
His spur-of-the-moment decision

We wanted to keep it low, I didn't want my fiancee in the spotlight."I played along at least this would get her off my back "Who do you think you can fool? you're engaged and yet you're seen with different women every week." "Because I'm seen with them doesn't mean I sleep with them and beside it was a distraction for the press." "What distraction?" My mother asked "I'm known to be a player mom and if the press notice I'm not anymore, they're going to start digging which I don't want but since you know already,I'd like you to meet the love of my life." I stood up and walked over to the girl cleaning my books and held her by the waist.

Drusilla_Silas · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter Twelve

(Sorry for the late updates, been busy for a while. Also sorry for the spelling errors especially for the part that I'll spell if as of, in as on, kissed as kisses, so sorry but I'll try my best to correct them but nevertheless, I love y'all 😘. It warms my heart to see how many reads I've got.I love you guys so sooo much. You always make my day😄.)

(Mevrick's POV)

I couldn't help but stare at the way she chews her food and it made me hungry. Not food because I kinda lost my appetite watching her lips and the reason is cause her lips taste better. Don't get me wrong Madam Aretha's cooking is always the best but what happened upstairs only made me want to carry her back up and have her all to myself.

Snap out of it Mevrick! I know she's cute and what you feel is nothing but lust.

Is it? Then why does it feels more than that?

That annoying voice but it was right. I'm very used to the feeling lust gives but not this. I want her but I feel that I want her more. I also think far, and when I say far I mean after the contract ends. The thought of her laughing with someone else or making someone else laugh the way she makes me?

It gets me mad and I don't know why. Enough of that!

"You've barely eaten anything." She spoke

"Me?" If only she knew how much of her I was drinking right now

"Yes, you." She laughed

"Do you want me to eat something?" I smirked feeling good she cares about me

"Well, I can't force you but I would loved it if you ate something. Can't starve yourself."

"If you want me to, then I will." I took a spoon and felt her looking, when I looked up I caught her eye. Our eyes locked.

I don't know what she's thinking but damn! I want her like now! Right now.

You can't have her and besides she'll just refuse.

I got up instantly and left the dinning room. I heard her footsteps behind me. What does she want?

"Did I say something?" She asked

Did she say something? No but I can't! I freaking can't! She just keeps doing this, making me want her and then say no when we're in the heat. If she hadn't say no so many times, who knows what would have gone down in that room? I know! And it would have been so good, I can feel it.

"If I said something tell me!" Her voice shows concern? Sadness? I don't know and don't care. I kept walking but heard her footsteps running turns out I was faster than I think and if I am, I'm extremely angry. I got into my room and slamed the door against her.

Get yourself together! I can't stay in a room without wanting her. What am I saying? I can't stay within wanting her and I know that she wants me too so why is she backing out?  I heard the door open to see her walk in... But how... Oh so much for joint rooms.

"Hey." Her voice was low and calm, scared like she was going to say something to upset me but the thing is that it's not what she says it what she does to me. How don't she get it?

When I looked into her eyes, she looks at her feet like a teenager girl getting scolded by the principal. She look cute right now if only she knew.

"You're beautiful too beautiful to be real." She looked at me with shock. I was also shocked by what came out of my mouth.

"Your actions doesn't say that."

"And you think I wanted to say that?" I snapped and she flinched "I know you're enjoying this, do everything to get my attention, for me to want you and then you crawl back into your shell. Am I a game to you?"


"You what? Cause there's possibly no one in this entire world that anything they do they always remain beautiful. When I look at you,..." I'm saying too much. I've never been like this around anyone not even my own parents. I hate being like this. She'll probably think that I like her, I don't like her in any other way than wanting her.

"Why?" I asked

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? Cause it seems like you're enjoying this. I know I said I won't force you to do anything and I won't but could you stop this games you're doing? Playing games with me."

"You think I'm playing games with you?" She sounded hurt.

"You are!" I yelled and instantly felt bad. I hate this feeling of vulnerability. Now she looks hurt.

"Fine! You want to know why I won't have sex with you?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I... I just.. I don't like how I feel around you."

"How?" She voice was calm as she sat beside me on the bed and placed a hand on my back. I got up, the last time we sat on the same bed few minutes ago I knew what happened and I don't think I can tell myself to stop this time

"I want you, in a way I've never wanted anyone before and.." I stared deep into her eyes. I hate this. I squatted "why are you doing this?" I whispered

"I'm not doing anything."

