
His little Doll: Rosie

Come on" he said patting his lap , i peeked at his face through my eyelashes chewing on my lower lips, and that look on his face was straightforward saying that 'if you did something wrong now i am about to fuck you up' which is definitely not a good thing,even though i felt a little twitch in my heart but still letting out a deep sigh i slowly crawled over his lap laying stomach down on his thighs , he placed his hand on my lower thighs making me flinched slightly. I kept my face down on the mattress digging my nails into his clothed thigh. It is scary and i am really not a big fan of such stuffs. "I am so.. sorry please i wouldn't walk out like that again" i mumbled through my pout trying for the last time but it only earned me a pinch on my thigh making me winch and push his hand away. I turned my head and glared at him return to which i got a sharp swat on my bum way worse than the last one."Would you like to repeat?" He said with a clenched jaw and cocked eyebrow making me sigh and shook my head with a frown and pout as i turned my head back towards the mattress. He is scary. "Is that the only thing for which i am punishing you huh?" His cold and sharp voice spoke near my ear making me jump slightly, i pushed my face into the metress closing my eyes tightly, ",no" "Then?" "I didn't... respond to your texts and calls sorry" i mumbled the last part feeling like crying,its not like i didn't wanted to call him back or talk to him i just....forgot. i didn't mean to do that it just happened ."Yeah you will be sorry after this, now better start counting hmm if you stopped or forgot,i will start all over again understood? " he said traicing my spine with his hand and finally resting it on my bum, my eyes widened realising what he just said. Bu- oiee!" I cried out when i felt a harsh smack on my back , it made me tear up, it was way more rough and painful, "Count kitten!" He snapped,i flinched and sniffed slightly counting "One" He looks like that monster

sophie jane · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter:- 4

Rose's pov:-

"surprise Principessa," he said looking down at me with a charming smirk and my breath hitched at that, it felt like the whole world stopped for some seconds, and it was just me and him. But then something hit me, he isn't the person I thought he is, he is freaking Andrea Ferrari, head of the Ferrari empire. He isn't safe. I shook my head and put my hands on his chest trying to push him away. I used all my strength but he didn't even move slightly from his position. Frustrated now I shouted

" let go of me!" but he didn't move, he stayed there holding me tightly in his arms." Andrea stop you are making me uncomfortable nowwww!" I whined pushing him away trying to create some distance.

" how you got to know my real name butterfly?" instead of moving he asked me this looking at me with an amused expression.

" that doesn't matter what matter you lied to me and you are here to hurt them," I said looking up at him with a scowl and pout.

he smirked and raised his eyebrows tilting his head " we were strangers baby and I am not here for them" he said pointing at Amelia with his head who was holding Flo on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

" then what are you here for?" I asked and tilted my head to the left

he chuckled and shook his head then looked at me with those piercing brown eyes, suddenly he pulled me against his chest erasing a little bit of distance I created between us. My face was on his chest and I was on my tippy toes.

he is getting scary

there was no distance between us even for air, I was uncomfortable that he is scaring me. He is reminding me of some memories which I buried deep inside me. He wrapped one hand securely around my body and the other came under my chin forcing me to look up at him.

" I am here for you Bella," he said his lips slightly touching my cheek, I could feel his hot breath on my face. He smelled like vanilla and smoke too tempting to resist but currently, the situation I am in is making everything about him scarier. He is pushing me into the past from which I have been running. His touch on my body against my will is only making things worse.

" Ple-Please stop you...you are making me..... uncomfortable," I said closing my eyes trying to hold back my tears, and pushing him.

" Please Please stop you are making her uncomfortable, she isn't fine with someone touching her " Amelia whispered trying not to wake up Flo and save my ass at the same time.

His grip loosed around my body and I pushed him away instantly taking some steps away from him. I took some deep breaths to compose myself and register the stuff he said.

I sighed my fear will never let me live properly I thought and looked up at him " you said you are here for me??" I asked looking at him with a frown, he just nodded in response.

hmmm then what the fuck are you doing in this apartment

" then what the hell are you doing here, I don't live here, and can't you see a little child is here and you are standing above her and her mother's head with these goons looking so scary," I said with squinted eyes " are you here for any mafia dealing or something because these people look like they are ready to beat the shit out of someone," I said with crossed arms. I heard some men cough and clear their throats at what I said and I looked at them with a frown.

" Are you here to kill someone?" I asked Andrea looking at him with wide eyes.

he chuckled in response to that low throaty chuckle sexy and dangerous at the same time. He took some steps forward until he was just some inches away from me"firstly, I apologize for scaring you or making you uncomfortable earlier. Secondly, we are here because you were not here so we need to know where you were and lastly, we are not here to kill somebody at least not today, we here to talk with you" he said bending a little so that he can look me in my eyes. I stare at him for a while then Amelia. I Looked back at him " so we should continue that in my apartment not here right"

he nodded and gestured his men to leave the apartment. I took a deep breath and smiled at Amelia " meet you tomorrow" I said with a wave.

