
× Fresh Start? ×

I woke up, feeling the car come to a halt. My Mother cheerfully tapping me; ["Were here~!"] , she said in Korean.

After hearing the excitement in her voice, I opened my eyes to the slightly tinted window. I came to realization, and everything hit me. I got mixed emotions about college; Excited, but also a bit disappointed. My college years had begun.. Sort of like a "Fresh start". And I wasn't sure whether I was ready for it this time, or not.

I attempted to think positive about the college, instead of negative memories I have of school. Once I grabbed my luggage and said my goodbyes, I turned around, stopping right before the concrete steps. Looking up at the large words carved into the walls, I let out a sigh, trying my best to prepare myself for what seemed like hell. I sprinted inside to get away from the crowds of families, students, and cars outside of the building.

× × ×

Moments after getting to the dorms, I found mine. Eagerly unlocking it, I began exploring. As expected.. the two beds on both sides. Except, to my surprise there was a door on the left.

"Huh?" I mumbled curiously. As I opened the door I slowly peeked my head, only to discover a bathroom.

I never knew these dorms could have a bathroom until now. But instead of wondering anything more, I shrugged it off, walking back to the beds. I stood in front of the left bed, and plopped myself backwards onto it while thinking about what my dormmate may be like. Stretching out, feeling exhausted, I had fallen into a relaxing slumber before I knew it.

I thought I had closed my eyes for a few moments; opening them up to the sound of a door closing. Leaping from my sleep I blinked a couple times to enhance my vision back to normal.

Finally recognizing it's my dormmate, he walked over to his bed without even glancing at me. His appearance gave a strong vibe. Tall frame, black hair, delicate tan skin, and a tattoo on his neck. I tried to spell it out in my head.

*He surely has a unique persona.. It's a bit stiff.*

I looked back up, our eyes meeting. He threw his bag on the bed with tranquility, holding eye contact. With a deep voice, he asked;

"Want a picture?"

"What?" I retorted quickly.

He began again. "You're staring, if you couldn't tell."

I blinked and furrowed my brows defensively. "Uh, sorry? I didn't know that was offending. Guess some people are sensitive."

"It isn't offending, it's annoying, brain dead."

My eyes widened at the nickname.

*BRAIN DEAD?! Seriously I just met this dude, what's his problem..*

He laid back carelessly, which made me angrily scowl. Bored and aggravated, I got up and left the dorm room, scanning the school and students. I remembered how many meetings and events I had tomorrow, so I went outside to take a walk since it were already chaotic inside. The frigid air surrounded me, along with the breeze, causing my skin to grow goosebumps.

I rubbed my arm trying to warm myself up and cursed because I forgot a jacket. The concrete steps had became cold while I was sitting, but I chose not to go anywhere further otherwise I'd freeze. I reached in my pockets for my phone to at least update my Mom, but again no luck.

I had left my phone inside the room where I slept. I laid my head on my knees, allowing my arms to droop; and eventually falling asleep in that uncomfortable position which replicated my mood.

Waking up to what seemed like half an hour later, I felt warmth comfort me and heavy cloth drop over my back. I bolted my head up to see who it was. More shock came, yet it was inexpressible at this point. There stood my dormmate resting his hands in his pockets, wearing a bit of an irked face as if he'd rather be anywhere than letting me borrow a jacket.

Before I could say anything he said; "You're always sleeping.. You better give the sweater back." And walked past without giving me a chance to spit back.

I sat for a bit, wondering why he was so rude and confusing, then headed inside.

*If he's gonna be annoying, he can just keep to himself. I don't mind ignoring him if he'll be a pain..*

I constantly thought, on my way to the dorms. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into another tall guy with a girl drinking coffee next to him. Like it always occurred, I figured they were going to lash out on me so I quickly apologized.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said, worried they'd react with violence or yelling. They peered at each other, and back at me, as I watched them slightly smile.

"It's okay! What's your name? I'm Chrissy, and this is Elias!" She said with a brighter smile than before, pointing at the guy next to her.

*Elias is.. sort of cool in a way. He looks chill and friendly. Unlike my roommate. His blonde curly hair, green eyes, and just everything about him felt like home. Chrissy too. Ombre of light and dark pink wavy hair, perfect smile, fuzzy dangling earrings, and tattoos marking her arms.*

Snapping out of my surprised thoughts, I smiled again. "Oh, I'm Jasper. Nice to meet you guys."

"We should be friends!" Chrissy suggested happily with an excited voice. I smiled again at the offer.

"Where are you from, Jasper?" She asked gently.

"Korea.." I mumbled a bit insecurely. Her face widened excitedly.

"That's so cool! Finally a foreign friend." I blinked at her, shocked that she already considered me a friend. After exchanging numbers with them and talking for awhile, I headed back to the dorms.

I threw the sweater on his bed and cursed at it, while scowling. I regretted it quickly though, since it did nothing wrong.

"Sorry sweater, it's all his fault." I slightly bowed. Realizing that I was apologizing to an inanimate object, I sighed at myself and considered to forget all about today.

× × × Means time skip or different place. I always make sure to add a seperate line AND AN ASTERISK *; when he's thinking. When people speak Korean, [ ] will surround their words as well. Please don't get confused~!

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