
His spur-of-the-moment decision

We wanted to keep it low, I didn't want my fiancee in the spotlight."I played along at least this would get her off my back "Who do you think you can fool? you're engaged and yet you're seen with different women every week." "Because I'm seen with them doesn't mean I sleep with them and beside it was a distraction for the press." "What distraction?" My mother asked "I'm known to be a player mom and if the press notice I'm not anymore, they're going to start digging which I don't want but since you know already,I'd like you to meet the love of my life." I stood up and walked over to the girl cleaning my books and held her by the waist.

Drusilla_Silas · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter six

Please forgive my grammatical errors. Hope you love it)

(Theresa's POV)

I woke up sweating with tears on my face. Sometimes I believe them. I'm nothing. Mevrick's only a player and he's using me. He'll use me and dump me, if I allow it, I'll be the one regretting after. I know it's just the third day but it feels like it's a whole week. I'll need to avoid him.

How can I? I kissed him last night. I kissed him, asked him to kiss me and he did. What would have happened if I didn't stop him? My heart races when I'm close to him and I don't know why.

You do

She sang in my head. I've built to many walls to let my guard down and that's what guys like him do. Make girls let their guard down, and then break their hearts. I've had my heart broke not just by my family but the first time I dated he cheated and said I was just to keep him company, that I wasn't worth his attention. The second, he broke up with me and the reason was because he dated me just to get close to my roommate.

So you see, when I told him that I'm only useful when I come in handy he thought I was joking. I know in his right senses, he won't even think of a girl like me. Not even in a million years.

I stayed in bed until I was sure he was not here then I got ready and out of bed. I'm sure the maids are only talking to me because they want favour from their boss, my boss.

When I got downstairs, I had breakfast and located the library, that was after I got lost and the door I opened was the library. I stayed in with my head in a book as I allowed myself to be transported to another world.

(Mevrick's POV)

I decided to come home early today. I didn't see her before I left. I got her a tennis watch on my way back. Will she like it? And this time I didn't forget the ring. When I got home she wasn't anywhere so I decided to go change and look for her. I hope she's okay. I kept walking until I saw the library door opened. I stepped inside and looked around until I saw a figure curled up in a chair with her head stuck in a book. I walked inside and she didn't even take note. I leaned quietly against a shelf wlth a smile on my lips as I watched her expression while she reads, the frown, smile, small laughs and when she looked up she fell from the chair.

"I didn't mean to scare you." I laughed, don't blame me you needed to see her face!

"I didn't know you were there. When did you come? How long have you been standing there? Why did you come now?"

"I came early. I've been here for about three minutes. I haven't seen your face today so I came to check if you were okay." I answered honestly and sat where she was previously.

"What are you reading?" I asked

"Beauty and darkness." She answered

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, she was just an ordinary teenager until that incident happened." She said

"She wasn't ordinary, she just lied to herself that she was ordinary. I mean everyone around loves her but she thinks her life was the worst."

"Why didn't Ashton tell her?"

"So his younger sister can have a normal lifestyle." She loves the book I spent my years as a teenager reading.

"Yeah, he's a good brother but he shouldn't have gotten into all those stuffs. It was wrong, she thinks he did them for money but now that I think of it, they're rich already."

"Like I said, he did it so his sister will have a normal lifestyle. Don't you think she'll ask questions if she saw money from nowhere?"

"Well true. I'm not finished with the book. How do you know so much about this book."

I smiled "You're the one in my library."

"Yeah," she chuckled

"Can we get back inside?"

"Why?"she asked

"I have something for you."

"Oh okay." She stood up " just know that whatever it is I don't need it and will be dropping it after one year."

When she said it I felt my heart drop.

We walked to my wing and when we were sitted I decided to give her the ring first. I took it out of the box and held her hand as I slipped it onto her finger.

"It's beautiful."

"Not as you."

Why in the world did I say that?

"You don't have to do that."

"Do what?".

"Compliment me, when no one is around it's not necessary."

"You are beautiful." I held her face "How can you not see that?"

"You're only saying cause you want something from me."


"What do you mean?"

"You know, you're only saying because you want me in your bed but I won't sleep with you."

I blinked.

"If it helps, I don't want you that way."


I gave her the bracelet and she just looked at it.

"I can't have this."

Is she rejecting it?

"I got it for you."

"I'm not someone you can buy over."

"What do you mean?"

"You want something from me,I'm being hard and you want to buy me over."

"Did you bump your head somewhere? Where's all this coming from?" I asked

"You're a player a really good one and I'm not going to allow myself to be played. You told me yourself that you love playing around the most. So this is just another if your game and I refuse to be drawn into it."

I'm clearly mad.

"Excuse me?! Well I didn't stop you from being a whore and you're the one forcing yourself on me besides you're nothing compared to the girls I'll have in bed. It wouldn't come as a surprise if .." I stopped, I may be mad but if I say that it'll be to far

"If what?"

She asked for it "If your family abandoned you because of your character."

"You know nothing about me!" She yelled

"So do you! You just believe everything the parper says, yes I'm a player so? Who asked to to judge?"

"I'm not judging, just don't want to be drawn into your mess!"she yelled

"My mess?" She's joking" You're the one who yell at me one second and the next you're begging me to kiss you, the next you're moody because some stupid memory comes into your head and you're saying I have a mess you don't want to be drawn into?!" I raised my voice

"You do!"

"Really? Then maybe your mess is contagious" I chuckled. I thought she was different but she that same with all of them "You know poor people are always like this."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"You don't have the sense of reasoning."

She scoffed "And rich people are brats" she spat

"Yeah but I'm better than you. You know, thought you were different." I walked out.

It was a bad idea coming back now. It's best I see her as my worker. She'll only be my fiancee in public as was planned. Indoors we will be strangers. She doesn't have an ounce of respect. She not my type, just because I felt lust for her she's making a fuss about it. She should even count herself lucky. Right now I'm beyond happy that before we make public appearance will be next month so I have a lot of time to get a grip. She's stupid like literally stupid for even thinking I'm trying to buy over. If I want to have her in bed I wouldn't get anything, infact I won't even have to try. Right now I'm beyond happy that when I'll see her again will be next month butbtill then,I'll bury myself in work at least that has been my only companion.