
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Love Within a Midsummer Night

It must've been the darkness. Making secrets so calm, so peaceful at the sight of the moon that they stayed. Mine sure did. In the night they loathed, summoning the force of silence and breeding. Dark just like my soul and cold like my heart now, immersed in complete secrecy further into the night.

"This must be sent now!" I yell to the man on horse back, the same mail carrier that often refused my writings over and over again.

"I haven't seen you in one full moon and now you want my devote service?" The man questions me as I snicker at his courage.

"It's for my dearest husband, his mother has fallen ill" I lie as the man looks away from me and to his horse.

"I know you too well Erza, you are a servant! I am not to be fooled by some celibate royal conduit." He says as I sigh.

"Will you do it for a kiss?" I playfully taunt the messenger as he turns back to me. Leaning in on his horse to me and I blow my magic dust in his face. "Look me in the eyes" I demand as I prop up the messenger face to my own. "You will deliver this message to the Cain witch before dawn" I repeat my intentions to the man as he nods and I walk to the frightened horse below. "Calm boy" I say, running my hands through his soft mane. "Please rush this delivery" I ask of the animal as I kiss the horses forehead and with one hurried neigh he darts off and I smile parts my lips.

Maybe I was crazed, but I knew my soul well enough. Maybe it was the sneaking away from the castle in the darkness but I found sneaking around calming. Everything I did in my life was a secret, my whole existence was made to be a paranoid scheme but it wasn't. I was here after all. The story of my birth was everything after all, unlike I. My life felt new now, escaping a desolate castle to now serving one was different but all the same flavourful. But I would be lying to say I didn't miss who lied in my past. She made me, but I had no choice but to run from her.

"Clairborne?" I call as I look up from my nostalgia and listen to the sounds of the rustling branches behind me, as I turn to spot the perpetrator and instead see a owl. "Clairborne!" I scream his name and he flys to my arm. "So tell me" I start, "How is she?" I question him as he nudges me and fly to the dark forest floor.

Transforming in a dark cloud and into the tall, pale, black hair, raven eyed fellow I knew. "Like always" he spits out as I sigh. "She misses you" he admits through his dark green eyes.

"I miss her aswell" I admit to him as my feelings being a slight smile to his face.

"Good" he says, "So you'll come back?" He finishes as I roll my eyes at my dismay.

"I thought you were my familiar?" I question him as he chuckles.

"I am" he says, "But that doesn't mean that I don't want the best for you and the best for you is to go back to your mother instead of being out on your own! And what kind of life for you is it? A witch without-" he chokes out as I pause.

"A witch without what?" I ask, his guilty look only admitting his next few words. "CLAIRBORNE!" I demand for him to finish his sentence.

"A witch without magic" he says, finishing the sentence fully as I smile. Letting the pain fill up my stomach.

"I'm a witch, just because I'm not like her doesn't mean anything!" I say as his eyes droop with sadness and regret of his truth telling. "I love you Clairborne but I will not tolerate the pain you inflict. I am powerful enough without magic, just as I was born I will be! I will no longer be confined to a castle where I study until I die!" I rant as I see his skin go paler if possible. "I will be free! I may not be worthy of magic but I am worthy of being free!" I explain as the tears in his eyes are enough to move me.

"What about your family?" He ask as I smirk.

"My father's disappearance is appalling, and all I have is mother! You and her are the only family I've got! But I want to see the world, that is possible Clairborne, powers or none" I say as he sighs.

"I wish to protect you Gehenna" he says as it feels like a relief to finally hear my name again.

"I know" I admit to him as he smiles. "I wrote her you know" I cheerfully admit to him as he nods solemnly.

"I'm worried about her" he finally says as my heart aches at those words.

"I'll be back soon" I say to him as his eyes light up. "Tell her that" I remind him as he smirks and I walk away, hearing his hooting in the distance as I smirk at the secrets I behold along with the night.

**********Benjamin's Point Of View**********

"Did you follow her Benji?" William ask me as I return from my mission, still in shock.

"It's her" I whisper as William stands there, in confusion.

"Hurry boy, speak up!" He hurries my process of thinking as I sigh.

"She enchanted the messenger" I start as he sits in shock. "She talked to a horse, she talked to a owl...…then he turned to a man?" I admit as I'm still surprised to what I just witnessed.

"So….." he says through his new epiphany, "she is the Cain's girl." He says aloud as I sigh.

"You can't marry a monster like that!" I beg William as he nudges my disapproval off, as he would a uncomfortable pest.

"Marriage is just that my dearest companion" He admits as I'm worried about this.

"Marriage is about love my sire" I respectfully correct him as he snickers.

"No Benji" he says as he turn back to me with a glass of whiskey in his hands, swirling it carefully. "Marriage is a solid alliance, something to consolidate power. I know it, the whole kingdom does." He says as he downs the glass of whiskey. "And this is a alliance the kingdom will never forget" he says as I stand up from my chair.

"Here you are your majesty" I present the note before him.

"What is this?" William ask me as I sigh.

"The note she was sending, I made a copy" I repeat as he smiles in astonishment.

"I'm going to get a drink" I admit, leaving Prince William of Drulow in his quarters.