
His Majesty, The King (HIATUS)

A random soul gets chosen by a dying god to inherit their power. Now the soul has to handle the full power of a god in a mortal body, and being reincarnated in the Naruto world with death and destruction galore. *English is my second language and this is my first novel, so I do apologize for the inevitable grammar and spelling mistakes. Also, I am only doing this for fun so don't hate too much please.

smol_benis · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 1: And so it begins

My entire body felt like it was in pain. It felt like I had been lying on the cold hard ground for years. It took all my willpower just to lift my back in order to take in the surroundings.

"Ah fuck! That hurt" I winced, rubbing my back. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around in order to figure out where am I.

"What the hell is this, how did I even end up here", instead of seeing the usual smooth walls that encompassed my bedroom, all I could make out were stalactites, and stalagmites just like a the ones in caves that I had seen on the internet.

"Did I... teleport here, by mistake? Wait so, I finally discovered my superpower!" I thought excitedly, my inner chunni trying its best to make sense of my present circumstances.

"Ahh, good you are awake child, I was beginning to worry you had died."

I turn my head to the direction where the voice came from, but there was nothing but endless darkness.

"Who's there, come out. I am armed, and dangerous" I said, as I broke off a chunk of the stalagmite and wielded it like a bat.

"Kukukuku, I am afraid that even in my present condition you will not be able to damage me. It is okay child, I do not mean any harm. I spent too much energy to summon you, it would be a waste to kill you" The voice said. This time, I was able to analyze the voice. It sounded raspy and weak, like the person speaking it would croak at any minute. However, I could still make out every word clearly.

"Child, please come to me, I do not wish harm upon you and I do not know how long I have left in this world", I slowly made my way towards the voice, making sure nothing attacked me on the way there.

"Good... you are cautious and careful. You do not act reckless and trust everything you here. I believe I have chosen the right candidate", The voice said. I made my way through the cave, and entered a dimly lit circular room.

"Umm..Uhh.. hello there" I said, in front of me was a pile of rocks that appeared to form a makeshift chair. Sitting on it was what appeared to be a dying old man. He had wispy white hair that went down to his hips, and his skin was incredibly pale like that of a vampire. He wore a black jacket with yellow lining and, what I made out to be, leopard fur covering his pants. The man's arms were resting on a tall sword, which had part of its blade struck in the ground. However what stood out the most were the two silver-y wings that protruded out of the man's back and stretched all the way to the ends of the room. The wings appeared to be wrinkled and broken, with pieces of feathers lying on the floor and sticking out of the wings.

"I apologize for my unkept appearance, but we are running short on time, so please sit." The man tapped his sword, and seemingly out of nowhere a stony chair began to grow out of the ground next to me. I jumped back in surprise, if I had not realized it from the wings, I for sure knew now that this man was not human.

I looked back at the man, who was still smiling with his eyes closed. Even with his appearance, the old man's smile gave of grandfatherly vibes, like he was not gonna harm you, but instead give you life advice and take you fishing.

I made my way to the chair, inspected it, and sat down on it. Holy shit! I was expecting the chair to be hard and uncomfortable, but it felt like I was sitting on a thousand pillows. I swear I could fall asleep on this stone chair, but I had my priorities straight so I immediately began interrogating the man.

"Oi! where the fuck am I. One minute I was walking to school, and the next minute I somehow end up here lying on the stone cold ground." I fumed, thinking about my family that I was just teleported away from. My parents were pretty strict with grades, wanting me to always maintain a 95 or above in all my subjects. However now I knew that they just wanted to ensure a good future for me, and it wasn't like they just forced me to study. They always gave me money if I asked, let me go out with friends, and when I got valedictorian in middle school they bought me a new gaming pc. Then, there was my little brother.... actually he could go fuck himself for all I care. Randomly coming into my room and punching me for fun, constantly asking me to fetch him some food because he was afraid of the mice that ran around, and worst of all he never thanked me or did anything for me. Still, I did love him since he was my brother.

"Ahh, I do apologize for that child. It seems fate had brought us together to talk in this humble room. However, do not worry you will be able to see you family again, in due time. But please, listen to what I have to say", The man immediately open his eyes, and oh boy was I surprised at what I saw. Both eyes were glowing with a translucent red luster. On his right eye was the α engraved in a bright purple and on his left eye was the Ω engraved in the same purple. It would be an understatement, to say they were merely beautiful. Their light contrasted with the dark background, making it absolutely stunning. If I did not know any better they looked almost exactly like the eyes of Ultio R and the Jade emperor from the webtoon, God of Highschool.

"Woah" that was the only words that came out of my mouth, as I looked at the light show in front of me.

"Hehehe, I did get that a lot." said the man. "However I am not here to boast my eyes. Hello there child, my name is Castilio and I am the king of the gods".