"You are and I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself for wanting you so badly even when I know you're off limits infact that only makes me want you more because every girl will jump at the opportunity to get into bed with me but not you. Everyone looks at me like a demigod but not you, everyone keeps their mouth shut when it comes to me but not you.." I held her face "and I don't know why. So I'm mad at me not you. I'm mad for not being able to control myself around you and everytime I look at you I want you. I couldn't eat earlier because I was too busy staring at your lips. I know you don't want anything intimate between us and I respect that. It's just that.. I don't know how to deal with it and besides you wouldn't want to get hurt so I get your view and I'm okay with it. I just wish I can keep my desire for you intact."

She dropped to her knees as I squatted on the floor and kissed me and man was it hot. Didn't she just hear what I said? I want her and she's just making me hard. This is utter punishment. Her hands explored and I refused to give in because I don't think I have enough self control to stop her. She tugged my hair and a moan left my mouth.

She caused this. I picked her up and places her back on the be still kissing her. I took control and she melted in my arms. I live the effects I have on her and the fact that she's very sensitive. I pulled away to look at her

"I'm a virgin." I heard her whisper

What? "What?"

"I'm a virgin." She said clearly

"I heard you, it's just that..." I sat up and so did she. " I thought you've dates two guys?".


"Is it that it didn't get to that or.."

"I didn't want it."

"Oh." Was the only thing I could say.

"I never thought that I'll ever tell you and I'm sorry if you think I'm doing whatever you said on purpose. I'm not. I just thought I have someone I can be myself around but I guess it makes you think otherwise and I'm sorry. The thing it I can't control myself but I have to. My virginity is the only thing valuable I have. I don't have love or wealth or favor or beauty but I have my virginity and in not giving it up to anyone especially those who won't stay." She chuckled to herself. "What I mean is I know I don't have anything to give the man that wants to spend the rest of his life with me, especially with my damage but I have my virginity and I will be giving him that as a wedding gift. I know it looks weird and nothing to you but it means a lot to me."

I'm starstruck. She.. she's the most decent girl I've ever met and wow!

How will she think that it'll look weird or nothing to me, well it's strange to find a virgin. I thought all girls loose their virginity in highschool.

"That's the best gift any man can have and nothing in this entire world can compare with that." I smiled

"Thanks. I'm sorry if you thought I'm playing you. It's just easier to resist every other guy but it's hard to resist you." She looks at me "and I want to really do this, keep it but it's hard and to think that I'll be with you for a year? I don't think I can cope. And I know that I'll regret it if anything happens." She looks the floor, I cupped her face and she looked at me as I gave her a gentle kiss.

"Thanks for telling me." I whispered "if you're scared that anything will happen, I assure you that nothing will."

"But you were just saying that it's hard for you not to want me."

"Before I knew your reasons, don't get me wrong I still want you but I'll assist you to keep it for this year."

"You would? I thought the opposite that you'll convince me to loose it."

I laughed "I'm not a heartless beast and besides I admire you now more than ever. It will be hard if you're the only one struggling with this pull but if I also assist and if anything wants to happen, I'll stop."

She hugged me instantly and my heart skipped a beat. I hugged her back and she seems overexcited.

"I'm glad you told me." I said

"I'm glad you understand."

"I told you I understand you." I grinned and she playfully punched me when I laughed hard and layed back on the bed and she did too.

"I'm happy we cleared the air."

"Yeah. Sorry for the way I acted."

"I get it, you don't want to feel vulnerable. I feel the same way too."

I turned to face her and just took in her features. She's damned beautiful but she doesn't know. How can't she know and to top that? She beautiful and decent.

"How many guys have you kissed?" The question came out of nowhere

"Two." I was surprised when she answered


"Yeah, I didn't kiss my second boyfriend. He always said he wanted to take things slow and I didn't pressure him." She shrugged

"To get this straight, your first kiss was your first boyfriend?"

"Yeah." She was carefree. I've never seen this side of her

"How many time did you guys kiss? I'm guessing it's not much."

"A few times. I've kissed you ten times the way I kissed him."

Should I be happy about this or I should be sad? Well I'm happy that I'm the only guy she's spent more time with.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Me?" Was I smiling?

"Yeah," she turned to face me and we were inches apart "you are smiling."

That smile was the first thing I noticed about her beauty in my office the first day. Her smile spread and I leaned in to kiss her and she moaned with satisfaction.

"When are we going on a tour?" She asked still smiling

"Tomorrow. We'll rest tonight and start tomorrow." I kissed her forehead

"I'll be heading to my room now." She stood up and left.

Why am I smiling like a teenage boy who just kissed his crush? Well she makes me and I'm not complaining.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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