
Chapter Fifty Five; questions???

His heart sank at her thought and how she would take the development. She deserved nothing but happiness.

Yesterday was just a lot for him, so he had to make himself forget with liquor.

But the problem with forgetting with the aid of liquor was that it doesn't last. Your problem would come ringing the next morning. 

Rebecca had a law firm, and as long as he was concerned, she was doing well. 

She was rich compared to average people. Her parents were also rich but along the line, they lost almost all their properties and wealth due to mismanaged wealth and bankruptcy.

If Rebecca was of age at the time that happened, he believed she could have somehow held it down because she was a pretty smart woman who did not only know how to win cases but also manage businesses. Rebecca studied law at the same ivy league colleges as Ray, University of Pennsylvania. Ray had graduated and came back to work full-time at Blazzer. Young Rebecca who Ray had been dating for a year at the time couldn't just imagine Ray far from her had applied as an IT student at Blazzers. Though that idea wasn't what most people would see as visible, but with their connection, they were able to make it happen. After her IT, she was supposed to return to school, but she didn't. She had stayed an extra year before going back to school and that was only because she and Ray had called it quit.  The law firm was not rightfully hers but he knew what Rebecca was capable of. She could achieve almost anything she put her eye on. 

 Her law firm, previously known as Just Action, but now Legally Becca had decided to get a branch in Ontario. Though they were well known more in Toronto.  

Rebecca seemed to still be in love with I'm, and at this point, he wasn't sure if it was love or just mental illness.  

He knew her and she was trying to inflict tension in him by reminding him that they were still legally married.

Yes! The major issue that hunted him right now.

What was he thinking when he decided to secretly marry her? He was young and wasn't thinking much. Most people didn't know about this, his dad only found out a couple of years after. 

Why did he forget that he has ever married? Why didn't he go for an official separation years ago? Maybe because he had no plans on making another mistake called marriage again.

He wondered what Rebecca had up her sleeves, he would talk to his lawyers and make sure to be ready.

He met up with his lawyers from one of the top firms in Ontario. They were known for winning, and he had also won severally with them. He told them everything they needed to know about his previous marriage. They agreed that it wasn't good, because going through an official divorce, she might come for Blazzers. It was very possible since she was once his legal wife.

Though Rebecca didn't mention anything like that, didn't mention about officially divorcing, but he knew she stayed in his life or she come for him through a divorce.

His lawyers asked him thorough questions about his past relationship with his estranged wife, and what her role was in the firm. They enquired if she ever offered or gave financial help to Blazzers. If he had hands on Rebecca's current success in any way. All these were answers they needed to prepare for before she would come for him or Blazzers out of the blue. He would gather all the files with her name on them, everything he had on her so the lawyers can dig deeper to find any other useful information or even an incriminating one. For someone like Rebecca, incriminating activities was one thing she was capable of, but she was too smart to leave loose ends.

He was done with his appointment in the law firm, so he went to Blazzers from there. His head was still banging, he would have to take something to relieve that. 

He got to work slightly past 10 AM, a little earlier than usual. He met Amanda whose face looked puffy like she has been crying or maybe didn't have a good sleep. Well, he was sure about the sleep part because he personally saw to that.

He tried speaking to her, she wore a very obvious attitude but claimed she was okay, so he made his way into his office, leaving her alone.

She had every reason to act the way she did, he understood that. He had gone out with Rebecca without giving her a context of what their meeting was about. The truth was that when he left here with Rebecca the day before, he wasn't very sure what their meeting was really going to be about. Rebecca had mentioned their previous marriage and he decided that Blazzers wasn't the right place to discuss that. He didn't want Amanda to mistakenly overhear them or eavesdrop on them. If she could bash into his office like that yesterday, then she wouldn't have any problem eavesdropping on them.

He wanted to talk to her about those issues personally. He wanted to seat with her as they stared into each other's eyes and talk about it. He hoped she would understand, and just support him while this phase passed.

He sighed as more reasons why Amanda was likely to be upset popped up in his head.

He was drunk last night and didn't bother explaining everything this morning before leaving. He sighed again before rubbing his hand across his hair.

He thought about telling Tyler about Rebecca and why she might be here. He had always been close to Tyler, but Tyler was unfortunately not aware that he was once married. Tyler was still in college at that period, so he wasn't close enough to know. There were not more than 5 people who are aware of that information. 

He knew Tyler would freak out on hearing that, But he needed to be aware as he was one of the major parts of Blazzers.

Amanda was tired and planned of leaving early as she was also feeling sick. She was still in shock from the news she got that morning. The news Margi had told her. She honestly couldn't picture Ray being married to someone. Her heart ached at the thought of Ray loving someone so much to ask her to marry him, while she struggled to hear whether he loved her from him. He had never said that to her and she didn't want to push it. She wanted to give him time. She thought Ray was not capable of loving someone, but that was not the case because she had recently found out that Ray loved Rebecca and she might be the only woman he ever loved.

What was special about her? 

Or did their obvious toxic love damage him? 

Did he come out of the relationship with hatred for love and showing of affection?

She got his coffee and made her way into his office, Ray was seated on his chair, his attention on his laptop, but her presence made him seat up as she approached his table.

"Here is your coffee," she informed him as she placed the coffee on the table.

Ray's hands had moved to her as he held her fingers.

"Hey," he said. His hands were warm, just like they use to, but she didn't feel anything close to warmth. His gaze fell on hers as they locked, his eyes were warm and comforting, but comfort was something she was far from feeling. 

He proceeded to stand up with his gaze still on her, slightly moving away from his chair, but he still stood just by the table.

For the first time, Ray's touch didn't send excitement all over her, she felt rage and a mix of sadness. She became hot inside and maybe on the outside too. His touch made her wonder what exactly he thought of her, did he genuinely like and cared about her like his eyes say, or was she just one of those women who come and go in his life. Was she just an ungraded mistress with more privileges but still a mistress? She wanted to convince herself that she was important to him, but his latest action didn't support that thought. Where was he with Rebecca last night? Why did he not think to explain to her this morning?

Did Rebecca's presence awaken their old Flames? Did it remind him of what they once had? She was confused, she needed answers.

If she was important to him, he would have told her about being married to Rebecca, she hated finding things out from other people and not him. They had discussed Rebecca but he had carefully skipped through the part that he was once married to her. She felt insecure about her and she was right to because apparently, she was the only woman Ray had ever confessed love to. Her cheek had heated up, her eyes were burning. Liquor now formed in her eyes and she was a blink away from shedding them. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked in a soft tone as tears rolled down her cheek.