

Gabrielle Lane, a very colourful and joyous woman with a big heart. She was never one to judge, spread rumours, or stay mad at someone for over a day. Closing up her shop one night she was bombarded by four men. Elijah Knight, a cold and dangerous man who never cared for anyone except his crew. A job gone wrong have him meet the caring and sweet Gabrielle. He instantly disliked the young girl, hating everything about her. But when his hate turns into something more... something deeper, will he be able to control the obsession he soon has over her. Read to find out... Warning: This is a dark novel and will have a lot of mature scenes. It will have also a lot of disturbing scenes such as violence, abuse, and other sensitive topics. This is not for people with soft hearts.

Kanika_Manocha · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 12

The next morning I awoke to Elijah staring down at me. I didn't dare move. His eyes were so dark as he searched mine, he was still mad. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when he moved away.

"Get up," He didn't waste no time, he left the room not saying more. I quickly showered, wanting to erase all traces of last night away. After I was done scrubbing my body clean I found myself looking into the mirror. I was certainly a sight. My cheek was swollen and red, I had a bruise on my head and my neck was marked up pretty bad.

I bit my lip tearing my gaze from the mirror and walked out. Elijah was now in the room. The towel around my body now seemed like a thin piece of paper.

"I need clothes," I stated. Elijah tilted his head to the side as he continued to eye me out.

"Do you now?"

I nodded. "Yes, I do,"

"Nah, I think you're good with the clothes you have, it suits you." I glared at him.

"Elijah, I'm serious."

"So am I,"

"Please, I... I can not wear that again." Not again, I was too exposed. Elijah smiled.

"Too bad."

"I haven't done anything wrong,"

"Your fucking face is what's wrong."

"You sent me to Garrett... I willingly went but you were the one who left me there." I said wanting to cry. He just abandoned me.

"You were suppose to know that I was coming back for you. You honestly thought I was going to let you go, just like that. It's nothing there... nothing the fuck up there." He said tapping his head. "But instead I found you prancing around as his tramp."

"This is not my fault."

"No?" He asked. "Tell me, did you hold his hand during your little date last night." He was close to snapping again.

"It was not a date." I whispered. "He just wanted the company-"

"Shhh... no more talking." I gave in and put on the lacy material, no underwear. Elijah put on his disregarded shirt and grabbed his keys before we were off.

I couldn't have been happier as we approached the mansion, I wanted nothing more then to change into something appropriate. As I was about to head to my room Elijah grabbed my forearm and all but dragged out onto the patio. David and Noah was already seated outside.

"Sit," I looked over at Elijah.

"I want to change."

"Not my problem." Slowly I took the seat beside him not wanting him to rile him up more. We did not need a repeat of last night. Noah cursed and grabbed my face assessing the damage.

"What the fuck man."

"Fuck off Noah,"

"You are fucking her up." Noah looked mad... very mad. As if he wanted to do some serious damage to Elijah. I never saw him this livid. Elijah eyed him out so darkly, I got afraid for Noah.

"I'll do whatever I see fit to her. If I choose to fuck her up then fuck her up I will. She's my bitch, mine, I'll do what I want with my bitch." Noah was raging. He stood abruptly and made his leave, I wanted to follow him, to see if he was alright but I knew Elijah would not like that.

"You just can't help yourself?"

"I have nothing to say to you." His words hurt, did he really not care at all about me. What I didn't expect was for him to grab my jaw so hard, I was sure he was going to break it.

"You don't fucking dismiss me, you're my whore, you understand?" I clutched onto his hand, trying desperately to tug off his fingers. Elijah didn't let up. "Do you fucking understand?" I whimpered.

"Elijah, man, that's enough." Elijah ignored David, his eyes were focused on me.

"Don't make me ask again..." The threat was loud and clear.

"I understand." He nodded, seeming satisfied with that before unexpectedly shoving me away, hard. I fell to the ground.

