
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Fantasy
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31 Chs

A Friendly Foe

I remember the day I met her. I was not alone, standing next to my mother was when we discovered what would be my sister.


"Are you lost, baby?" My mother ask as the little girl nods her head no.

There she stood. Her hair was as black as night. Her eyes told me a story of a prisoner, that she needed help before she could even speak. She had no shoes, her feet were caked with mud and her hands were dark brown. But she wore a expensive dress.

"Where is your mommy?" My mother ask as the little girl stays silent. Her eyes focused on the ground. "That's fine" my mom reassure the little girl, kneeling to her. "Let's take you home and clean you up" my mother tells her as the little girl nods her head, obeying like she had no other choice.

That was the first time I ever met Gehenna.


"Gehenna" I beg her as her eyes looked empty. "It was not your fault" I remind her as she nods her head in disgust to me.

"I am the reason he lost his mother" she convinces herself as I grab her hands, holding them in mine.

"No, you are not!" I sternly tell her. "Your mother is her killer, not you!" I try to bring clarity to her mind. "He will also be the reason you lose everything as well Gehenna" I remind her as she shyly drops her head to me.

"Don't remind me of what I'm supposed to do" she ask of me as I sigh.

I always hated having to go against her wishes. She protected me, but she also protected herself from the truth. And I was the one who would have to break the walls down, reminding her about the world and it's sight.

"He used your holy union against you" I tell her as she stands, walking to the window, looking at the darkened night sky. The look of dawn painted across her face. "And soon he will be the reason you have to sacrifice both of you parents" I say as she gaps, I can hear it, beneath the hand she held over her face.

As I walk over to the window, looking into her glassy eyes. "Beth" she pleads my name as I nod my head to her.

"What is worse, Gehenna?" I start as she shakes, "Having somebody else to blame for the slaughter of your parents, or being the culprit yourself?" I ask her as she breaks, and when she broke the world stopped.

I watched her walk away. Her heels colliding with the ground as she still thought hiding her tears was the strongest thing she could do.

"Go to Emilia" she commands me, "We will talk tomorrow" her voice came out bleakly as she walked into the distance.

Was it wrong? I only wanted to remind her of what she is bound to lose, I wanted her to be happy. Here, she was stuck in a loveless marriage that used her as a weapon, but for somebody like her was there every such thing as freedom? That was all I wanted for her, freedom.

"What are you doing here?" I hear from behind me as I turn around to see Emilia. Her brown hair falling at her arms, her curls caressing her face, complimenting her blue eyes as the sight of her brought a smile across my face. Her blue gown almost glowing in the moonlight.

"I was talking to Gehenna" I admit to her as she snickers.

"You are still unwell" she warns me as I nod my head in disagreement with her.

"I am not" I remind her, "If I was, I would not be standing in front of you" I tell her as she smiles. I couldn't help but love her smile, it tempted me.

"Beth" she says my name as I walk closer to her. My nose against hers.

"Emilia?" I answer as she sighs, I can feel her hot breath on my cheek.

"This is unholy" Emilia convinces herself as I smirk.

"If you think that why haven't you pulled away?" I ask her as she continues staring into my eyes.

My eyes falling onto her lips as she smiles. "I will see you tomorrow" she tells me as she pulls away, running out of the throne room.


"THEY ARE HORRIBLE!" Gehenna yells in the desolate room as I caress my lips, thinking of what could have happened last night.

"Right!" I hurry to agree as Gehenna looks to me.

"What could we do?" Gehenna ask herself as I smile at her small problem.

"Remember when you hid me? Disguised me as a Dern local to see the army?" I remind her as she laughs at the memory.

"Yes" she remembers. "You were in awe" she says as I chuckle.

"What made them so good?" I ask as she jumps in glee.

"They we're not only train in physicality, but also in mentality" she figures as a smile flutters across her face.

"Penny for your thoughts" I use the metaphor as I close my book and she turns to me.

"We train the scholars!" She says through her triumphantly. "They are smarter, not only thinking with there brains but with there body" she explains as I take a deep breath.

"The war is in three weeks!" I urgently remind her as she nods.

"And if we wish to win we must adapt" she convinces me. "If Dern could do it, why can't we?" She ask me as I stand to her, placing my book on the steps of the marble floor. "It's the only way we can win this war!"

"When do we start the training?" I ask her as she look deeply into my eyes and I finally notice it, her eyes. "Your eyes" I warn her as she nods to me.

"He cut my necklace" she tell me as I bite my tongue. "Human curiosity" she angrily tells as I can see the fire in her eyes.

"We start now!" She declares as she walks down the hallways to the castle library. As I follow her.