
Only One Way.

@Tie_Mah and @subhuuuuu, I dearly appreciate the power stones!

Raziah didn't know for how long she stood there, paralyzed. It looked as if she wasn't even breathing, and with every ticking second, her skin grew a little paler than before. The goosebumps were all over her skin, and she could feel herself trembling down to her bones, the inspiring feeling of alertness and darkness choking down to her soul. What on earth was that display she just witnessed? Was that really...her husband?

When she tried to take a step, she finally understood the degree of how much she was shaking violently. She thought she had gone numb, but that wasn't it at all. Every step she managed to take threw a shrill of sheer weakness to her very bones, and her rampaging insides and thoughts were beginning to cloud her view.

Getting to the bathroom seemed like the hardest thing she's done this year, taking so much energy from her small body. Thankfully, there was already prepared bath water in the small tub and she melted inside without a care of taking off her clothes first. Settling inside, she closed her eyes and took in Several deep breaths to try and calm her nerves.

Her lashes trembled, and she unconsciously began biting her lips and rubbing the wristband again, this time very much faster than she ever did. What happened with her husband kept on replaying over and over again, till blood rolled down her abused lips and into her clear water, tainting it.

She felt colder than ever on the outside, yet her insides felt like they were burning. It was a balancing catastrophe that was occurring, and she didn't know how long she would remain like this.

Everything in her head was now a complete blur... but the images were something she could relate with.

"I'll...mess them up," She muttered weakly, "Just like they did..to..."

Time passed, and the princess's Golden lashes fluttered wide awake. The warm water had turned cold, and the atmosphere around told her that it must be evening time. There was a noise coming from outside, but Raziah was too busy pulling her wet body out of the water to pay any attention. Her body had found some of its strength again, and once again it was as if she was suppressing her brain, constantly warning it not to bring that the memories of what had happened.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she had just covered her body with another set of clothing when another knock came on her door. Dragging herself, she walked over.

"Your... highness?" A somewhat familiar feminine voice came from the outside. Thrashing through her clogged-up head, she was able to recognize who owned the voice.

She opened the door, and there stood Fertiti and Felix.

"Your highness?" Felix took a step forward, noticing how unwell she looked.

"Don't bother," She replied impassively.

"Are you sure?"

She only spared him a quick and cold glance, before looking away again. Just as she was about to excuse herself and close the door since they didn't have anything else to say, she paused as a thought made its way to the front of her mind...and this she couldn't ignore, "Where is his Majesty?" She inquired. As far as she knew, Felix was her husband's closest warrior, so he ought to be close to him all the time.

"Something came up this morning, and he left," Felix replied sharply, while fertiti's mouth danced around as she kept on with her spicy addiction. Her fingers were already dipped inside her pocket, ready to pull out another handful.


"He had to leave unannounced to attend to urgent matters at Erandell. I have informed King Eleazar about it, but I'll advise you to stay indoors for these few days till his Majesty returns. Things are a little more chaotic."

"Is it the war?" The question smoothly fell off her lips, catching Felix off guard. When he didn't answer immediately, she added another question, "Did he leave at the same time he stepped out of this chamber in the morning?"

Fertiti couldn't help but glance softly at Felix without the Princess noticing, and there was a little conflict in the male warrior's eyes. Fertiti wasn't the type who talked much, she would rather listen and lick her pepper while taking orders from his Majesty, and Felix, their leader.

Before the guard could say what was on his mind, which was the most proper answer he could give her at that time, Raziah had already beat him to talking, "Don't bother, thank you."

And she closed the door behind her.

There wasn't a blink of sleep, not even a wink. Raziah just sat there on the bed upright in her night robe staring into space. Her cold eyes were shimmering with extreme worry, and nothing she did could calm her down and make the worry disappear. The fear of something unknown was instilled deep inside of her, and she knew it wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

His Majesty left because of her.

She had made a big mistake somehow by not letting him know about the strange letter in that Paper. All she had done ever since they got married was cause him trouble.

And for the first time in a long time, she truly did not want to stay indoors.

Felix's slight hesitation, even though it was for a split second was enough for her to understand a little of the story. And that confirmation she had beating drums inside her mind was the cause of her depression and anxiety, and there was only one way to cool it down.

After all, that curious part of her was one of the very few personalities she couldn't get rid of years ago.




Felix and Fertiti were right outside her door when the door flew open. Turning around, their eyes widened when they saw the way she was dressed. It was nothing different than the way Gwenore looked during the games - a feminine dress that indicated she was getting ready for battle. A band was tied around her waist, and Raziah's side-split shirt fell almost to her knees, with her tight trousers. Her hair was properly packed up, and she looked nothing less ready for war.

"Take me to Erandell!" She stated strongly, cutting off Felix before he could even speak, "Get me a sword, we are leaving tonight." She added without batting a lash, this time looking at Fertiti whose jaw had dropped the second she walked out looking like one of them.

"But... it's midnight!" Felix exclaimed, "And Your highness, I don't think this is a..."

"I'll apologize in advance for everything, I'm just letting you know that I'll knock my way down this castle if you do not let me pass!" Her aloof and glacial tone raked through them lowly, and Fertiti instantly had the same thought Taj did a while ago about her.

"Please, you can't..."

Her hazel eyes hardened, and she clenched her fists maintaining eye contact with him. Felix didn't even know when he stopped talking, already reasoning how fast she had jumped to a colder degree. She took a step closer to him as if trying to provoke him into repeating the words. She didn't care whether he would see her as a stubborn person who goes against what should be expected of her because she had already apologized for her uncanny behavior.

"No one would hold me back." She proclaimed authoritatively, her apathetic big eyes stoned into nothingness.

"I'll...have to talk to King first." Felix finally gave in, sighing inwardly. He could already imagine just how much trouble this would cause him when relating it with both kingdoms. Convincing King Eleazar to let Raziah go while the investigation of what happened is still going on would be enough hassle, then Aragon would most definitely slaughter him for bringing her back to Erandell without his consent.

"I'll talk to King Eleazar myself." Raziah declared sharply, walking past him with her detour destination in mind. She was heading to the king's chambers in the middle of the night.

Hola guys!

You can motivate and encourage me by sending Powerstones, Golden tickets, and Gifts! And of course, I'll do my part by updating as regularly as I can amidst my tight schedule.

Blush ~ Aniverse.

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