"Fuck off out of my face." Pulling down my dress that had risen I did just that.

In my room I changed into some jeans and a loose plain shirt. I left my hair done hoping to cover my bruise face. I stayed in my room all day until I was summoned down by Elijah. The boys were once again seated outside. I took a seat next to Noah without looking at Elijah.

"Back to dressing like a nun I see, I have to say the dress was more you." I ignored his sly comment. There was a long silence that is until a woman walked out. She had long brown hair and pretty blue eyes, nothing like Elijah's. Elijah eyes could put anyone's to shame.

She was dressed in a blue jean skirt and a fitted white shirt. To my surprise she walked up to Elijah and kissed him before taking the seat beside him.

Her blue eyes then landed on me. "Wow, you are like drop dead gorgeous." My cheeks heated up. "She's yours Noah?" Both me and Noah was shocked. I didn't dare look at Elijah.

"Are you Noah's, Gabrielle?" I sent him a heated glare.

"Um... am I missing something here?" The woman asked looking so confused.

"Faith this here is Gabrielle." Elijah introduced so politely. "Gabrielle, Faith."

"Please, call me Gabby." I added.

"Gabby... if you are not here with Noah then may I ask why you are here?" Um... I turned to Elijah looking for help but of course he did nothing.

"I'm a... friend." Elijah lifted a brow at my stupid response. Idiot Gabrielle, just dumb.

"Oh..." Thankfully she didn't push the subject further. Dinner was eaten in silence. Faith would try to make conversation, sensing the tension, but it was futile.

After the ordeal was over I was more then happy to go up to my room. I showered and dress in my nightie. When I returned to the room I was surprised to see Elijah sitting on the bed, I was sure he was going to spend the night with Faith.

His eyes were so dark as he stared at me. He looked ready to kill me but at the same time devour me. I couldn't help but think I was once again trapped. Here I was back in the blue eyed devil's lair.

"Come here Gabrielle." Elijah's voice tore through the silence in the room. I bit my lip and contemplated what to do. Elijah, seeing my hesitation, lifted a brow... daring me to try anything. Not having much of a choice, I slowly made my way towards him.

He pulled me onto him so that I was now sitting on his lap. His hand came up and grasped my jaw firmly, jerking my face to the side. His blue eyes took in my bruised face, inspecting the damage he'd done. Very softly he caressed my swollen cheek.

I hated this... I hated how he was so hot and cold. I hated how he could hurt me then be all gentle and pretend to care. He was confusing and a hard man to figure out.

Not wanting his tender act I pulled my face away from him. Elijah didn't like that, his grip tightened painfully on my jaw. I was sure he was going to break it.

"Don't do that." I glared at him but did as he said, hoping he would loosen his hold, thankfully he did. "I'm curious as to why Garrett never fucked you... with you dressing like a slut and all." He wanted answers.

I drew in a deep breath. "He said I was a guess and only wanted me there so he could have someone to talk to."

"You honestly believe that?" He was not looking at me, his gaze was on my bruised neck as he traced it ever so softly.

"He was a good man." And Elijah killed him. Just like that, not caring that he just took a man's life. A life that wasn't his to take.

"And what am I Gabrielle? Am I a good man?" He asked almost teasingly. When I stayed silent he continued. "He was going to marry you, you know." What? I looked at Elijah not bothering to hide my confusion


He stopped and looked me in the eye, studying my reaction. "He was going to marry you. Tell me, would you have been happy to become his wife?"

"You... you lie."

He tilted his head, his blue eyes watching me so intensely. "Date was set... a month from now." No... Garrett wouldn't do that.


"No?" Suddenly I was shoved so hard off Elijah's lap, I landed on the floor. Quickly I got to my feet as Elijah also stood. "You don't want to believe it? You don't like that Garrett fucked you over?"


"He was going to force you to marry him Gabrielle and you didn't even fucking notice. So fucking empty in the head."

