
His Secret Love

Under the quiet night shadows, Trevor Burton and Saya Talou embark on a tale woven with ambition, regret, and unspoken desires. Bathed in secrecy, they teeter on the edge of life-altering decisions. Memories intertwine, blending a fabricated marriage with genuine emotions. Navigating family expectations, their journey unfolds in privileged corridors and secret yearning alleys. It's a quest for self-discovery, redemption, and the elusive threads of love. In the moon's silvery glow, love unfolds, where heart whispers resonate louder than the secrets lingering from their encounters.

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19 Chs

Chapter 18

Summoning her maternal instincts, Saya shook off the uneasiness from the dream and smiled warmly at Trae. She gently brushed his cheek with her fingers, a silent acknowledgment of the transition from the fantastical world of dreams to the tangible realm of a mother's responsibilities.

"Alright, lilttle cutie, let's get you something to eat," she said, rising from her seated position.

The mother and son duo headed towards the kitchen. A few mins later, the aroma of breakfast filled the air as the morning sunlight painted a warm glow. 

Trae, engrossed in his own world, happily finished his breakfast. The impulse to reach out to Trevor, to bridge the gap between her dream and reality, weighed on Saya. The dream had stirred emotions she hadn't anticipated, and part of her craved a connection beyond the boundaries of her daily routine.

She glanced at her phone, contemplating whether to dial his number. The decision to call him certainly held the potential to unravel a series of events she had not mentally prepared herself for. Saya found herself at a crossroads between the familiar responsibilities of motherhood and the unexplored terrain of her own desires. She shifted her focus to the practicalities of the morning routine, getting Trae ready for school and preparing for her own workday. With a sense of resolve, Saya decided to postpone the call, recognizing that the day ahead demanded her attention and focus.

Saya adjusted her orange blazer and stepped into the bustling world of Petals Corp, the chain of flower shops her family had nurtured over the years. The fragrant aroma of fresh blooms greeted her as she entered the main store in Carbon City. Today was a day filled with decisions, meetings, and the delicate art of orchestrating the beauty that bloomed within the walls of their shops.

The morning sunlight filtered through the large display windows, casting a warm glow on the vibrant array of flowers. Saya surveyed the arrangements, appreciating the kaleidoscope of colors that adorned the space. Her return to Carbon City meant stepping into the role of the company's leader, and each petal seemed to whisper the legacy she intended to carry on.

As she settled into her office, Saya's phone buzzed with a call from the head florist, Magie, at one of their satellite stores.

"Good morning, Mags. What's happening at the Tulia branch?" Saya answered, her tone a blend of professionalism and familiarity.

"Morning, Saya. We've got a rush order for a wedding this weekend. They want a mix of peonies and lilies. Do we have enough in stock, or should I place an order?" Magie's voice held the energy of someone deeply invested in their craft.

Saya leaned back in her chair, glancing at the inventory reports on her computer. "Please check in with Carle for the stock list. If we're running low, let him know he can go ahead and place an order with our supplier. I want everything to be perfect for this wedding."

"Got it, Saya. I'll keep you posted," Magie replied before ending the call.

The day unfolded with a series of discussions with the florists, coordinating deliveries, and reviewing upcoming events where Petals Corp's artistic touch would be showcased. Saya's leadership style was a blend of her love for flowers and a keen understanding of the business.

In the afternoon, she met with the marketing team to discuss a promotional campaign for the upcoming spring collection. Ideas flowed like petals in the wind, and Saya's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she listened to the team's creative suggestions.

"Let's dive into the unique stories behind each arrangement. Our customers love that personal touch," Saya suggested, her passion evident in her words.

The workday drew to a close so Saya made her way to the main store's sales floor. The fragrance of flowers intensified, and she couldn't help but pause to admire the beauty surrounding her. 

With the workday behind her, Saya eagerly headed to pick up her son, Trae, from school. The sun cast a warm glow as she approached the familiar school building, and the anticipation of spending quality time with her son filled her heart.

When Trae emerged from the school gates, his eyes lit up at the sight of his mother. 

Mommy!" he exclaimed, running into her arms.

"Hey there, champ! How was your day?" Saya asked, ruffling his hair which earned her a cheerful giggle.

Trae enthusiastically shared tales of his adventures at school, from the exciting lessons to the fun on the playground. Saya listened with a smile, savoring the simple joy of being present for her son.

"That sounds amazing, sweetheart! I can't wait to hear all about it. Ready for a dinner adventure?"

Trae's eyes lit up with joy. "Yeah! Where are we going?"

Saya winked playfully. "It's a surprise!"

They embarked on their dinner adventure. Saya kept the destination a secret, letting the anticipation build in Trae's curious mind.

As they entered the chosen restaurant, the aroma of diverse cuisines greeted them. Trae's eyes widened in excitement as he took in the array of colors and scents.

Saya led him to a cozy corner, and they settled in, perusing the menu together. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the clinking of cutlery, creating a backdrop for their mother-son dinner date.

Savoring the last bites of dessert, Saya couldn't help but feel grateful for these simple, cherished moments with Trae. The bond between mother and son, much like the blooming flowers in her family's shops, continued to flourish and she wanted him to share these experiences with his father.

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