
His Love His Hate

Olivia was only eight years old when her parents moved to Chicago because of her dad's job. She was a shy and introverted sweet little girl, and the only child of Mr and Mrs Christopher. Due to Olivia's nature, she never made much friends. So when her parents decided to move from Boston to Chicago, Olivia was sad. She was scared of leaving her old friends. On their arrival at Chicago, what Olivia never expected to happen in a month, happened in ten minutes. She became friends with her new neighbor, Joseph. This friendship blossomed into something more over the years, and they knew it would last a lifetime, but will it? Joseph Gilbert was the ten years old boy who liked Olivia the moment he saw her. He didn't think twice before walking up to her and making friends with her. That friendship was the best choice he ever made. They fell in love, and Joseph wouldn't have it any other way. He proposed to Olivia, and they began making plans to get married. Along the way, Joseph's duty as a soldier demanded his presence in Afghanistan, which meant they would have to be apart. Joseph had no choice but to fulfill his obligation as a soldier. He left with only one thought in mind. To stay alive, and come back to the woman he loves, but will his desire be fulfilled? Jordan Gilbert is the twin brother to Joseph. Although his brother was friends with Olivia, he wasn't. He hated Olivia, and loved to watch her suffer. His twin brother gave him the most difficult task in his entire life, which was to watch over Olivia. Will Jordan do as he has been asked or will he make Olivia's life a living hell? What will transpire between Olivia and Jordan during Joseph's absence? Will the bad blood between the two turn into a beautiful friendship or even something more, or will the tension between them lead to either one of them ending up dead?

Jay_Lay_Cul · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 5

Jordan and Joseph finally graduated from high school. Joseph joined the military while Jordan attended their community college. Olivia had a peaceful final year in high school to her relief.

After a few years, Olivia was now in her final year in college. she also attended their community college, she was glad she never ran into Jordan at any point, as he was a level higher than her and college is quite a big place.

Jordan graduated from college and became a fitness trainer.

Joseph on the other hand, bought a house for himself and Olivia. he didn't move in because he wanted Olivia to be done with college, then they'd get married and start a family like he had always dreamed of.

He was really excited about getting married to Olivia and starting a family because in a matter of months, she'd be done with college.

His excitement was short-lived when he was told that he'd be going for a peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan. Joseph was heartbroken, but his duty as a soldier comes first.


Olivia sat on her bed crying while Joseph soothed her and tried to make her see reason why he needed to leave.

Olivia had quickly returned home after receiving a call from Joseph.

"Do you really have to go?" she asked.

"Yes, Olivia. You need to understand that joining the Force is about serving and protecting your country and other countries in need of help, so I have to do this."

Olivia just couldn't accept Joseph's explanation because she didn't want to lose the man she adores so much.

"You can resign or something. I don't want to lose you, Joseph." she said in tears.

"You're not going to lose me. It's just a matter of time and before you know it, I'll be back."

"When? Huh? Tell me when will that be?... You've seen what happens to other soldiers, do you want to end up that way?!"

"DON'T BE SELFISH OLIVIA!" Joseph yelled.

"This isn't only about you. I've always wanted to do this and I'm not complaining, so you shouldn't."

Joseph tried to calm himself after getting mad at Olivia. He never wanted to react that way but she pushed him to do it and now he feels terrible.

"I don't know, Joseph. I have a bad feeling about this."

Olivia was honestly having a bad feeling about Joseph's departure and that wasn't a good sign.

"Olivia, look at me... I'll be back, I promise. If not for anyone, for us." he assured her, which made her not to protest any further.

"Fine." she replied sniffling.

"But, we'll get married before you leave."

Olivia's words took Joseph by surprise. He wasn't expecting that and there's no way he'd agree to that. He wanted their wedding to be perfect, not something to be rushed.

"Babe, we've already made plans for that. I don't want to ruin our plans for anything in the world."

"Damn those plans, Joseph! Don't you get how I feel right now?"

Olivia was already frustrated and doesn't understand why Joseph was so calm about the whole thing.

Joseph, on the other hand was taken aback by Olivia's annoyance.

"I'm sorry I yelled, okay?" she apologized, coming to terms within herself it was hopeless to try to convince Joseph to get married now.

"Fine, we'll get married when you get back. But, first..." she said as she had already made a decision on what she needed to do right now.

Olivia stood up from the bed. she slowly and nervously took off her clothes, standing naked right before Joseph.

"I want to be completely yours." she said moving closer to Joseph.

She was only inches away from him , making it difficult for Joseph to resist the temptation.

Before him stood his girlfriend in all her glory. She had the body of a goddess and even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop himself from staring.

Joseph has been waiting for this day for quite awhile now, but he wouldn't want it happening this way. He wants their first time to be blissful and not mournful, like they were saying their last goodbyes.

He shook his head and stood up, took the sheets from Olivia's bed and wrapped it around her body. Olivia was disappointed by his action.

Why did he reject her? She thought he was in love with her?

Maybe, she wasn't good enough for him, she thought to herself as she began to cry all over again.

Joseph held her close to his chest as she cried.

"I'm not good enough for you." she said.

Joseph felt hurt by what she said. He didn't reject her because she wasn't good enough for him. He didn't want to use his departure as an excuse to take advantage of her.

"You're perfect Olivia, and that's how you'll always be to me." he said placing a kiss on her head.

They both cuddled up on her bed and didn't even realize when they fell asleep.