"At least someone was willing to have me after all you tainted me." I lashed out feeling hurt by his never ending attacks.

"The fuck did you just say." I bit my lip, the look in his eyes was terrifying. "You wanted to marry him." No, but I was not going to let him intimidate. "Did you like the attention you were receiving from him?" What?


"Did you like lust in his eyes as he stared at you." He was looking to hurt me.


"See that's hard to believe seeing you were dress like a fucking tramp. Let's not forget you were all but begging me to fuck you last night." Oh god... "More like your mother then you thought."

"Please... stop," The tears I was trying to hold back fell down my face.

"Stop? You don't like hearing the truth? How fast you became a whore..."

"Fine I'm a whore... I get it. I allowed myself to give in. I allowed myself to become this way. You did it... you proved I was like every other woman you encountered with." I agreed feeling exhausted, I didn't have any fight left.

To my surprise Elijah grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. He pulled me to his chest and kissed my teary cheeks which only made me cry all the more. I don't know how long we stayed like that before sleep indulged me into a deep slumber.

Elijah ignored me during the passing weeks. He did not say a word to me, barely ever acknowledged my presence. It was like I was not here. He would spend most of his time with Faith. Faith who was a very positive young women, she was sweet and nice, and seemed like a delightful girl.

It confused me how Elijah never once scold her or any other woman I have seen him with like he did me. He treated me like I was naught but a burden. Maybe it's because I'm always finding myself in trouble.

Noah and David stayed around for some time before they headed off. It was becoming boring having nothing to do. With Noah gone it was hard to fine things to busy myself with. I tried cooking but turns out I was still banned from the kitchen. The cooks almost had a heart attack when they saw me.

After that I would spend most of my time in the library but that didn't hold my interest for long. It was hard being ignored and I didn't like it one bit, mainly because there was nothing to do in this big house. I was sure I was going to drown from boredom.

One morning as I was out on the patio both Elijah and Faith came out and joined me. I sent them a small good morning which only Faith replied to. There was a tense silence. I couldn't be more relieved when breakfast was served. I thanked Lexi and began eating, not once glancing at Elijah.

"So Gabby, do you like live here?" Faith asked sweetly. I shook my head.

"No, I'm here against my will." She looked very confused. I could feel Elijah eyes drilling holes into my head.

"What do you mean?"

"It's a very long and interesting story, but Elijah forced me here and now refuses to let me go." Faith's eyes widened, she looked at Elijah for confirmation.

"Is this true?" He didn't even look at her, his dark eyes were focused on me. He rubbed a hand over his chin as he continued to eye me out darkly.


"Why are you keeping her here?" I looked away from Faith and to the handsome man sitting inches away from me, waiting for his answer.

"Because I can." Wow, how mature.

"Is there any other reason. I mean I don't see you as the type of man to kidnap women."

He was quiet for a minute, his striking eyes never leaving me. Suddenly he smiled. "And to fuck her whenever I'm in the mood." My eyes widened as I stared at him. I was horrified, how could he openly say something like that. My cheeks burned in humiliation. Faith also looked taken aback by his declaration.

"Oh," I glared at him, despising him. Seeing my glare he lifted a brow in amusement. I didn't say more, leaving it at that.

Later on that day I sat on the green grass of the garden, reading a book as I did everyday when Elijah came down. To my surprise he took a seat beside me. I ignored him and continued to read as if this was nothing out of the ordinary.

"What are you playing at Gabrielle?"

Without glancing his way I answered. "Me? I'm not playing at anything."

"Do you think Faith will help you out of the predicament you are in?"

"No, she's a sweet woman. I thought to let her know the true reason I'm here, that's all." Elijah shook his head to himself.

"No matter what you tell her she won't be going anywhere."

Putting down the book, I looked at him now. "Did you kidnap her too?" I asked, loathing him so much

He smiled. "No, only you are forced to stay here."

"Why is it I must stay here? Why not let me go?"

