
His only Heaven

"My once sealed heart started to flutter after her sudden entrance in my life. And protecting her is the only sole reason of my existence-Dominic" ........................................................... "I've never felt so drawn to any female species until I got hold on your scent" Dominic was trying hard not to pounce on her as here mere fragrance was making him impossible to control. Ava had never seen him so helpless from the time she had encounter him. He had been very polite around and today he was not his real self. Slowly walking to him she cupped his face, as he slowly closed his eyes feeling the warmth of her hand. "Dominic... why do you pull me towards you with your sincere words" touching their forehead she tried to calm his shivering body "Kiss me Dominic... I want you to take me" her words alarmed his beast, taking control over his mind as he took her mouth without warning. He was already on the verge to loose his control and her words gave him the permission to follow her lead. ................................................................... To protect the village from getting killed by the werewolf's. The head of the village agrees with the king to give his daughter as his bride. Ava Odin, the physician of the village helps an unknown man out of kindness by saving his life that was on the verge to end. Who would have thought, her help would land her into a difficult situation , where she has to agree to marry him. She only married him to protect the village from him wrath but she would never treat him as her husband. The marriage was forced on her and now she was his Queen only by name. Dominic Boris, the tyrant king of Azov was feared by his pack and many more. He was cruel and ruthless who never thought twice before taking anyone's life. They say he had no heart but what will happen, when he meets a girl who saves his life and also captures his heart. Come and join me with the journey of Ava and Dominic. Will Ava be able to tame the tyrant wolf or she will have to face his wrath just like others? The cover doesn't belong to me. All credit to the respected owner.

akshaya_vanne · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Fox behind human face

"Your highness, you shouldn't disrespect your husband like this" Agatha voiced her thought listening her words.


"My mother says it's a disrespect when you call your husband informally" she again said making her confuse.

Ava had forgot that she was his wife and was now was living in palace. The people over here always have a formal way to speak. But, why she have to give him respect when he himself was so shameless and played with her mind.

"He deserves that talking" she scoff her words and changed the topic. Her whole morning was wasted sitting here inside the room and now she had to waste her evening too.


"What..?" Liam laughed at his brother who was sitting with his gloomy face.

"I will break your teeth if you don't stop Liam" he turned his gaze on his younger brother who was laughing on him.

When he said that she had pushed him away and was always brining the topic of deal, Liam couldn't help but laughed at his brother fate. His ruthless brother was kept one hand distance away by his wife.

The merciless king whom all feared was now scared by his wife's words, and that was too funny for him to hear. The way he was telling him earlier took him by surprise, how can a person's personality gets change once he finds his other half.

His once heartless brother was following his wife like a lost puppy just to spare him some attention, but the girl was not in the mood to give him any hope.

"This one is like a victory brother.. I mean look at you, the one and only King of Azov is neglected by his wife. Isn't it funny" he was grinning looking at his brother who was throwing dagger on him.

If he was not his little brother, Dominic would have pull the tongue of his out from his mouth making him go speechless.

"I really need to share this in the pack. What do you say?" he teased him making him more annoy.

Rolling his eyes on him, Dominic got up to leave the study room. He was not in any mood to listen his brothers stupid words. He had much more important thing to do rather than sitting here and listen his rant.

"Where are you going.. let me come with you" Liam followed his brother as they walked out from the study room.


Ava had asked Agatha to lead her to the royal stable, she wanted to meet Felix and inform him about her marriage. But when she reached there she didn't find him.

Disappointed, she walked back inside the palace when she saw a man making his way towards them.

"I didn't knew we have a guest here Ruth" Vincent halt his steps in front of the two ladies.

Ava didn't knew who he was, but looking at him she could tell he's someone related to the king.

"Sorry but I don't know who you are" she apologies for not knowing who the person was and it was all her husbands fault. He didn't took the liberty to introduce her to his people.

"It's okay if you don't know me, I can't blame you for that" he moved forward and took her hands kissing her knuckle. Ava was caught off guard by his gesture.

"I will introduce myself" he looked up watching her surprised look.

"I'm Vincent Grace, your husbands brother- in -law" he smiled back without leaving her hand.

The way he looked at her, didn't feel right. Ava felt his gaze creepy and his words made her feel he was not someone what he behaved to be in front of her.

