
His spur-of-the-moment decision

We wanted to keep it low, I didn't want my fiancee in the spotlight."I played along at least this would get her off my back "Who do you think you can fool? you're engaged and yet you're seen with different women every week." "Because I'm seen with them doesn't mean I sleep with them and beside it was a distraction for the press." "What distraction?" My mother asked "I'm known to be a player mom and if the press notice I'm not anymore, they're going to start digging which I don't want but since you know already,I'd like you to meet the love of my life." I stood up and walked over to the girl cleaning my books and held her by the waist.

Drusilla_Silas · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter Nine

Mevrick's POV)

I don't know. Okay I know, I crave her. I want her,I don't know what she's doing to me, I kinda fund it hard that those her ex couldn't see her. I'm still glad they didn't cause I won't have her.

No, I don't have her. She's just a worker. I have to remind myself that but the thing is she's a temptation, I've never felt this kind of pull towards a girl before. It's...I don't know the word to use to describe it but I want to feel more.

She's your worker Mevrick. She's off limits.

Gee thanks.

I waited for her and we began driving. As I showed her around this part of town, I felt she was dull.

"Hey, did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's not you. It's just.." she sighed " isn't this too much?"

"What's too much?" I asked

"You know, us? We become all passionate indoors even if it is meant for outdoors. Don't you think it's too much?"

No. To me,we haven't started but she's right, that doesn't mean I'll agree to what she's saying

"The workers have to believe too."

Perfect excuse.

"Even behind close doors?"

"Yeah, I have a security team and they watch the cameras." Speaking of cameras I'll take some of them down.

"O..kay. So it was still about the contract." Her voice was low but I heard so I pulled over and faced her.

"Look, nothing about the kisses we shared were about the contract."


"Okay? Am I alone in this?"

"Well, no but I wish if we could just ignore it."


"I'm not good with attention."

I know it was mean but I laughed

"Not good with attention? Tessy listen I'm not trying to force any attention, the attention drags me. You're the attention so how can you not be good with it?"

"Well,.. ummm.." she cleared her throat it was clear she got uncomfortable

"I didn't mean it that way, I just." I sighed "You're beautiful and right now I think I'm the one who wants the attention, I usually get it but did you see the way everyone looked at you at the ball?"

"It's because I looked awkward."

"It was because you were awesome." I countered

"Why don't you just find a real fiancee?" She asked out of nowhere


"Your mother is amazing and I feel bad for lying to her. Why don't you just come clean with her?"

"And what? Have her bring sluts my way?"


"Look, I'm not the romantic guy, I'm more like the take it and drop it guy."

"You know you hurt girls in the process right?"

"It's not my fault. I warn them not to expect anything more than I have to offer but after one night,they decide I'm their knight in shining armor."

She laughed "Well, every girl will want that and besides you're hard to resist." I grinned hearing that from her

"Are you speaking out of experience?"

She cheeks went red like she was about to explode and she looked out the window. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" My smiled increased

"Stop." She smacked my arm and I laughed.

To be frank,I don't remember when I laughed but I always laugh when I'm around her.

"What's so funny?" She asked

"My fiancee telling me I'm hard to resist and feels embarrassed about it."

I decided to use her word.

"It's true but it's not fair to hurt others like that."

"Why do you care for them? You don't even know them"

"Because I don't want to be hurt that way."

It dawned on me then. That's why she won't let me touch her. She's scared I'll hurt her like the others but the truth is I felt nothing for them not even lust, they were available so I took them that was that but she? She's different and I don't want to ever see her hurt.

"I won't hurt you. I promise." I placed my hands over my heart

"Yeah, I bet that's what you told Cynthia." She scoffed.

"Oh my gosh! Are you still mad about that?" I leaned into her and turned her to face me.

"She was nothing."

"I'll also become nothing to you."

"I'm sorry okay? She was a mistake and.."

"I'm sorry I didn't know when that came out." She apologized "So what is it with you that you're against love?"

I agree I'm against love bit I'll never open up to anyone why not even you.

"Cause love is just a phase which makes it fake. It starts all rosy and then only torns are left."

"Are you speaking from experience?" She asked and I couldn't help but smile

"No, I've never experienced it and never want to."

"So that's a no to marriage for you." It was more of a question

"We never mentioned anything related to marriage." I started the car.

"Yes we did. When you talk about love, fiancees,you talk about marriage."

Like really, how did I get into this conversation."Are you my mom?"


"Cause you sound like her now."

She laughed and I smiled "Well if that's how she sounds, she's wonderful."

"If that's what we're talking about I think it's enough." I didn't know why I became harsh all of a sudden

"Why the sudden change of mood?" She asked

"Because you said some immature stuffs."

She knows nothing about my mom and one meeting,she calls her wonderful? My parents are far from wonderful they're the worst. They don't even deserve a child but they got one.


"You can't judge people because you spoke to them once. So yeah, it's immature."

I expected her to blow and yell at me but instead she just said "I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean it. I thought it will make you laugh." She looked out the window and I immediately felt bad. I drove home in silence and I could feel the tension in the car. The moment I parked she came down and walked inside without a single word. I won't blame her, I caused it. I followed her inside to apologize but it turned out to be something else.

