
Chapter one


Life was full of betrayal and I was getting to know this. My name is Camilla De Luca from the famous De Luca family. My family is one of the ruling mafia families in the city.

I smiled bitterly to myself, maybe I should use the past tense. My family was one of the popular mafia families until a brutal take over by my father's best friend, Sebastiano Caruso.

My father had trusted him fully and he hadn't seen the betrayal coming. Sebastiano had bribed all all of my father's men and bought them over to his side.

He had then proceeded to kill my father in front of his family. My mother had committed suicide that same night by overdosing on her painkillers.

A part of me hated her for been so selfish and leaving us but another part of me understood why she had done it. My mother loved my father very much, he had been her first love and she simply couldn't fathom a life without him.

My brother Luciano and I were the only ones left in the De Luca family. Right now, I didn't even know where he was. He had escaped from the mansion the same night my mother killed herself.

I had encouraged him to escape and even aided him by distracting the guards. He was my little brother and I would rather die than let anything happen to him.

Sebastiano hadn't been happy about his escape and the resounding slap he gave me had shown me that.

Now I was locked in a dark room, I was a bit afraid but if there was anything I had learnt in my nineteen years on earth, it was to be a fighter. The day i gave up would be the day I died.

The door opened and Sebastian Caruso walked in.

"Hey little muffin." he said fondly, the hate in me burned even brighter, how could he just come in and call mr the pet name he had called me all my life without feeling remorse.

I glared at him, making sure he could tell how much I hated him. 

The bastard chuckled instead like I was being funny. 

"Now, now little muffin, don't get upset. I was simply following the natural order of the earth, the strong consume the weak. If there is anybody you should blame, it's your father for being weak. You don't run a mafia family by being good and generous. His downfall was his own damn fault"

I wouldn't let him slander my father like this. 

"No, the fact that he trusted you was his own fault, he should never have picked you up from the slum and made you his second in command." I replied. 

He laughed again, "Oh little muffin, you amuse me greatly. I am from the slum, I admit it. I am not classy like you fancy De Luca's. I am cruel and I play dirty. And that's all i needed to survive in this world of ours. Your little brother might have escaped but I will find him and then I will relish killing him."

"You will never find Luciano." I tell him. 

"Oh but I will, he can only hide for so long. He is a spoiled prince that has been pampered from birth. All I need is to wait for him to use his credit card and voila, I will get him. Now what do I do with you?" he asked as he looked me up and down. 

I jutted out my jaw defiantly. 

"just kill me and get it over with." I told him. I wasn't afraid of death. I had prepared myself for it since the night my family fell. 

"I won't kill you. I have something more better in place for you. Aren't you curious to know what it is?" he asked mockingly. 

I kept quiet, I refused to give him the satisfaction of answering him. 

"Awwn, little muffin has lost her tongue. Alright I will tell you anyway. It turns out that a pure beauty like you has a lot of admirers who would stop at nothing to have you."

Dread filled my face at his words. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. 

"Okay, I will tell you. There is going to be an auction tonight and you my dear little muffin will be one of the things on auction today."

"You are going to sell me off to be a sex slave? Do you even have a conscience?" I asked him. 

"By now, you should know I don't. The guards will take you away to get dressed and dolled up. You need to look pretty for your potential buyers." he replied. 

He clapped his hands and two guards entered the room to take me away. I looked at them, they were once under my father and he had treated them well. Now, they wouldn't even look me in the eyes. 

I looked at them and smiled wryly and then I looked at Sebastiano. 

"I want you to remember today very well and how triumphant you feel because someday I will have my revenge and you will feel how I am feeling today." I told him. 

He patted my head like I had said something cute.

"I look forward to that day little muffin." he replied. 

I was taken away by the guards. My former maids ran me a bath and dressed me up and did my make up. 

I was then taken out of the house. As the guards dragged me out, I looked around the home I had grown up trying to put everything in my memory. Someday I would be back and I would claim this house for myself, I promised myself. 

Then someone stopped us before we left, I looked up and sighed. Of course it was Carolina Caruso. We had hated each other from a young age and the hatred didn't go away as we grew up. 

"Wow you look like a slut." she said mockingly. 

"Really imaginative Carolina." I replied rolling my eyes. 

She raised up her hand to hit me because apparently she felt she could do so now. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, I wouldn't want to spoil daddy's merchandise. He might get angry at you." I told her. 

"Shut up." 

"I know you can't wait to claim my room and wear my clothes and use my stuff. After all you are just like your father, covetous and dirty" I told her. 

"Well I wouldn't be too mouthy if I were you, you are about to be sold to some old mafia head who would fuck you till you are useless and die." she retorted. 

"Well at least I would die knowing my father wasn't a dirty scheming covetous man from the slums." I replied. 

She looked at me angrily and stormed off. The guards dragged me out of the house and put me in a van, a cloth was put over my head and the van drove off.

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