
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Promises Made in the Dark

"BETH!" I scream through the servant corridors as I wonder, trying to find any small trace of my friend.

"There you are!" A group of women say as I freeze. "We have to take you back to your room" one of the women quips as I sigh. Seeing to guard behind them, but before I can move I feel the familiar sensation of a sharp blade warning me in my back.

"I would suggest you move freely" the guard says, "Would hate for you to stain that gown red" he threatens as I smile at him. Having no choice but to move.

"Here we are!" The women announce as they open the room door as it look nothing short of beautiful. I was never used to the light pigments in the room, white always confused me. The color black always happened to surround me, it described me in every way. "We've summoned the seamstress" the women warn me as I gasp.

"I thought the the ceremony is next moon?" I ask as before she can answer I hear a familiar voice.

"Yes" I hear as I turn to see Prince William in the doorway. "But we would hate for you to sneak off" he says in spite as I bite my lip in anger. "The wedding will take place in two days" he order as he turns to me before he leaves, "Be ready" he snidely remarks before he leaves my room as I sigh.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of endless poking and prodding. I didn't mind, the pain was just momentarily. Nobody noticed my skin, if they did they stayed silent. But once the afternoon was over I was locked in my room. Guards placed outside the room, and dinner was brought to my cozy prison. Home sickness never did get to me but this felt the most familiar, the one thing I tried to escape I found myself there, again.

"Gehenna?" I hear from the balcony's open door as I run to see Clairborne.

"Clairborne!" I scream his name in glee as I run to him, hugging him as tight as can be. "I thought I'd never see you again." I say as he smiles as I back away, looking at him. Standing in front of me, his black hair tousled, pale skin and darkly lit hazel eyes of the all knowing Claireborne.

I hate to admit it, but looking at Clairborne reminded me of the dreaded Prince. The Prince's physical appearance was taunting, just as his attitude. His hair was white as snow, very unusual, his eyes dark blue, blue as the water, they also contained that darkness. His skin was olive coloured, but his body, his face. If he wasn't such a scoundrel perhaps I would have liked him.

"I have been caught" I apologize through my voice, it cracking as I did. "They took Beth!" I tell him as the stinging of my tears is conveyed through my eyes.

"We can escape right now!" Clairborne says as he grabs my wrist. "Come" he beckons me as I pull him back.

"What about Beth?" I ask him as he sighs, nodding his head to me profusely.

"What about her?" He ask me as I gasp at his heartlessness.

"She's my best friend" I defend, "I promised her mother that I would take care of her!" I remind his as he stands there, unphased.

"It's either you or her" he says, "Choose" he makes me choose as I can't do it.

"I choose her" I tell him as he snicker at my choice.

"Why did you even tell that mortals mother what you were?" Clairborne ask as I can't believe him.

"Because she knew!" I confess. "I was not like other kids, sneaking out in the dead of night? That's not very childlike Clairborne! I promised that women I would protect her daughter because she protected me!" I yell as I can see in his eyes he think I'm being frivolous with my life. "Both are prisons" I confess as he chuckles.

"Your mother never imprisoned you!" He says angrily.

"I go home I will never get a choice! A life! I stay they use me, at least here I am useful!" I explain as he come closer to me, holding my hand into his.

"War will break out" he states as I nod my head.

"I know" I admit regretfully.

"You will have to kill her" he warns me as I nod.

"My power were doomed from the beginning, I don't have to kill her" I tell him. "She locked me away, and I know that why, not to protect me, to prevent her own foreshadowed demise" I say as he smiles. "He's going to marry me" I confess as Clairborne holds me face in his hands.

"We were always meant to be" he remind himself as I laugh.

"We were never meant to be Clairborne" I tell him, "You just wanted it that way" I remind him the truth. "Don't tell her" I ask of him.

"You know what marriage means for you?" He ask as I feel the tears tracing down my cheek.

"I do" I tell him, "It means I must go to him, kill for him and love him" I accept the oath.

"Which one do you think will be the hardest?" Clairborne ask as I smile.

"Loving such a man" I admit as he smiles. Deep down I knew he wanted a us, but I knew he was too good. I never wanted marriage, but this seemed destined. "I'm going to miss you" I tell him as I see a tear drop from his eye.

"Remember your power" he says as I smirk.

"I'm a simple castor" I tell him. "The rest of my powers are unknown until I gain a blood of another" I think, "I don't think they are worthy enough to spill family blood for" I hopefully say as I turn around and he's gone.

News would soon get out about my marriage to a mortal and I was doomed. If I was married to him I had no other choice than to be his divine half. I would have to fight by his side, I would be more trapped than ever.