
His Princesa

davyah_eli · Celebrities
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Moving In With My Brother?

I woke up Tuesday morning to hear my mom screaming at me to get downstairs. I get up feeling very groggy and put on some shorts. As I exit my room to head downstairs I passed my brother Alex's room. I miss him so much. I can't wait to see him again. If only I had the money to go and visit him. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I can see my mother smiling at me. I could be a good sign or she's just mad at me and has a really good punishment. Either way she could have at least waited a couple more hours to wake me up.

"Good morning, my lovely daughter", my mother spoke to me almost bursting with excitement. I did not know what to think of her eagerness so I did not know how to respond. I just nodded in response waiting for her to tell me what was up. She looked like she was going to explode if she didn't say anything.

"I have the best of news from your brother. He ..." I didn't let her finish her sentence because anything from brother must mean good news.

"OMG WHAT DID YOU HEAR FROM ALEX?", I asked practically asked screaming with excitement.

My mother laughs. "Well if you would have let me finish, I was going to say that Alex is moving into a new place with his roommate and wanted to know if you wanted to move in with them?"

I look at my mother and then at the floor. My own brother wants me to move in with him and his roommate. He barely speaks to me and now this. What if I get a crush on his roommate or any of his other friends? Or maybe he will want me to help him set up and film his videos. Anything right now could be possible. I look back at my mother and her smile starts to fade a little.

"Do you not want too? I can tell him you don't want", my mother asked me a little confused.

"Of course, I would love to move in with Alex but what if his roommate or friends don't like me? Or what if ..." My mother cut me off by saying "Calm down he should be here any minute now" I look up shocked at what she just told me. MY BROTHER COMING HERE TO PICK ME UP. This is crazy. What if he doesn't like how I dress or how I look? What if he changes his mind? Y/N you need to stop worrying. He is your brother and will love you no matter what.

A couple of minutes later of my mother and I standing in the kitchen the doorbell rang. I stood up straight and told my mother I would get the door. As I started to get closer to the door my hands start to sweat and I get real nervous real quick. Before I open the door I take a deep breath. I open the and theirs my brother with a big smile on his face.

"I was going to bring Gorge but he was filming a video today. Lets get you packed up and go"

. . .

I walked through the door to the new apartment and look around in aw. I notice how basic but nice it is. The kitchen is big and that is a plus because I like to cook. My brother turns to me and smiles.

"Do you want me to take you to your room", Alex looked a me with a big goofy grin. "As you follow me down the hall, Georges' room will be on your left while mine will be on your right". I nodded and followed him to my new room. It was not as big as my old room but it was big enough to feel comfortable.

"Thank you so much for letting me move in with you and George. I didn't think mother would ever let go of me", I laughed a little'

Alex looked at me and laughed. "Yah it took me a while to convince her. She didn't think you were ready enough to leave 'her nest' as she would call it". I scoffed and looked at him. "Would you like me to leave you to unpack or do you want to meet your other room mate"? Alex turned away and started to head out of my new room.

"I would love to meet the 'Famous George Memeulous' ", I laughed as I said it. Alex turned back to me and rolled his eyes. He turned back and walked out the door. I followed suit right behind him into the kitchen and there he was. I look at him and then back at Alex.

"Hey cunt my sister is here", Alex laughed while saying. The man turned around and tried to throw a half drank water bottle at my brother. He looks at me and holds out a hand. I shook his hand and I think he smiled at me. I smiled back at him. I laugh on the inside. I hope he doesn't wear that mask all the time. I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend. What if he doesn't like me and is just pretending to be nice.