
Chapter Thirty Eight; Wait for the surprise!

"You wanna know what I am gonna do!?!?!!! 



At this point his voice was in the loudest tone she had ever heard it. His eyes were red and his face showed too many confusing emotions.m

Aanda flinched with each sentence and at this point she was close to shaking.

And he wasn't finished yet! 

He reached the vase of his office table, picking it up and sending it flying. Amanda  was consumed with fear. She put her hands across her face as the loud breaking sound of the vase caused her to flinch even more.

'What was this rage all about?'

She was scared, but she felt he was broken and needed help. Help which she was afraid she was incapable of giving him.

"You wanna know what I am gonna do?" She heard him ask again, before he reached his table, with his two hands he furiously pushed everything on it to the other end of the table as the all got to the edge before hitting the ground.

Oh she was was scared! She was trembling. She didn't know what could happen next. Her legs became weak and almost Shaky.

'This wasn't the Ray she knew. Raymond never acted irrational. He always kept his cool in every situation. What exactly was behind his sudden rage? He didn't even react any thing close to this when he walked in on her Albert kissing her. And surprisingly, he was calm when she had earlier come in.

How did he suddenly flip?

Was it because he felt rejected?

She had never said no to him or dejected from him, was this new to him?

Was this as a result of being spoilt as a child and as he grew older. Or was he just damaged and egocentric?

After everything on the table had hit the ground including his Mac Book, he immediately and almost furiously reached the wall, reaching a landscape portrait on the wall, breaking it into two as he hit it against his knee twice before sending it flying as it flew past Amanda's cheek. 

Oh it was getting dangerous because she had barely escaped that one.

She put her two arms over her face as she was filled with terror.

At this point, not only did her eyes became teary, but her tears began to roll down her cheek as she trembled.

You wanna know what I will do? He asked again with a furiously pitched tone, leaving the wall and walking towards her, but pausing halfway.

ANSWER ME, AMANDA! He asked with his rage still very much visible.




She said as she wiped her eyes.

He stared at her for a second before turning and running his hands over his hair. He then moved to his table, his tie almost completely loosened, he had lost a button or two in his rant, his hair was now completely roughened, but that didn't take away anything from his looks. He slightly sat/rested on his table as he stared at her, and she could see how his eyes softened in a matter of seconds.

"You can leave." 

He said as he tried to move his hair away from his face.

She immediately turned and made her way to the exit and left his view.

As she left his view to her office, she picked up her bag and left the building.

She took a taxi home and she sobbed all the way home.

She didn't get it.

'Was this how hard and inconsiderate love was?

Why would the only man her heart wanted treated her that way?

Did she push him to react like that?

Did he try to hold it in?

Was he damaged?

Was that anger the real him?

Was he damaged?'

She knew it terrified her, but somehow within her, she wished she had moved to him and given him a hug during his out rage.

She got home, wiped her eyes an buried her self in her bed and read a book.

It was the next day at work. Lang had asked why she left early the day before but she lied she had suddenly felt sick. She was sure she didn't want a romantic relationship with Ray but she didn't want to put out a story that would make have him looking like a narcissist boss with an anger issue. They went out for lunch break and when they got back, Ray still haven't shown up.

It was past three and almost time for her to close for the day and he didn't arrive. She was somewhat happy that she didn't have to deal with him that day, but she was also worried about him. 

Tyler had called her into his office. They discussed work so far and her London trp to London but he seemed he had more things to get off his chest.

"I uhh, saw the mess that was made in Raymond's office."

He spoke as his statement was followed by utter silence. She didn't know what to say and most importantly, she didn't know where the conversation was getting to.

"I hope you are okay." 

He asked as she noticed his gaze on her.

'Did Tyler know about her relationship with Ray?'

"Yea, I'm good." She managed to say.

If you need maybe like a day or two break, we would understand."

Tyler sounded very sincere with his concern, and his fixed gaze at her made it even clearer.

Tyler has always been an empathetic person and his care for his staff was always felt, but she didn't need any day off.

Her mind was stable, so she was good.

"Thank you, I will let you know if I will be taking any day off."

"Okay, good to hear you are fine. That's all for now."

He spoke as he moved his attention from her to the a folder on his desk.

"Okay" Amanda said before getting up and making her way to the exit. She paused halfway, looking down at her fingers which she was subconscious picking at with each other.

"What about Ray?" She asked in a soft tone as she looked back at Tyler without completely turning.

"What about him?" Tyler asked.

"Is he okay?" 

She asked as she looked down at her fingers again for a split second before she took her gaze back to him.

'was it completely strange that she still cared about him? Still constantly thought of him and  that his absence from the office made the her work environment seem incomplete.'

"Yes he is. He is taking a day or two off.

Maybe London took a toil on him, so he needed to clear his head."

'Maybe he was taking a break from her, taking a break from how crazy she drove him.' She thought.

"Okay, good for him." She responded before finally making her way out.

The rest of the day went by quickly and lang offered to give her a ride home. She wondered when she would be able to save enough money to get her own car. But her thought was soon diverted as Lang asked about her and Tyler's discussion.

"So what was it Tyler wanted to tell you?"

Lang asked with her gaze on the road.

"Uh, nothing much, just some details about our London deal."

"But we have everything concerning the deal documented and a copy was sent to him."

Amanda was almost trapped with that one. But she luckily had a way around that it. And it wasn't completely a lie because Tyler had asked about the trip, though not about the deal.

" He didn't understand some part in the file."

"Oh, got it." Lang responded.

The rest of the week was the same, Raymond still didn't show up. She was worried for him because usually, when he wouldn't show up for work, he always sent mails occasionally, informing her of one or two things she needed to attend to. Though the week wasn't completely boring because she had Lang visit her office every now and then. But she had to admit that she missed him. First time she was apart from him for days without any word from him. 

She was closed for the day, it was a Friday and Lang gave her a lift home.

One getting In front of her apartment complex, she saw a man standing before the entrance of the building.

Welcome back Miss Amanda. He said. She was sure she didn't know this man or recognized him from anywhere, but he seemed like he knew her and was there for her.

Lang stepped out of the car, and that was quite strange because she usually just headed home each time she dropped her off.

The man was wearing a smile, as she weirdly returned the smile, taking her gaze to Lang to see if she was witnessing the awkward situation too. Surprisingly Lang was wearing a smile so she knew something wasn't very normal.

"Okay, what's going on." She said still wearing the strange smile.

"I believe this is for you."

The man said as he handed her little box wrapped in a golden ribbon. She un rapped it as she was stunned with was in it.

A car key!