
His spur-of-the-moment decision

We wanted to keep it low, I didn't want my fiancee in the spotlight."I played along at least this would get her off my back "Who do you think you can fool? you're engaged and yet you're seen with different women every week." "Because I'm seen with them doesn't mean I sleep with them and beside it was a distraction for the press." "What distraction?" My mother asked "I'm known to be a player mom and if the press notice I'm not anymore, they're going to start digging which I don't want but since you know already,I'd like you to meet the love of my life." I stood up and walked over to the girl cleaning my books and held her by the waist.

Drusilla_Silas · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter Three

   [Mevrick's POV]

    I sat in the restaurant waiting patiently for her.

Okay, impatiently for her cause are you kidding me?

She's five minutes late! Who jokes with time like that?

Just when I started loosing it, a particular color caught my eyes. Don't blame me,I love women.

Hold on, isn't that Theresa?

She walked majestically to where I sat 

"Good evening Mr Lockwood." She greeted as she took her seat meanwhile, I on the other hand released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

  "Don't tell me you bought that on credit." I was referring to her dress

It's obvious she can't afford that

"No,I didn't buy it on credit." She simply answered

"Good to know you burrowed it instead." I picked up the menu to glance through

  "You said we'll talk over dinner." She reminded me like I forgot

"And do I look like I've got a short term memory?"I asked feeling annoyed

"You look like you got no memory at all." She muttered


She picked up her menu and said

"Now you have a problem hearing."

"Excuse me?who do you think you are?"

She dropped her menu calmly like nothing was happening

"Your worker."

Who in the world is this girl?

Or is she mad about the contract because she has a boyfriend?

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"What? No, why will you ask that?"


I got my answer, No so I don't need all her

What? and, Why will you ask that?

"Are we talking or not?"she asked and I found myself smiling but wiped it off when she looked at me

"We are. I believe that you've signed the document?"


"You know that you had twenty four hours to sign it.."

"Have,"she corrected me "According to the papers, I have twenty-four hours which by calculation is midnight."

I smiled again but still didn't let her see.

Smart and feisty. I like that.

"Well,the reason I invited you for dinner was to inform you that you'll be making public appearance with me and it is a must that you make the paparazzi buy it."

"What if they don't? Or someone finds out?"

I let out a sigh, just then a waiter walked up to us and took our orders

"No one will find out."

"What if the paparazzi doesn't buy it from you?"

I chuckled at her question

"We should be worried about you. Every lady I've held always thinks they're the one so does the press and like I said earlier you're our only problem."


"What if I say no?"

"You can't and you know. I'll put this straight, you need me and I need you. I could easily give the opportunity to another person if you're not interested."

She seems to be fighting a mental battle but she finally gives in


"Sure what?"

"I'll sign it but it has to he on my terms."

"Too bad the deal say the boss terms."

She just stared deeply onto my eyes

Gosh!how can one have these eyes? Her blue-green eyes made me feel slightly uncomfortable but I masked it

"Fine." She said and brought out the paperwork work and signed it.

"Here."she slides it across the table the waiter brought our order and she ate silently

After the meal she was about to pay for herself when I told her my accountant will pay. She can be stubborn but I'm stronger so she gave in. When the limo arrived, I've already noticed someone behind the flowers and I know they're trying to get a photo.

What better way to start this than feed the press with what they want.

I pulled her by the waist and nipped on her lips.

Damn!her lips are so soft that I had to dive in deeper and she let me.

[Theresa's POV]

I felt his lips on mine. I want to push him but the way he gently bit my lower lip made a silent moan escape my lips and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

A limousine parked and the door opened for us as he pulled away. He helped me get into the vehicle and the moment we moved I asked him rudely

"What in the world was that?!"

"Sealing our deal."

"Do you know how rude you are?"

"Enlighten me."

"I may have signed a stupid contact with you but that does not mean I'll just let you touch me like that!" I yelled

He just stayed quiet like I was talking to myself


When I saw he wasn't paying attention,I just dropped it and sighed.

Tonight was stressful and I need a good sleep before tomorrow.

    '... Mummy please'

I could see the figure walk away from me as I ran after her to hold her dress

'You can never and will never be loved in your life so stop yearning for something you can't have....'

"No! Stop,.. "

I jumped up panting with sweats dripping from my hair. I was shaking and covered my face with my palm and sobbed quietly

When are these nightmares going to end?

I don't know how long I stayed crying on bed but when I finally pulled myself together it was already 10:45am

I'm probably going to get fired

I applied make-up to his the dark circles below my eyes and left for work.

"Good morning."I greeted my only friends

"Morning." They chorused

"Are you okay? We were worried, we called but it went to voicemail" Camille was worried I could tell

That's until they see you are not worth their worries

A voice sang in my head

"I'm fine." I said and sat by my desk

"Are you sure?" Jeremy asked

"I said I'm fine! Could you two just drop it?!!" I snapped

They both looked at themselves before Camille spoke

"News got out that boss is engaged." She stared at me like I owe her an explanation

"So? Good for him."

"Good for him?!" She tossed the morning papers on my desk and I saw the picture of  Mevrick and I kissing on the front page with the headline that says



I totally forgot how did this get to the front page so quick?

I looked at Camille but she already had her eyes fixed on her computer. As I was about to apologize my phone rang


I even forgot about formalities

"Boss wants you in his office now"

I stood up and headed to his office

[Mevrick's POV]

I don't know what in the world is wrong with me but I just can't shake off that kiss and wonder what it will feel like if she kissed me willingly.

My office door opened and I saw her walk in but something was different, the fire wasn't there like it was two days ago.

"What's wrong?" I surprised myself saying

"Sorry I'm late." She apologized

"Yeah, why were you?"

I flowed with her excuse


I could tell she was cold and lying

Not that it concerns me

I stood up from where I sat and walked up to her.

"I believed you've seen the papers?" I asked and she nods "I believe it answered your question yesterday. In case you weren't aware,this contract includes public appearance and that involves me touching you, kissing you and every other thing a normal couple do."

She just simply nods.

Something is definitely off

"Why were you late?" I asked again

"Nothing that concerns you."

"You're no longer going to be sitting on that desk." I state

"What,? Why? If it's because I came late,I swear it wouldn't happen again."

"You're not sitting there because my fiancee can't work for me."

"No, you can't just take my job from me."

"Why? You have another one which I need you to concentrate on and it pays higher."

"I know you can sack me anytime you want but I'm begging you not to. I need this job."

"I can't just sit around going shopping like every other girl would."

"Why?" I walked towards her and she moved backwards

"Because I'm not every other girl."

Right now I cannot think of another thing than imagine what her lips will feel like again

Now her back is pressed against the wall and my arms caging her

"You can work from home but I don't want to set eyes on you in this office again. Am I made clear?"