She felt uncomfortable with his presence and the way he kept holding her hand made her discomfort. She freed her hand from his grip and bowed down," My name is Ava Odin... it's nice meeting you brother-in-law" she greeted and was about to leave when he blocked her way.

"Why in rush Ava, let's have some talk after all it's our first time meeting each other" he smirked.

Vincent was drawn to her beauty and wanted to know her. Form the time he saw her he had the urge to meet her, but he wanted to make sure not to get noticed by her husband.

"Sorry to reject but I have some work. So will you excuse" she rejected him plainly. This man didn't gave her a positive vibes and standing here entertaining his nonsense would only make her hate him. His creepy gaze were already making her uncomfortable and now him blocking her way only added more fuel to her detest.

Without sparing any glance at him she walked pass him leaving them alone. Ava was not someone who would let anyone treat her like trash, she had her own beliefs and didn't like people who invade her space.

"Hmm interesting, the girl has sharp tongue" he watched her retreating back.

Vincent was wrong this time in guessing, the girl was like a hard rock to even crack. Earlier he had his ways but now if he wanted to have her, he needed to be more cautious.

"Let's have some words with my father-in-law" he walked ahead followed by Ruth.


Entering her room, Ava sat on her bed. She was already upset that she couldn't meet Felix and now this man whom she came across made her blood boil in anger.

"Are all people in this palace so shameless. Don't they have any manners how to speak with a lady" she muttered when Agatha came and pass her some water.

"You did right your highness. The man earlier is not good enough to talk with" she moved back taking the empty glass from and went to keep on the side table.

"What do you mean?" she asked frowning on her words earlier.

"Your highness, It would be better if we don't have any word with him. No one is allowed to gaze up at the man or else... Princess Kate would not spare them".

"Who is Kate?" she asked. Ava didn't knew anyone here and now she was curious to know more about the royals.

"She is his Majesty's sister, your sister-in-law" she answered

"How come I haven't seen her yet?"

Agatha had shown her the whole palace, but she could only see the servants and guards and no one else from the family. She didn't get the opportunity to meet the former King.

"Can you tell me everything. I don't know anyone except you and that shameless man" she stretched the word shameless remembering her pervert husband.

Agatha was again startled by her informal way of speech, but she let go this time without correcting her and continued to speak.

"King Atlas had married Queen Valeria when he had won a war against her kingdom. Initially it was like a give and take between the two kingdoms, Queen Valeria was won as a reward to win the battle against her kingdom. At first she didn't had feeling for the king and would only fulfill her duties as a queen, but after spending time with the king in handling the kingdom related matter they eventually fell in love" she paused and looked at Ava who was very much attentive in listening her story.

"The king had been loyal to the queen after their marriage and had never had any mistress. It was after they won a war against the kingdom of Narva, when the queen conceive her first child, prince Dominic. He was a sweet innocent child when he was young but one day he went missing scaring his parents and was found unconscious after three days behind the backyard" her story telling was cut by Ava

"Unconscious.." she whispered

"Yes and we still don't know where he was for three day" she said and looked at the queen who was spacing out again in her thought.

Pulling her back she continued," After that day everyone started seeing a significant change in his behavior, he became more aggressive and started learning the fighting skill killing people when ever they had a war. He was feared with the people in the kingdom for his ruthless ness and heartless action.

After that the king left all the matters under his elder son's guidance and started spending his time with his wife. After an year, the queen was blessed with twins princess Kate and prince Liam. Liam was just like his father, he was ruthless only for his enemy and was soft hearted to his loved ones.

Princess Kate was the only girl in the family and was pampered by her parents and brother to an extend where they always fulfilled her needs. They didn't even object when she told them she like Vincent. Knowing what kind of a person Vincent was they still let their daughter marry him in hope he would change for her"

"What?" Ava yelled," How can they do that when they knew how his character was?"

"I don't know in detail but I've just heard that princess Kate had eloped the house for his sake without letting her parents know. His sweet words had already poisoned her mind, manipulating her to an extend where she even decided to leave them"

"So in order to keep their daughter in front of them, they agreed to her and let them get married" she said and sighed after completing the story.

"How can a princess be so blinded by love where she even decide to leave her parents that love her from her birth" Ava was disappointed by Kate and her decision.

The man was fox behind the human face. She better keep a distance from him and not come in contact with him by any mean.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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