"Tessy, wait."

"It was a bad idea." She said

"What was?"

"Going out? Maybe if we just stayed in it would've been better or not. I don't know how to control my mouth and you know it." I know she meant to tell but she didn't

"Look I'm the one who caused it." I closed the gap "I don't like my parents and I don't like talking about them okay?" She nodded

"Okay. I understand and I'm sorry if I triggered negative memories." She hugged me and I felt all my anger drain I don't even know why I was angry in the first place.

"It's okay. You didn't know." I leaned into her embrace and I liked it.



"Nevermind." I held her face

"What is it?"

"Just some silly stuff. Don't worry about it."

I want to push for answers but I left it.

I heard someone clear their throat. Alfred.

I left her and went upstairs and she followed. I don't know why I became angry again maybe because I've never allowed anyone see me soft before. She's ruining my reputation.

"What's on your mind?" She asked

"None of your business." I spat. Why does she have to ask? Why does she care?

"Then it's something."

"What's your problem?"

"Your change in moods?"

"Yeah I didn't ask you to like it." I scoffed "You can return to your wing." I dismissed her

"So what? I'm your worker?" She folded her arms and pouted

"Clearly." The cheerful expression she held dropped and she looked hurt.

"Sorry I forgot. So much for 'nothing about the kisses we shared were about the contract' thanks for the reminder." She turned and left.

She's still my worker and what we had was nothing to do with the contract. I pulled her by the arm to myself and kissed her. She refused and pulled away.


"You know I can't." I told her

"I don't know anything sir."

"Sir?" I was taken aback

"I was carried away and I promise to focus on my job, both of them. I'm sorry if I ever caused any distraction, it won't repeat itself."

"What are you talking about?" Is she really going to become formal? She tried moving out of my grip but I held her still and just started into her eyes and it was there. That fire threatening to come out, ready to burn anything in it's path and I'm in it's path.

"Spill." Was all I had to say and the fire exploded

"You're an asshole, a jerk. I mean the pure definition of jerk, the king of all jerks. You don't know what to say,when to say it and how to say it. Listen,I'm the type of person that gets hurt by little things and you don't care if someone gets hurt. That's why I couldn't bring myself to believe a word you said in the car because they were just words, empty words. So here's a promise, I'll stick to what concerns me and leave you to your business. Trust me I'm not going try to be something that I'm not and can never be do."

"Which is?"

"Your stupid fiancee but I'll be good at my job and act it." She left my grip and left.

I don't know if I should be mad,sad or I should laugh or I... I fell all. I'm mad she insulted me, I'm sad she didn't believe a word I told her when they were all truth and I want to laugh at her outburst. I don't know which feeling I should stick to. Anger I'm used to but the others are something I only feel around her.

What have Nick gotten me into? No! What have I gotten myself into? I could've looked for another girl but I thought all girls were the same at that time but she's far from same. I need to clear my head. I went into my study and buried myself in work and I also saw a notification that she was also online, which means she was also working. I tapped on her account and saw she was working hard. It was dusk when I left my desk but she was still working. I went out to clear my head and by the time I was back, it was after eleven. I walked into my study and she was still working. I swear she's covered up for a month and she's still going.

So she meant it when she said she'll focus on work. Which means I can't have her. That can't happen, call me crazy but I crave her and I want her badly maybe after that, all this silly feelings will go away. I immediately went to her room but she wasn't there so I went down to the library.

She sat there behind the desk with her laptop. "Hey." I spoke up.

She ignored me even if I know she saw me. "Ummm... I."

She just sat there and I felt awkward  "Are you going to avoid me? Because of what happened?"

Still no answer. I took a seat across the desk and she immediately got up and left the room.

What the? She acted as if no one was there,like I'm a ghost.

I know I said some...

You know what? If this is how she wants it then she'll get.

Time flew by and fast. When I say time flew it's only three days since we spoke normally. No this is normal. What is going on is normal we avoiding each other is supposed to be normal totally normal. I decided to stay in today because to tbe frank, I want to see her.

"Master Lockwood, your mother is at the door. Should I let her in?" Alfred informed me. What is she doing here? I'm not ready to have a headache today and I want to see Tessy not my mother. I stood up "Don't worry. I'll attend to her."

I opened the doors and she walked in. She was about to give me her all mighty kisses and hugs but I easily shrugged her off.

"Where's my daughter?" She asked

"Your daughter?" I asked clearly shocked

"Yes, Theresa. Where is she? The moment the both of you get married she'll be my daughter-in-law and for that reason she's my daughter." I suddenly felt rage.

"Theresa cannot and never be your daughter because you know what? You're not worthy of the title 'Mother' you were only fortunate so don't think you can or will ever own her."

I don't know why but the thought of her claiming Tessy sets some triggers on in me.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just.." her voice was low

"What do you want?"

"I.. I wanted to see how you guys were doing..."

"We're fine. You can leave."

"Good morning ma'am." I heard her voice from behind. Just great!

"Morning dear." My mother smiled at her

"Is there an emergency?" She asked concerned.