" Rose you know him?" she asked surprised glancing a little at him.

not but leave it

" Yup," I said with a smile and looked at him " we met some days ago I said and glared at him. He arced an eyebrow and smirked. " so let's go, Mr. Ferrari," I said with an extra fake smile.

"Of course Ms. Maxwell," he said gesturing towards the door.

how does he know the last name I never told him? I frowned but then cleared it waving a small bye at Amelia I left her apartment but not before picking up my bag and stuff.

once we were outside my door, I huffed and turned around folding my hands on my chest. I looked up at him hmmph how tall is he mannnn, I stared at his men behind him all staring at me like they have gotten a new toy.

" are....they also coming in with us??" I asked pointing my finger at them and looking up at Andrea. He smirked " you don't want them to," he asked with a tilted head.

" I don't wanna be rude but.... not," I said looking away. I heard him chuckle " fine," he said but a man tried to argue.

" But sir ho-"

he raised his hand and that goon stopped " she doesn't want any stranger inside her apartment" he said typing something on his phone.

" huh? in that sense you are also a stranger Andrea," I said trying to find keys from my bag, I heard his men gasping again. Again frowning why I opened the door and got inside not waiting for them. I switch on the lights and put my bag on my bed. I took off my shoes and socks and washed my hands and feet. Then I left my bedroom, and entered the living room I saw him sitting on a couch when he saw me he smiled " nice hospitality Ms. Maxwell " he said sarcastically.

" aaaa stop calling me that, I am Rose call me a rose, " I said making some black coffee for him in the kitchen " and about hospitality I am still mad at u, u lied to me how dare you and what did you say there we were stranger then why the fuck did you give me your number? why you are here to meet a stranger"

I said stomping towards him with the coffee cup

he shook his head " I am not here to meet you I am here to talk to you" he said.

okay then,

he was about to take the coffee from my hand but I pulled it back, he looked at me with a frown

" then this isn't for you to say whatever you wanna say to this stranger and leave," I said going back into the kitchen and sitting on the counter.

what he thinks of himself, now I am just a stranger...but why I am getting mad I just met him some weeks ago.

" Rose come back here so we can talk properly," he said with a sigh.

" say whatever you wanna say I am listening," I said swinging my feet. After some seconds I heard a sigh and some footsteps approaching me. He stood in front of me but I didn't look up from my hands which were on my lap.

He sighed again and put his hands under my chin to make me look up but I pushed his hand away looking away at the wall.

"Rose stop being stubborn, we need to -" I cut him off.

" But I don't want to, I don't want to talk to you, you lied to me about the identity I trusted you, you know I don't trust people that easily especially men they all are gross, but I trusted you that night but look what I am getting to know when that night I told you everything about me you didn't tell me anything about you, you even lied to me about your name and now you are calling me a fucking stranger but who talks to a stranger didn't your mom taught you, you should not talk to strangers" I yelled at him in one breath and jumped off the counter.

"Rose-" he called my name but I didn't reply.

" I hate you, go talk to someone you know not a fucking stranger" I shouted throwing a pillow at him and stomping into my bedroom. I walked into my closet and took my PJs and enter my bathroom locking the door behind me.

I stood in there for some minutes looking at the wall " liar" I whisper to myself.

Taking off my clothes I turned on the shower and waited for my bathroom to get a little steamy then I stood in my shower. This warm water felt good on my skin.

I took my body wash and started washing. I know maybe I am overreacting but...(sigh) he shouldn't have lied to me, I felt so special whenever I met him, for the first time I felt comfortable with any other man except my friends and family but he said I am just a stranger to him and above all, he didn't even tell me his real name and I was so stupid to tell him everything about me.

Another sigh

Why the fuck i am like this??? I am soooooo stubborn and reserved but one comfortable energy and vibe can easily pull me out of my shell.

Taking a deep breath I opened the door of my bathroom and dried my hair putting them into a messy bun I did my skincare.

I don't care if he is waiting, he deserves it.

After doing everything I left my bedroom but only to get picked up in the air by Andrea. He was holding me under my butt with his both arms. I squealed in surprise and put my hands on his shoulder for support. I looked down at him with wide eyes and he looked up with an arched eyebrow.

"Put me down," I said dangerously calmly looking at him.

His facial expression changed and a frown appear this time" am I still in trouble?" he asked walking towards the living room.

"Andrea!!!" I shouted out loud enough to be heard by outsiders. He is annoying me now and I am fucking hungry too so bitch you are having a death wish currently.

I heard loud banging on the door

" Sir sir is everything fine," his one man said.

I stared at my door with an open mouth it was like they gonna break it.

" Bitch don't slam my door you ain't paying for it later " I yelled looking at the door and hearing a deep laugh I looked down at him, he looks so good when he laughs...WAIT!!! Bitch put your hormones on hold for some moments. I reminded myself that I am mad at him.

