
10: Ground Rules

He was seated on the couch when she got back, thankful she'd been smart enough to know how to get back. He had a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the fancy table kept in the middle of the room.

His lazy dark eyes settled on her when he heard footsteps and she felt her body grow hot, again.

She told herself to get a grip, they may not be boss and employee right now at least to him but she knows him and whatever she did she wouldn't be able to get his face out of her mind. The same face that had looked at her bored hours earlier and told her to get back to work.

"You took a while." He stated and not knowing how to reply to that, she nodded. "Is everything fine?" She nodded again, afraid he would recognize her voice.

Sure she has been talking but then she'd been half drunk and not in her right senses but now she was in her right senses and very aware of everything that was happening, every small thing she did felt like it would expose who was under the mask.