
Chapter twenty

Hello readers, check out my new book "Mr Devil And Little Me," Will be updated daily.

Why was Ray taunting her? Why was he not giving her even a chance? Why was he savage to her? It suddenly felt like what they shared never existed. All and everything they ever experienced together thrown in the drain.

Right! Her name had to be Karen. Ray must know the stories about Karen's to pick her just to punish her. 

Surprising how the blond haired lady didn't have a European accent. She had a fine Canadian accent.

Nice. He must have have imported one of his mistresses to come work with her, so he could taunt her. So she could loose her mind. She haven't even worked with this woman for a day but half her mind was already lost. 

The office of the CEO never really functioned if he wasn't around and he was always in Ontario, Canada. so there were usually no PA's to the CEO in other branches. So it only implied that this dangerously pretty lady was hired newly.

The human resource manager had left them to get acquainted with each other.

Well, firstly she doubted she wanted to get acquainted with her, secondly she needed to speak with Raymond!

She needed to hear this from him herself. Wanted to understand what he planned to achieve with this.

Right! This was exactly what he meant when he mentioned changes being made in his last mail to her.

Hi. I'm Amanda. She said as they shook hands. The lady wore a smile. looked fake, definitely fake. She looked like the girls on magazine covers, glam girls, who all they knew and did was keep appearances.

Amanda matched the girls energy as she put up a smile too. Yes, a fake one.

So, is he in? She asked with a tone that could easily out her annoyance. She didn't care if the girl saw through it. She just wanted to speak with Ray. She wondered what their conversation would be like, she was slightly angry at the moment due to the situation, but she hoped they would be able to converse like adults. Leaving their personal affairs or personal interests aside. 

Yes, but I'm afraid he asked I don't let anyone in. No matter who. The girl said as you could tell she didn't intend to come off offensive. It was definitely an instruction given that she was passing. 

But she didn't care. Oh, so now she would need to go through "Karen?" To speak to Raymond?!?

She hated it and she would not have it. Any of it!

Oh, he said that? She asked sarcastically as she headed straight to the door that looked like it must lead to his.

The girl had stood, going after her. Miss, please, if you would wait, let me inform him.

Amanda stomped into the office. Ray was seated in the office chair that was obviously meant for him, the CEO. 

The office didn't really look like his Canadian office. This one looked less technical. Looked more homely. There were paintings on the wall. Newly fetched flowers on the flower verse. Curtains and not blinds, she totally loved it.

So who actually got him Flowers? Flowers was totally not his thing. She could'nt believe that in the centre of everything that happened, still happening, she would be thinking about his flowers and who got them.

Ray's attention had immediately been brought to the entrance of his office as Amanda stumped in, and without knocking. Karen was right behind her as he guessed she was trying to stop Amanda from barging into him. 

Oh Amanda don't know how she has lost some privileges, she is gonna be here, but she would wish she wasn't. 

I guess he is informed now. Amanda said looking back at Karen before moving her gaze to Ray.

I tried to....... 

It's fine. Ray cut in on Karen. She was definitely trying to explain that she did her part.

Karen had left the two of them as she exited Ray's office.

Amanda looked back to make sure the doors was closed before she started to speak.


Ray said as he rested on his office chair before casually rolling it.

I would ignore the fact that you abandoned me in that hotel, even though you knew I didn't know a single place there.

First, I don't think I need to be seconded. I'm sure I can do everything you put her there to do. Amanda spoke with a livid tone. She didn't know why she was so upset about the new girl but having another person do stuffs she could easily do for him made her feel like they were giving her a run for her job.

Ray wore a white cooperate shirt with a matching blue pant. His tie was a little tighter than usual as he adjusted it before it added to his current anger.

How dare her? How dare her tell him how to run his company? Even after what she had done?! He still let her keep her job and now she thinks she can't be replaced? And not even as if she was replaced. Maybe she would feel better if her made her be the Personal assistant to the general manager instead.

How dare you? He spoke as his anger was very visible in his tone. How dare you Amanda? He spoke as he stood up, leaving his  position.

After all you have done. After your whoring escapades? You think you can stand, look me In the eyes and tell me what I need and how I need it?

Look at you, Amanda. 

You think I don't know about your call with him the day the contract was signed? I go out and the next second, you calling someone else to warm your bed. Even if I had doubt about what I really saw that night, but the next calling him proved me right.

You disgust me Amanda!

Ray was furious and he would give her a piece of his mind. She played with him, made him a fool. Looked him straight in the face and lied to him. Made him look like he could be trampled upon In front of Albert. A person who had respect for her boss won't do what she did.

Raymond now moved closer to her, about one and half feet away from her as he even got more furious. He felt this anger deep in his bones. He felt his heart burning up.He was so upset that his facial veins became visible.

You are a lying whore! Looked straight to my face and lied to me!!   He spoke with a pitched tone as he was pointing at her. He yelled with so much force as his hair even lost it cooperate charm now all over the place instead  of the way it was originally laid.

You made me a fool! And no one does that!!! 

He turned moving away from her as ran his hand over his hair.

Ray hated how this woman was able to get to the better part of him. She triggered the beast in him. He hated to raise his voice, he always had control ND this right here looked like he lost all his powers. He hated reacting this way or even reacting at all.  Oh she brought out the beast in him. No one ever had to power to make him this way, to make him yell on top of his voice.  To break him to this extent.

What has Amanda done to him. He lost his cool and he hated her for that. Hated her gut, hated that Tyler had ever Hired him. 

He turned again, facing her as he was even closer to her now, than before. Now about a feet away from her.

Now you listen! You do as you are told! You are not a special staff, you are a regular staff, just like every other person. You don't get any privileges.

You follow every procedure, you wait if you are asked to and I believe I do not need to remind you of knocking before you enter my office! Raymond had managed to regain his cool, but he still spoke a little faster than usual.

From hence forth what ever you don't like, you will have to relate it with human resource or branch manager, because that is what I hired them for.

Also, I do not wish to hear you mention what we did in the past to anyone around here. I do not need you to have the need to want to explain anything regarding that to me or anyone.

I do not care to hear about what ever had happened between us in the past again. He continued.

Now its about work and only work!

I believe I have made myself very clear and I will not be repeating any of this to you again.

You can leave and I will not be entertaining questions. Go to the manager if you have questions.