"Not at all dear, I only cane to see how you two were doing. You haven't even visited."

"We don't need to." I cut in clearly annoyed by her presence. My mother to be precise. I felt her small hand on my back, she had to act now? When I'm really angry?

I pushed past them and walked deeper into the house and my mother followed

"Are you really giving me attitude because I showed at your doorstep?" She called out

"You could've called."

"And have you reject me? You're not even supposed to be at home." She said and I stopped in my tracks

"You came to speak to her alone." My voice turned ice cold. That woman really do have nerves coming here and not just that, to speak with Tessy alone. What would she have said to her? A lot probably, alot to turn her against me. I chuckled before adding


"Well.." she stammered

So she came to sow bad seeds didn't she?

"Get out." I ordered

Tessy walked to where I stood "She's your mother Rick, and I'll be alright if she speaks with me." Her voice was calm and when I refused to make eye contact she held my face and looked deep into my eyes

"You don't know her. I do."

"I'll be fine, I promise." She assured me but I wasn't convinced and she pulled me to a corner in the kitchen "What's with the attitude?" She whispered harshly

Yeah who was I kidding? It was all an act. 'Doing her job properly.'

"Attitude." I repeated

"Yes attitude. This could be your shot you know? To make her truly understand that you love someone enough to spend the rest of your life with them. There's nothing she'll say that can change my mind."

"Yeah," I scoffed " What's there to change anyway? You're already good at your job." I said sarcastically

"You feel bad don't you?" She smiled


"That's why you stayed today. To see me." She beamed "I'm still mad at you don't get me wrong."

I decided to take the opportunity

"If I let you will you forgive me?"


"Then no, she's leaving."

"Will you let me if I kiss you?" She had a smirk on her face, I leaned in and pinned her against the wall before kissing her softly then pulled away.

"No." I was the one with the smirk now

"But we kissed already." She said.

"Well, I kissed you and your words were if you kiss me. So no, I won't let you speak to her alone."

She looked away and I tilted her jaw gently to look at me " Hey, I'm just trying to protect you here. You don't want to know her, she's manipulate and I don't want you to be a victim. Trust me I don't want to see you hurt."

"Heard that before," She scoffed "and thank you but I don't need protection."

"I don't know when I say those words okay, I don't know..I just say stuffs when I get mad."

"Maybe she's the same and don't know when she manipulates people."

"Don't ever compare me to her."

"Why? Cause you have a lot in common?"

She wants to get me mad but she failed because I smiled and you know why? Cause I miss her fire.

I traced her jawline with my fingertips and I felt her tense. "I missed you and your fire."

"Yeah you do."

"Sure, no one has challenged me and I like when you do. I'm suppose to get mad at the words you use but it's different."

She closed the remaining space between us and placed her palm on my chest "How different?" Her voice was hoarse. I took her lips in mine , she refused to give me access at first but she couldn't and let me through. Gosh! I'm hungry for her I held her waist and our body pressed. I missed her, every part of her. I held her hips and lifted her onto the counter and stepped between her legs as she locks me in and tugged at my hair. I bit her slightly "Mev.."

Gosh that sound! I want to hear it again. I pulled from her and nipped her neck she gasped and I bit her earlobe "Mev.."

"Say it again." I grunted and felt her smile

"Make me." She replied and I lost it, my hands roamed her body and rested on her breast as I kissed her collarbone and went lower and lower then back up. I want to taunt her the same time tasting every inch of her. Her hands tugged my shirt from my trousers and loosed the top buttons then her small palms were on my bear skin as she traced my skin.

"I'm I interrupting something?"

Tessy jumped back breaking the contact but as she turned red with embarrassment, I turned red with anger.


I said the same time Tessy said "No."

"So you two come over to dinner?"

She walked over to the counter. Tessy tried to get down but I pinned her in place,I expected her to struggle but she didn't and just looked at me silently begging me to keep calm.

"What do you want?" I asked

"You haven't even attended to your future mother-in-law Theresa, how rude? I hope he's not rubbing he's behavior on you."

She crossed the line, just when I was about to react, I heard her speak

"I could've but I was attending to my future husband, sorry if you felt bad but he comes first."

I smiled at her response. My mother was taken aback

"He's clearly rubbing he's bad behavior and you're acting like a mannerless girl."

"With all due respect ma, he's 'attitude' was what attracted me in the first place and as for me acting like a mannerless girl, that's just me and that's why we fit perfectly."

I could kiss her again.

"I won't blame you.."

"Enough mother." I cut in, you've overstayed your welcome. Don't make me instruct the security to walk you out."

"You won't throw your own mother out."

"I love it when they dare me." I gave her a cold smile.

"You see the way he speaks to me? It's just a matter of time before he talks to you like that too." She huffed hair whipping us and left.

"You okay?" I asked her

"Yeah." She nodded

"You sure?"

"Mhmm." Then she smiled "I think we should just focus on the bright side."

"Which is?"

"I may forgive you.?"

I laughed "May? You got to be kidding me."

"Except... " She placed her hands on my chest "you give me reasons why I should forgive you."

"I can do that." I leaned in the we heard a loud crash.