
Chapter Sixty Four; Happy birthday ?

The next day which was Saturday, she went out to get Raymond a present. His birthday was the next Monday and she planned to hang out with Lang tomorrow which was Sunday to avoid thinking about things she'd rather forget.

It was Monday, Ray's birthday. She was back from work and he has not seen him all day, though everyone around the house told her he was in his room and hasn't stepped out since morning. 

He meant it when he said he planned to stay away from people on his birthday? He got so many packages from different places, people, and different companies. Official and cooperative bodies sent him gifts to the office while friends and maybe close business associates sent their gifts to his home.

The ones that were sent to Blazzers were brought up to his office, though she didn't open them. She saw the name tags and so many A-list brands sent him presents. well, she was not going to forget that a good number of gifts came from women too.

Since she was fascinated with how many gifts he got, Margi took her to a particular room where he kept the gifts from his past birthdays and other random presents which weren't used or planned to be used.

"He said I could have as much as I want," Margi said as Amanda toured the little room that was filled with packages.

"But how many could one take to make all this go away? it's more than a full van," Margi added before a little smile curled up Amanda's lip.

After her little tour, she left there, back to her room. She didn't want to pack what she got him with the other presents that were received that day. Which was kept somewhere downstairs that awaited him to see and maybe unwrap them.

She grabbed the little cutely wrapped small box, a mini wrapped frame, and a little iced cupcake with a little lit candle. She headed for his room and hoped he would love what she got him.

After using the door knocker twice, she heard him approve her to go in.

She went into his room and she found him seated before his laptop. He seemed like he was working, but his full attention was now on her.

"Happy Birthday," she said with a soft tone and smile. 

She handed him the cake which he took but he didn't have any expression though a little smile curled up on his lips.

"You don't look very excited," it was a little too obvious so she had to point it out.

He let out a sigh.

"I'm happy you are here and that you got me a cute cake..." He said before slightly tilting his head and roughing his hair.

"My birthday days aren't really my favorite days." He added.

"Awwn, I'm sorry about that." She moved closer to him, handing him the little box, he took it before dropping the cake on his table

"Unwrap it," she said as he went ahead to do just that.

He unwrapped a Richard Mille watch and she watch his face light up.

"Oh wow," he let out.

Amanda didn't expect to get this reaction, Ray was never impressed with new accessories but the smile on his face seemed very genuine.

"I like it," he said looking up at her.

"So here is the last one." She handed him the wrapped up frame. This was the one she had to think through. Almost everyone would accept a watch as a birthday present but she wasn't sure about the picture she framed up.

She watched his face closely as he unwrapped it.

It was a small sized picture frame of him and his mom on his fourth birthday.  Ray paused as he realized what it was.

She knew what losing a parent was because she had lost her mom as a baby. 

She reached to him, giving him a tight hug. They held on to each other for a while. After a little while, they left each other's arms as Amanda reached for his face, holding his chin with her two hands.

"I know how much she meant to you, so I wanted you to have this little frame of both of you." She said with a kind voice and tender eyes.

"Well, thanks to your dad he had just the perfect picture" She knew Ray was fighting the urge, the urge of suddenly becoming vulnerable before her.

She leaned in and kissed his cheek before giving him yet another hug.

"So, now, can we make this birthday your best so far?" Amanda asked with her hands on his clothed shoulders.

Amanda was a little determined to make sure that he had fun.

"We can go out, where do you wanna go?" She asked as her excitement reflected on her tone.

"Outside is too much attention right now." He said and Amanda totally agreed considering the situation at hand.

"Do you wanna have a little relaxing time in a warm jacuzzi bath and maybe drink wine?" She asked. (Please google jacuzzi if you don't know what it is to have the perfect picture of what you are reading)

'jarcuzzi and wine?' what was she thinking suggesting that. She was a little limited with activities to do, and a jacuzzi bath seemed cool if you didn't think deeply about it.

"Will you have a little relaxing time in a warm jacuzzi bath and maybe drink wine with me?" Raymond asked as she was a little speechless.

First of all, a jacuzzi bath was her suggestion, now she wanted to shy away from it? She wondered.

She imagined being in a jacuzzi with him having a heartfelt conversation and she wanted him to enjoy his birthday in any little way he could, so she nodded shyly to his question.

In about thirty minutes the jacuzzi bath was prepared, the jacuzzi was mounted in a semi large glass outlet. 

she was now wearing a yellow Fenty bikini that fairly looked like lingerie which she bought back when they went to London. 

The water was warm, she reached a little shelf at the side as she saw some products which were for the skin and to give a good smell.  She poured a few drops into the jacuzzi and it immediately started to smell good. 

She noticed Ray walk in, he was in a short and had a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. She almost forgot how breathless Ray looked without a shirt, his packs were visible, his chest solid though he wasn't a big guy.

Amanda was a little shy as she saw him approaching, so she just put her focus solely on the jacuzzi to not lose focus on the fact that this was just supposed to be a friendly jacuzzi bath and not anything otherwise.

"Hey," he said as he got to her.

"Hey," she responded. 

Ray had gone to get the wine and wine glasses, his initial plan for his birthday was to just stay indoors all day. He told his staff to inform all visitors who might show up without informing him that he wasn't home.

This warm water relaxation treatment might be all he needs, especially when Amanda was in the picture. He appreciated her for this, he would love to spend his birthday with her, so he looked forward to a delightful evening.

He got closer to her. She looked so hot in that bikini. Her curves were just undeniably irresistible. Her light brown skin looked spotless and soft. She had noticed his devouring gaze on her and her shy nature immediately showed itself.

He then took his attention back to the wine and proceeded with opening it. He placed the two wine glasses on the wine glass holder which was inbuilt into the jacuzzi. 

Yes, it was a very standardized one. It had a little wine holder, a wine glass holder, and even a candle place.

He poured the wine as he noticed Amanda move towards the shelve. He poured a fair amount of the wine before placing the wine on the wine holder on the jacuzzi.

He stepped into the big tub but still standing. The warm water was close to his knee and it even felt better than he thought.

Amanda soon returned with two candles and placed them at the far end where their feet were to face before lighting them.  

Ray reached for a button below the jacuzzi which immediately put out the lighting in the room, leaving the room dim, just lit by the candlelights.

He saw Amanda's surprise.

"How did you do that?" She asked with a little smile.

"Nothing much, just Superpowers," he responded as they both laughed.  He sat inside the jacuzzi as its warmth soaked into his purs and he let out a little sigh of relief. 

He then stretched out his hands to assist her to get in.

She took his hands and stepped in. She turned and tried to seat on the other side of him, but she had somehow slipped but Ray caught her and she burst a laugh as a result of her fall.

Due to her fall, she now found herself sitting between Ray's thighs as Ray's arm cuddled her. 

 One of his hands wrapped on her waist and the other crossed through her shoulders and her chest but held on to her hips.

Oh, how he has missed this, how he has missed her in his embrace. How he has missed her soft skin against his, her arousing scent against his nose. 

She noticed her back now relaxed against his chest. Her head to his shoulders and he was glad she still felt comfortable in his arms.

Hi readers.

Welcome back.

Remember also save ".Mr. Devil And Little Me" and "Love, Lust, And Cruelty"

Xoxo 😘