
His Secret Love

Under the quiet night shadows, Trevor Burton and Saya Talou embark on a tale woven with ambition, regret, and unspoken desires. Bathed in secrecy, they teeter on the edge of life-altering decisions. Memories intertwine, blending a fabricated marriage with genuine emotions. Navigating family expectations, their journey unfolds in privileged corridors and secret yearning alleys. It's a quest for self-discovery, redemption, and the elusive threads of love. In the moon's silvery glow, love unfolds, where heart whispers resonate louder than the secrets lingering from their encounters.

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19 Chs

Chapter 12

After they kissed and engaged in foreplay, the anticipated moment stalled;

She spoke again, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. "T-Trevor, I want you!"

Trevor seemed oblivious to the first time she called his name, lost in his own thoughts. However, when she uttered his name again, he was abruptly yanked back to reality. Swiftly distancing himself, he fought to maintain composure as he gazed at her. What unfolded before him shattered his emotional defenses. Frantically, he grabbed the sheets, tenderly covering her. Unable to meet her inquisitive eyes, he lowered his head in an attempt to evade her questioning gaze.

"Why did you stop?" She questioned him.

Unable to meet her gaze, Trevor rose from the bed and made his way to the window overlooking the shimmering lake. The water below resembled a mirror, flawlessly reflecting the night sky. Restlessly, he swayed back and forth, his hands buried in the side pockets of his grey pants. Despite the lingering pleasure pulsating below his stomach, he grappled with the aftermath of what had transpired.

"How did I become so reckless?" he scolded himself in a hushed tone.

After what felt like an eternity, Trevor finally spoke in a calm and subdued voice.

"Because you don't want this. You can't seek solace from me in this manner. You still haven't explained what's happening."

"I told you there's nothing going on. I am a woman, and I have the right to choose who I have sex with." Despite the truth in his words, she grew infuriated at his remark.

"Saya, you're better than this. You can't turn to me for intimacy like that. What will your boyfriend think? I thought you wanted to be with someone your own age."

"Why did you assume I have a boyfriend and that I sought comfort from you in that way? What kind of woman do you think I am? Why do you always try to dictate my choices?" Saya's angry words forced him to turn around.

"That's not what I meant. Well… I-I just want you to cherish those significant moments. Saya, I know you well enough to sense when something's wrong. You insist you're okay, but I can feel that something is amiss. Of course, I could be wrong, but I also know I'm right."

"Mr. Burton, if I said I missed you and just wanted to see you, shouldn't that be okay? I didn't plan to do what I did earlier; it just happened."

"Saya, have you developed feelings for me?" Trevor inquired with a serious tone.

"I don't know."

"Perhaps, after spending so much time together, you've grown attached... I'm not the one to take that away." He tried to persuade her, but each word seemed to pierce his own heart.

"I'm no longer a child. I should be able to make my own decisions. Whoever I choose to share my firsts with is my decision to make. How can you remain so unyielding after what just happened?"

Her teary gaze sent shivers down his spine. The last thing he desired was for her to harbor hatred towards him. Trevor clenched his teeth, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. What she had spoken was undeniably true, and he berated himself for foolishly overlooking it. He cared for her too deeply to let things unfold in this painful manner. Even though he had tasted a fraction of her, the longing to be close to her overwhelmed him. Yet, he had to remind himself that he couldn't succumb to those desires. Inside, he cursed his wolfish instincts repeatedly, hoping the self-flagellation would somehow atone for his lapse in judgment.

Initially, he believed that her addressing him as Mr. Burton would establish a boundary, but that hope proved futile. Love remained an elusive emotion for him, and the near-intimacy they shared left him grappling with his own understanding. Trevor wished he could bury himself in a hole, distancing himself from the confusing turmoil within. Amidst the chaos, as he gazed upon her beauty, an inexplicable desire surfaced—he yearned for her to confess her love for him. It became a desperate need for distraction. If this continued unchecked, he feared things would spiral out of control.

As Trevor surveyed his impact on her exposed form, a pang of regret gripped his heart. She sat there, an embodiment of maturity, allure, and sensuality, on his bed. Her breasts, a testament to beauty, captured his attention like a masterpiece. Contemplating her while his gaze lingered made his mouth dry. Turning away, he faced the lake, his voice husky as he spoke.

"The food is getting cold. We should go eat," he said, leaving her alone in the bedroom as he headed to the kitchen to reheat the dishes.

As he waited for her, his eyes remained fixed on the couch where it all began. "She kissed me," he mused, his fingers grazing his partially swollen lips, lost in deep thought.

"I was greedy and canceled on Marcus because I wanted to be alone with her. I guess I am going to pay for my greed."

He replayed the scene in his mind as if it were a recorded memory. Saya's gentleness and the mesmerizing softness of her bronze skin left an indelible impression on him. Trevor stared at his hands that had touched her, feeling tingling sensations in his fingertips. A warm fire ignited within him as he envisioned her body.

The beeping of the oven timer interrupted the growing desire within him. When the food was ready, he arranged the dishes, but she still hadn't appeared. He set the plates on the table, picked up her bra and shirt, and walked down the hall to the room he left her in. Knocking on the door, he called out her name before entering, his emotions a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

"Saya, I'm coming in."

She was nowhere to be found on the bed when he entered. Turning toward the slightly ajar bathroom door, Trevor hesitated for a moment. Despite the urge to look away, his eyes betrayed him, capturing the sight of her drying her body. His kiss marks adorned her shoulder and neck, and a rush of conflicting emotions surged within him. He attempted to avert his gaze, but it felt as if an invisible force anchored his feet to the floor, and strong hands compelled his head to remain turned towards her.

It was as if a spell had been cast, slowly drawing him closer to the bathroom door. Succumbing to the enchantment, he pushed it open, and with a voice deep and seductive, he spoke to her.

"Saya, let me…"

"What are you planning on doing?" She asked him tenderly but still placed the towel in his outstretched hand.

He gently took the towel from her hand, the touch of his hands lingering on her damp skin as he dried the scattered water beads. The sound of her breath, laden with an almost intoxicating quality, eroded the last remnants of Trevor's dwindling resolve. Surrendering to the magnetic pull, he impulsively spun her around, his hands cradling her. In a bold move, he lifted her naked body, carrying her princess-style to the bed, where he delicately laid her down.