
His redemption

Everybody knew he had it all. Fame, girls, shit ton of money, beautiful parents, charming brothers and best friend.... but, did he! Damon Stone didn't grow up like any normal child. At the early age of 10, he had to learn how to take care of his 8 and 7 year old brothers because his parents were never home. "We won't be home until next week honey, we love you three so much. Take care, mommy and daddy will be home before you know it" They'd say. But it was all a lie, he realised later that all they said was a load of bull and he loathed them so much for choosing money over their own children. His hatred blinded him so much that he started taking it out on other people. At his school, he was known as the 'Demon' with a heart of Stone and he couldn't care less. He loved it, all the fear, it's like he fed off of it. He loved the way girls would practically shit themselves under his gaze just for them to come begging for a one night stand. The way he would intimidate men both older and younger than him due to his strong built body, he loved it. Until he met her. They say that even the coldest hearts deserve to be let in, will she be his saviour! Or will he teach her all he's ever known. Destruction.

Sabrina_Iris · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


I knew that coming here was a mistake. The moment 'mother' called me to support 'father' in his meetings as CEO of Stone Inc. I knew something was up and now, infront of all these reporters and cameras, I wish I told her to fuck off just like any other time she remembered to call. I tuned myself out of whatever bullshit the old man was saying and instead chose to stare at the only fucking interesting thing in this whole place which was a little fountain just outside of the 70' storey building we we're in. I always failed to understand why they felt the need to put one outfront. I made a mental note to myself to demolish it as soon as I took over. As a matter of fact, I would remove everything and anything that would remind me of my 'parents' and the best part of it is they knew.

"I know people have been spreading rumours and I am here to conform them. Ladies and gentleman, my son, Damon Stone is heir to Stone Inc. now, I have no doubt that he will make a greater CEO than I ever could." The old man chuckled at his not funny joke and turned to my mother. She intertwined our hands and led me upfront the podium and immediately released me. My father brought his hand up to my shoulder, my 6'6 height towering over his 6'2. I shrugged him off and turned to look at all these reporters who had nothing better to do than kiss Derrick's ass.

"Mr Damon, Lilah from CNH. Could we ask you a question please!" A brunnete raised her hand and flashed me a smile. I caught Derrick nod as tho she asked him, and stepped back. I straightened my back, glared at her and brought my lips closer to the many microphones.

"No" She gasped at the sharp and rude reply but quickly covered it up with a nervous chuckle. The whole crowd erupted in hushed whispers, some of the male reporters even daring to glare back.

"Thank you everyone for coming and be sure to have a little snack before you go." My mother said and like little ants, they all dispersed towards the said snacks. I walked away from the stage and head straight to the elevator ignoring Rosie's pleas.

"Damon, where are you going! We have yet to attend the meeting." She whisper-yelled not wanting to attract any attention to herself.

"I'm done with your foolery old hag." I seethed through my teeth. She stumbled back in her husband's arms and gasped.

"How dare you talk to your mot:-"

"-:Just let him go Rosie, you'll only make things worse." I heard the old man say to her in what she would describe as a 'soft tone'. I immediately stepped inside the elevator as soon as it slide open and turned to face them all.

"Now I expect the next phone call to be informing me of some good news like let's see-" I trailed off tapping my chin with a frown. I snapped my fingers in fake realisation and smirked. "-You're death." Rosie turned to face Derrick with a pained expression and he shook his head.

"It was good seeing you too son." Derrick smiled at me, sadness visible in his eyes but I couldn't care less. I scoffed just as the elevator doors slide close. I loosened my tie in irritation and threw it down as soon as the doors slide open and walked towards the black sleek car I usually used whenever I came here, my long strides allowing me to do so with ease. I brought her to life and smiled at the humming sound she made. My phone rang and I picked it up with a groan, connecting it to bluetooth.

"Hey, how did it go!" Phraser asked knowing damn well how it went.

"You tell me." I grumbled driving out of the parking lot and into the busy streets of New York. I frowned at the rainy weather that it always seemed to have.

"I thought you we're going to punch his face in." He chuckled and I smiled at an image of Derrick's face bashed in.

"Can't say I haven't imagined it myself." I chuckled.

"Mom looked beautiful." I heard Ace mumble in the background. I sighed in annoyance. I failed to see how neither of them saw Derrick and Rosie for who they truly were. Lying, manipulative bastards who never showed any ounce of care for us. I was numb to their pretence of 'love' for us, but I couldn't say the same for Ace and Phraser. As soon as Rosie showed up at our house in LA, they quickly stretched their arms wide open for her and him.

"I'll see you at the house." I said, cutting the awkward silence.

"You taking the new jet dad gave you! I can't believe he got a huge ass present for his asshole of a son." Ace laughed, Phraser following close.

"Not my fault he has shit for a brain." We all laughed in amusement and said out goodbyes. I quickly disconnected the call and parked the car near the airstrip my parents owned. I looked at the old man incharge of taking care of the jets and offered him a curt nod to which he replied the same.

"Good to see you Mr Stone, you're jet is ready for you sir." I nodded once again, my eyes going to the black Gulfstream G650 with the embroidery of our family name written in gold on one of the wings. Derrick bought it in my name as a 'guilt' present.

I walked inside, ignoring the flight attendant's greetings. I settled on the comfortable leather sit and looked outside at the gloomy weather.

"Good morning Mr Stone. This is your captain, Charles Miller speaking. Our flight time today will be 6hours and 30 minutes and our estimated time of arrival will be 6:30Pm GMT local time. Please do remember to fasten your seatbelt, thank you." I closed my eyes in annoyance and gritted my teeth at how jet-lagged I'll be. My phone dinged in my pocket and I retrieved it.

Ace --- Have a nice 6hrs flight asshole.