His head tilted as he watched me... studying me. "Say I let you go, where is it you would go?"

"To my shop," I said without a moment of hesitation.

"You will hide back in the bakery. Would you go back to the way you dress and pretend none of this happened." I never really given it much thought. There was no way things could be back to the way it was. Not after all I been through... not after Elijah. He ruined me.

"I don't know." I mumbled honestly. He nodded, seeming satisfied with my answer. Swiftly his hand shot up and grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look into the haunting blue orbs. He wasn't hurting me, but my heart still managed to skip a beat.

"You are mine Gabrielle." He spoke slowly. "You have no one... no one to turn to... no one to run to. I'm the only person you have left. Only me." With that he slammed his lips against mine, kissing me roughly. He was trying to brand me, marking his territory.

Once he was satisfied he stood and walked inside, leaving me dumbfounded. His words hitting hard.

My mind continued to drift to what Elijah had said. He was cruel, rubbing something like this in my face for his satisfaction. Although I wanted to convince myself he was just saying what he said to hurt me, I knew it was true. I had no one, and that truth was hard to come to terms with.

I was so engulfed in my thoughts, I did not notice Faith had walked in until she was sitting across from me. I watched her in confusion, wondering why she was here and not with Elijah.

"Stay away from him." Um...

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard, you stay away from Elijah. He will soon tire of you and will send you on your way. I don't need any inconvenience from you when this happen." I was shocked dumb. She sounded nothing like the sweet girl I once thought she was.

"Okay..." I said, not knowing what else was there to say. She nodded, seeming pleased with that. She went to say more when Elijah walked in and graced us with his presence.

He was dressed in blue jeans that hung lazily on his hip, and there was no shirt to cover his bare chest. My eyes lingered on his naked chest longer then necessary. The ink covering his body always seemed to interest me, it was so fascinating and somehow suited him perfect.

"What's going on here?" Faith smiled and stood, making her way over to him.

"Gabby was just telling me about you, that's all." Elijah raised a brow at her. He then looked at me and I looked away, not having the energy to care.

"Was she now?" His intense gaze had me shifting in my seat. I tried not to make eye contact, not wanting him to see how uncomfortable he was making me. "And what was it she was saying?"

"Nothing really, she's very sweet." She said sounding so sincere. He didn't even acknowledge her, his eyes never leaving me. "Let's go, I think dinner's ready." Faith budded in, feeling the tension that was slowly rising.

We did just that.

I thanked the cooks as they placed the vast amount of food on the table. Not waiting I began eating quietly. Faith was good to keep conversation going and keep Elijah busy. At one point I could feel eyes burning into my head, I didn't dare look up.

"Gabby, what is it you do for a living?" Faith asked suddenly. I met her gaze and smiled.

"I own a bakery."

"You must miss it."

I nodded. "I do,"

"Were you involved with anyone before Elijah?"

"No..." I answered slowly, not understanding why she would need to know something so intimate.

"Like no one? No one at all?" Elijah only watched silently. "Oh, that's... strange."

"Is there a reason you're asking me this?"

"I'm just trying to understand you that's all. You're gorgeous, I get that. But I don't understand why Elijah would go through the extent of keeping you here, unless you truly want to be here with him." She said so sweetly, but I could see the fire in her eyes. I stayed silent. "I didn't mean to offend you, I was curious. I'm sorry if I pride too far." I didn't respond and went back to eating. Nothing more was said.

That night as I was more then ready to go to sleep, Elijah walked in to my surprise. He went into the bathroom without so much as glancing my way. I waited tensely. All too soon he walked out of the bathroom, he got into bed without a word and pulled me to his chest.

"Why do you do that?" He closed his eyes, ignoring me completely. "Do I not disgust you? You hold me so close during the night then tell me how much I revolt you later." No answer.

I sighed. "You can be so confusing." Again he did not answer. He only caressed my hair ever so softly. I felt my eyes becoming heavy and I found myself falling into a deep slumber.