

"Dawson meet your new maid Carla, and Carla meet my lovely kid brother Dawson ." Krystal drop the bombshell and we we're both shocked to death. ** Meet Carla Clarke not your regular kind of girl. Short tempered girl who woke up one morning with a view of working in a big company only to end up as a maid for a psycho billionaire. Now how will this turn if event affect her life. I know you are curious? I here by present to you one of my best newly published book " falling for his maid"

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2


"No 9." The third  person before me was called and She went in for the interview. I have been standing here for hours now that my feet has even become numbed. The people I met on queue was way numerous than I imagined it to be, The queue was as long as three trains attached together on the railway. And that got me discouraged at first, I mean with all these crowd the chance of getting a job here will be under probability. But no matter how numerous we are here one person will surely get the job and that gave me a little hope to hold on to.

A hope which started blooming when I see people go in for the interview and come out with a soured look on their face. Meaning they didn't get the job, I know it's not good to rejoice over people failure but at this point I can't help it.

after some minutes, the lady who had been called stormed out looking so moody like the others did. Then the two more numbers before me was called and it falls at my turn.

"No 13!" My heart leapt like that moment when you've been caught cheating in an exam hall. Before taking a step forward I looked at the people behind me and they were so many of them waiting for this job, more reasons for my heart to pound. What if I don't get this job? Or what if I get the job? Will all these people just go home after waiting in vain?? Anyways I walked straight in into the office for the interview with a skeptical mind.

When I walked in, a lady was sitting on the office chair, her head bowed as her wrist danced around the paper on the desk.  She was scribing something on the paper.

"Have your sit" came the lady's tiny voice, gesturing to the empty seat before her, not looking up to glance at me as though she had already sense my presence.

I took my seat and just then she raised her head up to face me. Her short blondie bob hair which had hung in the air, flap back and rested on top her shoulders. Her makeover was stunning, her eye lid was perfectly shaped arch like it's been done by a professional artist, her eye shadow was the same color of her lipstick which tallied up with the

Lilac  strapless top she was wearing.

She reminded me of someone I had met just a few days ago but where could I have seen her before? I almost waved it off until a bright smile flickered across her face, her arch brow pulled up a bit conveying surprise or shock? Giving me a look that reads; where have we met before?

While we were still on the staring match, I suddenly remembered her. She was the lady whom I've just helped a few days ago. Her car got spoiled along the highway and as if she had a beef with nature, the rain was pouring down heavily. She couldn't even make a call cause of bad signals. I happened to come across her and helped her with a ride. Her location was the grocery shop which was still an hour Journey to where the car got spoilt. I never seen her after then but I hope she was able to get her car fixed. And for the few moments we spent together I got to know her name.

Was it "Krystal?" I asked, in a way of trying to remember something.

"Yes..." she nodded, her bright smile not leaving her face. "Carla right?" She asks and I reciprocated her nod and smile.

"So you came for the job interview?" She asked formally and I briefly replied "yes"

She highly welcomed me like an old friend before proceeding to ask.

"So how did you learn about this job??" She closed her files and leaned back on the chair, letting it flip her around while she fixated her gaze on me.

"I saw the job opportunity on the internet yesterday so I got so interested and I check In For details which took me here " I explained briefly.

"yeah! So tell me, what are you good at, like what.."

"Entertainment" I cut her off. I don't know why I have to do that but maybe it will be more better telling her my skills before hand as I really don't know the nature of the job. I just read on the internet that the company is open for a job opportunity and those interested should come for an interview. I got so excited that I forgot to check the nature of the job and now thinking about it, is making me nervous. What if it's something that demands some professional qualifications and degrees which of course I don't have? What if that's the reason why people hasn't been getting the job? Okay I'm screwed.

"...And what can you do??" She asks and it took me seconds to register that, it was the continuation of a sentence which technically means she never heard what I said. Uh!

"Oh..." came out of my lips as if recovering from a trance.

"I...I um...I can..." what the hell does she mean by what I can do. Off course I can do alot of things but she need to specify or what if she specify and it's turns out to be a thing I can't do even in years to come. Now Thinking about the latter I just said "...sing?" It came out more like a question. In as much I know this isn't a music industry or an entertainment industry but whatever cooperation this is... if they are aiming for sales promotion they might have to consider entertainers.

And I'm pretty sure I'm good at entertainment and I've a wild passion for singing and I almost forgot..."I can dance too..." let's just say dancing is my hobby. "let me give you a sample presentation.." I've been learning steps from few dance videos, I used every opportunity to showcase it and now there's a more reason to. So giving her a seductive wink, I sprung to my feet.

She folded her arms to her chest and watched me keenly as I started dancing.

I danced in emulation of black pink-Lisa more like breaking. I saw a smile playing around lady krystal lips, was that a smile of satisfaction? I wanted to hold on to that until she burst into laughter. She laughed so hard and I knew my dancing steps is more of a humor to her than the vibes I wanted to give her.

"O..okay.. hold on.. hold on..." she said while still trying to stop laughing. Once again I know I've just made a fool out of myself. I rolled my eyes and stopped. Before she could ask me to sit, I already sat down.

She flipped from her files, pulled a paper out of it, and turned to face me

"You see depending on the nature  of job I am offering, what I mean is what you can do as a lady and you just started showing like a dong chen." She hits me right there. And I thought I was already a professional dancer.

"Anyway  so it's after telling me everything you know how to do Then I'll tell you the kind of job." She informed me and once more nervousness got the best of me.

What can I do as a lady?

"I can do everything a lady can do, within or beyond." I don't know if that was a lie.

First of all what are things ladies do? Okay in one word, ladies takes care of house affairs and me being more of a street tug, I can't do any house chores. She smiled at my response and said.

"You see..." she paused, took a deep breath and adjusted on her seat. "I think I should offer you this job cause out of all the girls I had been interviewing, you are the only one who is really..." she pause again and stared at me for a while maybe waiting for my reaction but it took all in me to keep calm as I don't want to make fool of myself again "natural." She finished.

"Really??" I asked in shock. She nodded and passed me the paper she had flipped out of her file. I excitedly yank the paper off her hand and the moment my gaze landed on it, the first inscription I saw was

" Form for the recruitment of A maid"

Trying to process what it mean, my once happy mood slowly flushed down the drain as it hits me so hard "What?!" I couldn't heard my own voice. "Maid??" Ive never been this disappointed all my life.

Withdrawing my gaze from the paper, I look up to face krystal. Her smile had faded off but she still looks like she was smiling.

"Maid?" I asked as though she never heard me the first time.

As if finding this funny, She chuckled.

"I know this is coming to you as a shock dear but trust me..." she says softly and took my palm in hers. "I'll be paying you in 50 thousand dollars per month, you just have to be a good maid to my brother, so I'm hiring you as HIS PERSONAL MAID" she drop another bomb and I didn't know how my jaw fell and dropped right on the floor.

So I am even gonna be his brother's maid?? Specifically 'his personal maid?' I don't know what it is but I see trouble knocking. I haven't had much experience with boys but with my experience so far, most of them are sex staved freaks. They started off as just friends and slowly their true colors starts to come out. It's not like I hate boys but I've vowed I don't want to have anything to do with them till I've meet a responsible one worthy to be my husband.

Okay okay I know you probably think I'm thinking this too far but if I'm gonna be his personal maid that entails we often times gonna be together. What if he's one of those stupid boss who like to play dirty with their workers huh? Well I don't wanna think about that right now but the pay...50,000 dolls per month??

Woah quite a sum.

Picking up the pen, I started filling in my details in the form. When I was done, she asked me to come tomorrow for the job and of course gave me the address.