" We are fine to stay there!!" Andrea shouted and looked up at me with a smirk. I need to get out of his hold so I slowly leaned closer to his face and put my both hands on his cheeks. His body tensed his expression relaxed along with his grip. This is the time, I wiggled a little bit and I was out of his hold.

As soon as my feet touched the floor I start walking towards the kitchen and clapping my hands " easy peasy" I said and laughed. I am crazy.

After getting into the kitchen I pull out the food from the bags but as I put it in the microwave I heard a loud growl behind me before I could turn around he slammed me against the kitchen counter, his hands on both sides trapping me in.

He stared at me with his clenched jaw " stop being a kid we have something important to talk and you are wasting my time now when you already know who I am don't you think you should be more understanding" He said leaning in.

Really?? And now I am wasting his time.

" Wow so now I am wasting your time huh? Didn't I tell you to leave I did right?? You can leave there is the door, you don't have to waste your precious time on a stranger" I snapped and looked away at some blank space.

Everything became silent for some moments but then I heard a groan, he put his hands on my waist and make me sit on the counter.

I look at him with open mouths and wide eyes. He sighed and started " fine I am sorry I was just teasing you okay, you are not a stranger," he said looking at me.

"Hmmm..." I just hummed in response but didn't look at him. But then I heard another groan and a hand on my jaw. He turned my face towards him squeezing my cheeks in a pout.

" Now please we need to talk Rose come on" he pleaded. I glare at him for some time.

" Would chu esplain??" I tried to say through my squashed cheeks.

His eyes got wide and his grip on my face loosed. He laughed so hard I am sure his men outside can hear him. He leaned against the counter to support himself. I looked at his laughing figure and a smile took place over my face.

He looks so good when he smiles or laughs.

He straighten himself and looked at me while wiping a tear from his eye.

" What??" I asked with a frown trying to control my smile.

" Nothing" he muttered lowly and shake his head but not stopped staring at me.

" Aaaaa I know I am pretty but stop staring at me," I said jumping off the counter so he can't see my blush. I took the food out of the microwave and put it on plates.

He followed me wherever I moved like a lost puppy for some time.

I smiled and turned around. " Andrea go sit there I am getting you your food," I said pointing towards the kitchen stool.

He raised an eyebrow " are you ordering me buttercup?" He asked with a weird smile.

" What do you think??" I said turning around and picking up the plates.

" And who said I am gonna eat princess?" He again asked from behind me.

" Me," I said putting the plates on the counter and sitting on one of the stools.

He laughed and took a place beside me.

" You are still not scared of me even after knowing who I am?" He asked taking a bite and ing at the food in his hand.

"Hmmm...Why I should be scared of you, you are so cute Andrea and I love your real name more than what you told me on that day what was it aaaa Zane yeah" I said and took another bite

He smiled and shake his head" but on that day you said you love my name" he said looking at me with squinted eyes

" Ohhh come on you said my name was pretty so didn't want to be rude you know," I said and took their bite.

He busted out laughing again, I smiled to myself while eating.

"You are too comfortable with me "he stated drinking the water.

" You are lucky" I, said and wiggled my eyebrows at him then hit his leg slightly with my feet.

His eyes got wide" did...did you just hit me??" He asked amused.

" what why acting as if I hurt u it was a small hit," I said getting up and picking up all the dishes.

I put them into the sink and washed my hand then he came beside me and did the same.

I smiled up at him" now explain" I said pulling him to the couch.

" Rose Rose listen" he stopped and I did too.

Did I make him mad?

Like he already read my expression he said: "I am not mad okay, it's just too late now you need to go to your classes tomorrow and also I don't have enough time now so we will discuss it some other day".

" But you were here to talk about something," I said quietly looking up.

" Yeah I was but that can be postponed let's meet on some other day, tell me a day and my men will pick you up," he said holding my hands. " Look you are so cold why??" He asked with a frown

"It's normal" I stated "mmmm what about Saturday," I asked looking at him.

"Perfect my men will pick you up around 11:00 a.m .and bring you to my home okay," he said walking towards the door.

Aaaaa I don't want him to leave, he makes me feel so good and happy.

I followed him with a pout on my face, I like him, and I love it when he is with me but when he leaves it reminds me of those days when dad used to leave me alone.

He turned around and Frowned" what's wrong buttercup?" He asked putting his hands on my cheeks. " Why that pout??" He asked.

" Nothing," I said and smiled at him.

He stared at my face for some seconds but then nodded. He turned around and opened the door, there were standing his men all waiting with their hands folded on their chests. As the door opened they looked at me.

" Fine good night princess," Andrea said turning around.

" Good night," I said and hugged him but then a thought came into my mind, I wanted to ask him this since I got to know about his true identity. I pulled a little back and looked up at him he tilted his head at my curious gaze and raised an eyebrow" wanna ask something??" He asked.

I nodded my head, "what?" He asked.

" Are you sicko??" I asked and I felt his arms tense around me and his men clearing their throats.

I looked at them and then at him he didn't reply just stared at my face.

Is he him?