

"Tell me that you are just kidding," Elisha said shocked from what she heard from Jane. She knows that her friend is in the right state of mind but why did Jane decide something like that to save her? Running away from her arranged marriage? Is she serious?

"I am not, Elisha. I am not joking at all" Jane said in a serious tone. Jane is very calm so Elisha knows for sure that Jane will do what just she has said.

"But we both knew that my family would never allow something like this to happen," Elisha said nervously. She was worried about her and Jane.

If her family learned their plan, especially if her father discovered that she and Jane were planning to escape the wedding, her father will probably lock her from her room and will never allow her to see or meet up with Jane for the rest of her life.

"Then do not let your family discover about you running away from your wedding. I will email you the plan. Try to hide it as much as possible especially from your evil stepsisters." Jane warned before she turned down the call.

Jane looked at the man who was sitting in front of her taking his time drinking his tea after calling Elisha. It was sitting calmly while listening to Jane and Elisha's conversation. Jane looked at the man seriously then heaved a sigh.

"Why are you here?" Jane asked. It has been years since she saw her cousin. The last time she saw him was the day after she met Elisha.

"Is that your friend?" The man ignored her questions by asking her about Elisha. Jane's right brow raised as she got suspicious.

"Why are you asking?" She asked.

"I am going to help you to execute your plan. Leave it to me Jane... after all I am interested in something" The man looked back at him and stared at her coldly.

Jane felt uncomfortable with her cousin's eyes however, she wondered why her cousin would go to help her and Elisha? Jane knew that her cousin will never interfere with her own life especially if there is someone involved like Elisha.

Did he perhaps know Elisha? Jane thought.

Elisha heaved a sigh as she thought of what is going to happen if she fails from running away but there is no other way to stop the wedding besides Jane's plan so if she did not want to marry the person she did not know she must cooperate with Jane's plan.

Elisha went to clean herself before coming down to get her food from the Kitchen. When she arrived at the Kitchen she heard the loud noise from Matilda and Elaine, laughing like there is no tomorrow. She wonders what they are talking about.

Her family ignored her like what they always do. They treat her like she never exists during mealtime. They did not even invite her to dine with them even before so Elisha always eats her food alone in her small and dull room.

She grabs a tray and puts the plates and glass of water before leaving but her father stops her. Elisha flinched. She slowly turned her head to look at her father.

"Dine with us," her father said.

All their eyes widen especially Matilda and Elaine. They gave her father an unbelievable expression. This is the first time that Elisha was invited by her father to dine with them. What does her father want? Why is he inviting her now? Elisha knew that her father will never do something like this if he does not have any ulterior motives.

"F-father?" Elisha asked. She heard what her father said but she still wanted to confirm.

"I said, dine with us" her father repeated in a serious tone.

"Dad!" Elaine tried to stop her father but she only received a glare from his father.

Elisha sat beside Elaine and slowly ate her food without creating any noise. The dining area started to get quiet and awkward. Elisha was holding her spoon and fork tightly as she felt uncomfortable from her Stepmother and Stepsister intense glare.

"Elisha, you are not planning to run away did you?" her father suddenly asked. Elisha accidentally let go of the fork she was about to put in her mouth because of what she heard from her father.

She looked at her father nervously. Did her father already know about what she and Jane were going to do? She swallowed hard before she shook her head.

"I-I am not f-father" her trembling voice makes her sister, Elaine, smirk at her. Elaine knew that she was scared to disobey her father. The last time Elisha did not obey her father, Elisha was imprisoned for a month in her small room and only fed him a meager meal once a day.

"Good," Her father said and continued eating his food.

After the dinner, Elisha went inside her room and locked the door to make sure that no one would enter her room. She quickly opens her e-mail to check Jane's plan. Her eyes widened as she read the message of Jane.

Elisha, I will prepare a fake wedding car for you to ride and escape. Do not worry, I will make sure that your family will never find you ever again after that day.

Elisha deleted the message and slammed her body at her bed. What if their plan fails? What will her father do to her? Her father already knew that she might do something ridiculous to ruin her wedding. A while ago, she already received a warning from her father. She is dead if she gets caught.

Do I really want this?

She asked herself after thinking thoroughly about her wedding that was arranged by her parents. She suddenly stood up and faced herself in the old mirror that was hanging on the wall. She thought that if her mother were still alive she knew that her mother would never let Matilda and her father take away her happiness.

"No, I do not want this. I will Run away tomorrow. No matter what" She said eagerly in front of the mirror facing herself.

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