
His Rogue Luna

Artemis was content living alone. She was practically raised by the forest and was happy with being a rogue. However, an encounter with one of the most ruthless packs and their alpha shakes her and leaves her questioning her identity and purpose in life. "Remember who you're talking to, Mate," he growled. He dipped his head to my neck, trailing his nose from ear to my nose. I bit my lip, trying to fight the urge to moan. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped when I felt his tongue lick the sensitive spot behind my ear. He began trailing sloppy, open mouth kisses along my throat and neck, and stopped where my neck met my shoulder. He paused and I fought my hands out of his grasp but he tightened them. He hoisted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist to avoid falling. As I opened my mouth to protest I felt his sharp teeth pierce the skin. A loud moan escaped my parted lips as pleasure and pain mixed and coursed through my veins in a dizzying mix. Responding to moan, he pushed his hips into mine and I felt his hardened bulge at my center. He ground into me, giving me that much needed friction while he licked the blood off my neck and sealed the bite wound. He pulled his face away from my neck and I whimpered at the loss of contact. His eyes were dark, swirling with his anger and lust and his canines glinted a bright red, his mouth smeared with my blood. "You're mine and I will never let you leave," He roared.

Goddess-Of-Dawn · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 37


n. Hating endings; someone who tries to prolong the final moments

The moment I had been dreading arrived all too soon and before I knew it, I was standing with the other spirit wolves and Elders in the gardens, facing a very somber Diana.

We all stood in a perfect line, our mates all waiting behind us. There wasn't a single white cloth today as we wore the traditional mourning colour: black. The moon shone down on us, in all her brilliance in the otherwise pitch black sky.

The First Elder spoke up, breaking the deafening silence.

"Diana, your time with us has come to an end," she began, her voice even and the epitome of controlled. "Letting you go will no doubt be difficult on us, but you deserve your happiness," Diana nodded at the First Elder, standing before her to receive a gentle hug.

"I know this isn't the way you wanted things to go, but I am more certain than ever with my choice," Diana spoke resolutely, stepping back from the embrace to face the next elder.