"Wait! Hold up." I interrupted. "You're the king of gods"

"Yes that I am"

"Like, the king-king. Like you rule over multiple gods, and have a whole harem of wives"

"Kukuku, no I do not have a harem, unfortunately, in fact I did not have a single wife. And yes, I do rule over multiple gods."

"Ohhh, I see" Well of course I was surprised. I was sitting in front of THE king of gods. I mean sure he did look really fucked up and could probably die in any minute bu....

"Wait hold the fuck up, If you're supposed to be the king of gods why the fuck do you look like you're dying. Also aren't we supposed to be in a golden palace in the sky, why are we in this shitty cave" I questioned.

"Ahh, it is unfortunate, but even I cannot stop the passage of time. After living through two multiverses, it seems I have grown older and weaker. It was because of my age, that the other gods deemed me unfit to rule over them and attacked me. If I was in my prime, I could have quite easily stopped them, but alas. I barely escaped alive and ended up in this universe far away from the other gods. I spent billions of years resting in this lone universe, trying to regain my strength, but it was for naught. The damage had already been done to my body." The old man, recounted sadly.

Now my jaw was agape. This guy lived through two multiverses. Not universes. MULTIverses. Not only that, he spent a billion years just to try to regain his strength. How old is this guy, and secondly how powerful was he if he claimed that he could easily defeat all the other gods.

"And that brings us to our current circumstances, child. Realizing that I could not heal my body, I attempted to use my powers to summon a soul to inherit them. I can not just let my abilities and items die with me. It seems that you were chosen, and now here we are" He said, finishing his story.

"So I have to inherit your power"

"Yes, that is what I said"

"But why me? I mean don't get me wrong, I sure as shit would love to have the powers of THE king of gods, but I am just one in 7 billion people in my world"

"That I do not now. You were chosen because fate willed it, and no matter what the will of fate is never wrong. It is the only law that was stronger than even me in my prime."

"Ah I see" So I was chosen arbitrarily. Can't say I wasn't disappointed. I thought I was chosen cause I was worthy or some shit like that, but hey who gives a fuck at least I am getting me some power, let's go!

"Hehe, I could sense you excitement child, but please rein it in. Although, you will be the one to inherit my power, the human body is not meant to handle the power of a god. The strongest human cannot even lift a single tree, and you expect them to be able to destroy and recreate planets on a whim. No, child. Your power will start weak, you will have to train and nurture them so that you could grow stronger. Also you will not start with all my abilities, instead we will take it one at a time to allow for maximum growth and comfort."

"Oh come one, fuck me" I said. There goes my dreams of playing planetary soccer for fun. Using the planets as soccer balls, and the sun would represent a goal. Ah, that would be so cool.

"Hehe, I hope you do not actually do that, but in due time you will be capable of that" laughed Castilio.

"Wait, what! Can this fucker, read my mind" I thought.

"Yes, that is another one of my abilities"

"Ah fuck, did he see everything"

"I do apologize, I have to make sure you are not evil or anything. And so far, it seems so. Though I do have to say 'you are one horny fucker'. How does a person manage to watch porn, 10 times everyday."

"Ah hehe, I'm just a teenager its all hormones, I swear" I said, trying to defend myself.

"Well I admit..." Suddenly Castilio started to cough up blood and wheeze. "Oh dear, it seems I do not have enough time, please child come to me". I immediately get up a walk to Castilio. I instinctively kneel in front of him. Is this what they call a king's aura?"

"Now child, I will give you my powers and you will be sent to a different world so you will be able to grow and develop properly. Remember, you will not unlock all of my abilities, until I deem you growth to be satisfactory." He explained. Suddenly, Castilio's eyes began to glow, and red lines began to extend out of his eyes into his hands. He placed his palm on top my head, and I felt a flow of power enter my body. It was a strange sensation, information was entering my mind, but it kept coming into fast for me to understand everything. I started to imagine my friends and family, but it felt... different. I felt how insignificant they were in the grand scheme of things, that they were just a single wheel in the machine and I was the operator of the machine.

"Ch-ch-child, now you will be sent to another planet. I-I-I hope you will find it your comfort, please grow stronger and avenge me" said the dying Castilio. His body was rapidly degrading as more and more power was being transferred from him to me.

Suddenly, I felt my soul being ejected from my body. I could only make out a few words that Castilio was saying. "Re..remember, youuuu a-are the king." He wheezed out, before crumbling to dust. As soon as Castilio died, everything became engulfed in darkness and I suddenly lost consciousness.

Yo whats up people

I apologize for the long ass chapter. I wanted to introduce everything, and set a tone for the story. Do not worry, the other chapters will not be as long as this one. Unless you want it to be, but I hope not. Anyway, I apologize for any spelling and grammer mistakes. I will definately revisit this and try to improve the writing based on your comments.

Again, I am doing this just for fun and as a way to improve my writing, so please criticize it to your heart's content.

Anyway peace, see you next time or not.

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