
his obsession

Today, the moon shines brighter on the blank spot in my memories. It swallowed me, this lunatic. Please save me tonight. Is it love or obsession? Save me…i need you. Even though i know you hurt me, i need you. Caught in a lie. Help me, find the me that was pure. I can't be free from this lie. Give me back my smile. I just want to be happy again. Take me away from this hell, i can't be free from this pain. Save me, i'm being punished. You are here to save me, and i am here to ruin you. But in the end, nothing will matter. Inspired by; BTS's Save me, I need you and Lie.

rxvychuu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3; First time

•This is the starting of our story•


"W-what was…that?Was that real?" She takes a quick look around the dim lit room.

Her face, clearly expressing how scared she was. A dumbfounded 'huh' leaves her mouth; the expression on her face changes into the look of disappointment.

Once again, she didn't know anything.

She didn't know what to do; all she wanted to do was find the owner of the voice, that disturbed her everyday.Today, even more than any other day.

It was like, the voice, the person whom it belonged to, was trying to get to her.

Little did she know, that she did wanted to follow the voice. Even if it was just to figure out, whom it belonged to. Even if that sweet, comforting voice hid someone cruel, someone really bad, who could ruin her whole life.

All she was doing was get, curiouser and curiouser, by every passing minute. Just until, the voice of a female ringed through her ears.

"Han Hyejin! I swear to god, the food is getting cold! When are you going to get here?!" The loud, ear-piercing voice of her best friend makes her flinch as she rushes downstairs, slamming the door in a hurry.

"Hey, hey, hey! So sorry, i just zoned out, out of nowhere" Hyejin hurries to sit on a chair, as Eunji places a plate of spaghetti with meatballs and cut up hot dogs in it.

"Bon appetit" Both of them let out at the same time, before grabbing their chopsticks and beginning to eat, their dinner.


10:07 pm

"Eunji!" Hyejin yells, as Eunji yells back a 'what' in response.

"I'm going to the beach, and i'm taking your car. I'll be back before 1am…but still, don't wait up!" Just as Hyejin turns around to unlock the main door, a gentle yet tight, grip on her wrist makes her, face her best friend, who had a confused look on her face.

"It's literally ten p.m, why the heck are you going to the beach at this hour?" Eunji shoots a question towards Hyejin, before she could let out a single word out of her mouth.

"I don't know, i just want to." The expression on Eunji's face turns into a look of dissatisfaction. "Seriously? God, i'm coming with you, let me just grab my purse."

"No, no, no!" Hyejin yells, grabbing Eunji's hand. "Please, i just wanna be alone!" Hyejin adds, making Eunji shake her head.

"Gee, okay…no need to yell. Just call me, when you get there and when you're coming back." Hyejin nods, with a smile on her face; before turning around and pulling the door open as Eunji sighs, on the other side of the door.

"Bye!" Hyejin shouts, closing the main door behind her, as she makes her way towards Eunji's car.

Pulling the door open to the driver's seat, she gets in while closing the door shut. "Let's go!"


10:27 pm

"Finally" Hyejin mumbles, to herself as she gets out of her friend's black SUV. She slowly walks over to the sandy surface of the beach, putting down her purse beside her and sitting on the tiny sand grains.

She looks up at the dark night sky, filled with stars in awe, as a giggle leaves her mouth. "The view is so pretty."


A few minutes later.

"I can't do this anymore, i don't want to. I wanna go away, somewhere far from this place...far from everyone." the black haired guy, jumps into the sea, hoping to be met with death.

His eyes shut tight, as the ocean slowly pulls his body down. He does nothing but stay still and wait to be freed away from his terrible life, filled with nothing but pain and sadness.

"What the...oh my god!" Hyejin yells, noticing a figure drowning into the deep ocean. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She takes off her shoes in a hurry and runs towards the ocean. Just to try and maybe save whoever that person is.

She takes a deep breath, before sinking her head down in the ocean. She swims as fast as she could to reach the drowning figure.

She wrap my arms around the person's waist to pull them up, so atleast their head is out of water. She pulls the figure with herself all the way to the shore as her legs finally give up. "Oh, God."

Is he dead or alive? She questions herself, moving her arm up to the guy's wrist to feel his pulse. She sighs in relief, feeling his pulse.

She tries out all the ways she knew, to try and bring him back to consciousness. "Do i seriously need to give him a c.p.r?" She groans, but closes her eyes trying to convince herself to actually kiss the unknown man infront of her. "Oh, darn it. Nobody cares."

She slowly, brings her mouth closer to his and attaches it with his as she shuts her eyes tight. She gently blows some breaths into his mouth hoping to see him alive.

Just in a few seconds, the man coughs as she backs away in the blink of an eye. He slowly opens his eyes, trying to catch his breath back.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asks as soon as he sees her figure crouched down beside him.

"H-huh? I-i i'm-it doesn't matter! Atleast you're alive." She sighs in relief as he gets up at a slow pace. "Wait, y-you're not even going to thank me?" She interrogates, as he walks away from her figure, while coughing. "No, why should i?"

He stops walking and turns around to face the brunette, drenched in ocean water. "Hey! I saved your li--" He cuts her off with a quick reply "No, you didn't. Infact, you made it worse. Now those shitty ass 'hospital people' will find me again, and keep me locked up in that hell."

"Huh? Hospital people? Are you sick or something? Well, i mean…i'm guessing, since you kinda tried to kill yourself"

She looks up, just to see him giving her a death glare. He shakes his head with a sigh, turning around to start walking again."Hey! I could give you a ride home, if you want, you know?" She shouts at the stranger, who did nothing but ignore her.

"So, he's not even going to look back, now? How arrogant." She murmurs to herself as a loud noise catches her off gaurd. It was him, the unknown dark haired guy yelling a 'no' at her.

She chuckles hearing his response. Her eyes widen as she realises something. "Wait a second, his voice…that voice, i-it matches the one, that-that i hear everyday"

To be continued.