guard detail no," I sign, mouthing the words to get my point across! "Dad don't you think that's a bit extreme," Theo says from behind me. "Maybe it is but I need to be sure that you're protected at all times. I can't lose you to I just can't." "I understand that but I'll have my phone with me so you'll always know where I am, and I just have to push a button to call the guards. Please dad I just want to be treated like a normal kid for once," I sign desperately! He reaches over and caresses my cheek. "Ok sweetheart, no guards just please be careful," he says smiling at me. I grin and hug him again. He hugs me back and pretty soon Theo comes over and joins in. "Ok run along now I have some work to do and I know you have to go shopping for your first day of school outfit." I grin and run out of the office.

I ran up to my room and into my huge walk-in closet. I grab a pair of black high heeled sandals and slip them on. I absolutely love clothes! I'm a major girly girl. I have more clothes, shoes and make up than I'll ever need but I love everything to do with fashion. I'm not spoiled though. I'm very grateful for everything my father does for me. In fact he says I thank him too much. I offered to get a job but he laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair, so I dropped the subject. I grab my purse and run downstairs and say goodbye to my family. Then I hop in my blue Lamborghini that dad bought me when I got my license and speed off to the mall.

When I get to the mall I park and walk inside. I shop for hours before I finally find the perfect outfit. It's a white dress with flowers all over it. I also buy some brown ankle wrap high heeled sandals and some jewelry to go with it. After that I didn't feel like shopping anymore so I headed home.

Hi Everyone:

Here's the first chapter!!! Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed it!! Please vote, comment😀

Love you all❤
