
His Royal Summons

A rejected princess being summoned again by the prince that rejected their betrothal. Will she give him another chance?

MJWrites · Urban
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5 Chs

Heat is Rising

Soft murmuring of voices could be heard as Natalia approached the dining room. One of the butlers proceeded to hold the doors open for her. As she entered, she could see Patrick standing up and walking towards her. He was wearing a grey dinner jacket which complemented her red dress. When he reached her, he took one of her hands to his lips and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. His beard tickled her hand and sent delicious tingles up her spine. Natalia tried to tug her hand out of Patrick's grasp but he held on tight. As he peeked up at her, he smiled against her hand.

Oooo this man! Natalia had no choice but to walk beside Patrick as he led her to the dining table. He kept a firm grasp on her elbow. As Natalia sat down on the chair that Patrick was holding out for her, she could feel Patrick's soft breath on her cheek as he bent nearer and spoke into her ear.

"You look beautiful in red. And you have beautiful shoulders too." Patrick murmured as he softly glided his fingers across her bareback. Natalia could feel the hairs on her arms rise at his touch. Patrick gave a soft chuckle when he saw her involuntary shiver. He acted as if he had not caused her any discomfort as he casually sat down beside Natalia and proceeded to talk to Princess Ruby who was seated on his left.

"What is happening to my body?" Natalia wondered. It was acting so weird right now. All her senses seem to be tuned towards Patrick. Natalia felt uncomfortable and fidgeted in her seat. As she adjusted herself on the seat, her napkin slid off her lap and fell onto the carpeted floor. Natalia quickly bent down to pick up the napkin. Patrick bent down at the same time as well. His fingers reaching towards the napkin at the same time as hers. Natalia snatched her hand back. Patrick picked up the napkin and slowly laid it across her knee. He looked deeply into her eyes as his hand gave her knee a warm, firm squeeze.

Snap! Natalia smacked Patrick's hand. She smiled and said through clenched teeth, "Keep your hands to yourself. Remember no touching before the betrothal ceremony?"

Everyone around the dining table had stopped talking and turned towards Natalia, looking at where the smacking sound came from. King Evan had invited the Prime Minister and his wife as well as some other Ministers and their spouses for dinner tonight. Natalia straightened in her seat and serenely looked around with a smile on her lips. Natalia was glad she could appear unaffected by Patrick's actions. Why is he so touchy tonight? Hmmmm....perhaps he has ended things with his 'girlfriend' and was feeling deprived. Natalia quickly brought her hand up to her lips as she felt a gleeful grin start to form on her lips.

King Evan had served a delicious choice of white wine tonight to accompany tonight's dinner. Tonight's dinner consisted of roasted chicken with sides of mixed greens and roasted potatoes. The meat was so juicy and tender. It just seem to fall off the bones. Natalia also especially enjoyed the apple crumble pie. Sweet and delicious!

As she licked her dessert spoon clean, she could feel eyes watching her. She felt it coming from Patrick's side and so chose to ignore her curiosity to take a look. At that opportune time, Patrick's mobile phone started to buzz. Natalia quickly stole a peek at the screen. 'Helena' flashed on the screen.

Natalia smirked as she raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Patrick. Patrick's face had darkened and he frowned as his finger slid to the left to end the call.

"Trouble in paradise?" Natalia asked sweetly.

Patrick's scowl slowly turned into a seductive smile. "Paradise is here with you, sweetheart. I am concentrating all my energy on you so you can get to know me fast and we can get engaged."

Natalia looked away from Patrick and swallowed a sip of white wine. As she placed her glass back on the table, she wondered whether she has made a mistake in agreeing to go through with this. Something feels wrong. She feels like she's stepping into a lion's den. Well, whatever it is, she is ready to tame the lion.

As the ladies got up to gather in the sitting room for coffee and tea, Patrick's mobile phone buzzed again. This time Patrick got up and walked with long strides out to the balcony. He closed the terrace door as he answered the call. Natalia could see Patrick gesturing as he spoke. He looked angry and if looks could kill, the recipient would have died if he or she were present in person. Patrick's hand sliced across the air a few times as he mouthed 'No' and forcefully snapped shut his mobile phone to end the call. The caller must have really annoyed Patrick.

When Patrick reached out to open the terrace door, she could see his mobile phone flash again. Patrick clenched his mobile phone in his hand and glared up towards the sky. After a while, he pressed a few buttons on his mobile phone and placed it inside his dinner jacket. He held on to the door knob as he took a couple of deep breaths. Patrick then straightened his dinner jacket and came inside.

