
Chapter 29

Lailah Dk

The morning breeze hit my skin differently as I stood outside the house with my luggage in my hand. We were living for the airport this morning and I couldn't just wait to be on the plane. My heartbeat hasn't been steady since yesterday. Anytime I remembered Haidar's behavior towards me, my heart would crumble and I would feel a pain I had never had to go through before. It wasn't easy for me and I tried not to let my mother nor sister notice.

"Lailah I've been calling your name since, why have you been so absentminded?" That was my mum. I smiled at her.

"Mumy, I'm just thinking about my new life and how it's gonna be with you guys in it," I said and she smiled.

"It's going to be a blast, my dear." She chuckled.

"Indeed," I said.

"Can someone help me with all this luggage?" I heard Nailah say from the doorstep of the house. I burst into laughter when I saw what she was carrying.