After an hour of coffee and tea, the guests departed from Grisling Castle. Natalia stood beside King Evan and he wished his guests goodbye.

"Princess Natalia, did you enjoy dinner tonight?" Prime Minister Juwara asked.

"Dinner was delicious. I have not had Grisling cooking for over six years now. Missed it." Natalia said with a smile. "I hope we will meet again in the near future."

"Most definitely, Princess." Prime Minister Juwara said as he patted Natalia's hand. "Goodbye, Your Majesty. Thank you for dinner."

Madam Junie, the Prime Minister's wife curtsied at both King Evan and Princess Natalia. As she curtsied to Natalia, she said, "If you need help moving around Grisling, do contact me. I would be more than happy to accompany you anywhere."

"Thank you, Madam Junie. It is most gracious of you." Natalia smiled sweetly.

After all the guests have departed, Natalia held on to King Evan's arm as they both turned and walked inside the castle. Patrick was waiting for them by the door.

"Come, Princess Natalia. Let me escort you to your chambers." Patrick held out his hand.

"I'll escort King Evan to his chambers and then make my own way to mine. I know my way around here. No need the escort, thank you." Natalia refused politely.

"Go, dear." King Evan passed Natalia's hand to Patrick. "He has politely offered. Never heard him make such an offer before." guffawed King Evan.

"But.....what about you?" Natalia asked desperately.

"I'll be fine, dear. Going to have another cup of coffee with your papa before we turn in for the night. Go, go." King Evan turned Natalia to face Patrick before giving her shoulders a little pat.

"Good night, Natalia, Patrick." King Evan wished them as he walked towards the sitting room.

"Well, it's just us now. Come, let me escort you to your room." Patrick held out his hand.

"I don't need your arm. I can walk by myself just fine...and was it your girlfriend calling again just now?" Natalia asked sweetly as she walked up the stairs to her room.

Patrick walked calmly beside Natalia, refusing to answer her. When they reached Natalia's room door, Natalia turned to face Patrick. She took a quick step back until her back touched her door. Why was Patrick standing so near her? Because Patrick was a head taller than her, she had to tip her head upwards to look at his face.

She placed a hand on Patrick's chest as he slowly bent his head towards hers. She pushed against Patrick's chest while she tried to side step to his left. All of a sudden, Patrick placed both his arms against her room door, locking her in place.

Natalia swallowed back a lump in her throat as Patrick rested his forehead against hers.

"I am not touching you. Just resting my forehead against yours. Why are you acting so defensive?" Patrick softly murmured.

"And you smell delicious tonight." Patrick sniffed her hair.

Natalia pushed herself backwards against her room door. She tried to protest but no sound came out from her mouth. When Patrick's lips moved nearer to hers, Natalia slowly closed her eyes in anticipation of a kiss.

"Good night, Princess." she heard Patrick's voice and felt his lips against her earlobe.

Her eyes opened wide. She shoved Patrick away with such force that he stumbled backwards. Then she turned, stepped inside and slammed her room door shut. As she leaned against her closed door, she heard Patrick's soft chuckle on the other side of the door. Her heart was pounding so fast in anticipation of the kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Princess. Good night." wished Patrick. Natalia could hear his footsteps walking away from her door towards his own bedchamber.

"Natalia, you have to be much stronger than this. Stop behaving like a giddy schoolgirl with her first crush. Remember what he did eight years ago. You have to make him want you more than his 'Helena'. That's the only way to survive in an adult world." Natalia reminded herself as she rested her head back against the closed door. Her hand went to rest over her fast beating heart.

"How am I going to keep Patrick at a distance these three months? With him having a room right down the corridor, the temptation is going to be so difficult to ignore. And he is such a gorgeous stud!" Natalia slapped a hand over her mouth. She quickly raised her hands in prayer and said out loud, "Forgive me, Father, for my wayward thoughts. It's just that I am human and he is gorgeous and so sexy."

Knock, knock. Natalia turned and enquired softly, "Who is there?"

"Princess, it's Bibi. I've come to prepare you for bed."

"Bibi, tonight I'll prepare myself for bed. You go have a good rest. Thank you." Natalia answered as she opened her door. She gave Bibi a hug and gently nudged her to leave.

"All right then, Princess, if you are sure. I need to rest my tired bones. Can't stand long car rides nowadays." Bibi muttered as she trudged along to her room.

"Good night, Bibi." Natalia called out to Bibi's retreating form. As Natalia shut her room door, she reminded herself of the hurt Patrick caused her eight years ago. She must not forget how mean and selfish Patrick is.